{ GENERATO.PAS } { } { Author: FURBY } { Date : 20.05.2006 http://www.trsek.com } program generator; uses crt; var c,p,dch,pp,cp:real; chcem:real; heslo:text; begin assign(heslo,'HESLO.txt'); ReWrite(heslo); writeln(heslo,'Vygenerovane heslo je: '); ClrScr; gotoxy(20,12); writeln('Program na generovanie hesiel...PRESS ANY KEY'); gotoxy(1,25); textcolor(12); write('Software by FURBY'); textcolor(15); readkey; repeat ClrScr; writeln('1-generovat iba cisla 2-generovat cisla aj pismena 3-generovat iba pismena'); gotoxy(25,12); write('Stlac cislo moznosti a ENTER: '); readln(chcem); pp:=0; if chcem>3 then begin gotoxy(32,13); writeln('NESPRAVNY PRIKAZ!'); readkey; end; if chcem<1 then begin gotoxy(32,13); writeln('NESPRAVNY PRIKAZ!'); readkey; end; until (chcem>0) and (chcem<4); if chcem=1 then begin repeat Clrscr; writeln('Tvoj vyber: iba cisla...'); write('Zadaj dlzku hesla (max.1000): '); readln(dch); until (dch>0) and (dch<1001); repeat randomize; c:=random(10); write(c:1:0); write(heslo,c:1:0); delay(70); pp:=pp+1; until pp=dch; end; if chcem=2 then begin repeat ClrScr; writeln('Tvoj vyber: cisla a pismena...'); write('Zadaj dlzku hesla (max.1000): '); readln(dch); until (dch>0) and (dch<1001); repeat randomize; cp:=random(2)+1; if cp=1 then begin c:=random(10); write(c:1:0); write(heslo,c:1:0); delay(70); pp:=pp+1; end; if cp=2 then begin p:=random(26)+1; if p=1 then begin write('A'); write(heslo,'A'); end; if p=2 then begin write('B'); write(heslo,'B'); end; if p=3 then begin write('C'); write(heslo,'C'); end; if p=4 then begin write('D'); write(heslo,'D'); end; if p=5 then begin write('E'); write(heslo,'E'); end; if p=6 then begin write('F'); write(heslo,'F'); end; if p=7 then begin write('G'); write(heslo,'G'); end; if p=8 then begin write('H'); write(heslo,'H'); end; if p=9 then begin write('I'); write(heslo,'I'); end; if p=10 then begin write('J'); write(heslo,'J'); end; if p=11 then begin write('K'); write(heslo,'K'); end; if p=12 then begin write('L'); write(heslo,'L'); end; if p=13 then begin write('M'); write(heslo,'M'); end; if p=14 then begin write('N'); write(heslo,'N'); end; if p=15 then begin write('O'); write(heslo,'O'); end; if p=16 then begin write('P'); write(heslo,'P'); end; if p=17 then begin write('Q'); write(heslo,'Q'); end; if p=18 then begin write('R'); write(heslo,'R'); end; if p=19 then begin write('S'); write(heslo,'S'); end; if p=20 then begin write('T'); write(heslo,'T'); end; if p=21 then begin write('U'); write(heslo,'U'); end; if p=22 then begin write('V'); write(heslo,'V'); end; if p=23 then begin write('W'); write(heslo,'W'); end; if p=24 then begin write('X'); write(heslo,'X'); end; if p=25 then begin write('Y'); write(heslo,'Y'); end; if p=26 then begin write('Z'); write(heslo,'Z'); end; delay(70); pp:=pp+1; end; until dch=pp; end; { if chcem=2 } if chcem=3 then begin repeat ClrScr; writeln('Tvoj vyber: iba pismena...'); writeln('Zadaj dlzku hesla (max.1000): '); readln(dch); until (dch>0) and (dch<1001); repeat p:=random(26)+1; if p=1 then begin write('A'); write(heslo,'A'); end; if p=2 then begin write('B'); write(heslo,'B'); end; if p=3 then begin write('C'); write(heslo,'C'); end; if p=4 then begin write('D'); write(heslo,'D'); end; if p=5 then begin write('E'); write(heslo,'E'); end; if p=6 then begin write('F'); write(heslo,'F'); end; if p=7 then begin write('G'); write(heslo,'G'); end; if p=8 then begin write('H'); write(heslo,'H'); end; if p=9 then begin write('I'); write(heslo,'I'); end; if p=10 then begin write('J'); write(heslo,'J'); end; if p=11 then begin write('K'); write(heslo,'K'); end; if p=12 then begin write('L'); write(heslo,'L'); end; if p=13 then begin write('M'); write(heslo,'M'); end; if p=14 then begin write('N'); write(heslo,'N'); end; if p=15 then begin write('O'); write(heslo,'O'); end; if p=16 then begin write('P'); write(heslo,'P'); end; if p=17 then begin write('Q'); write(heslo,'Q'); end; if p=18 then begin write('R'); write(heslo,'R'); end; if p=19 then begin write('S'); write(heslo,'S'); end; if p=20 then begin write('T'); write(heslo,'T'); end; if p=21 then begin write('U'); write(heslo,'U'); end; if p=22 then begin write('V'); write(heslo,'V'); end; if p=23 then begin write('W'); write(heslo,'W'); end; if p=24 then begin write('X'); write(heslo,'X'); end; if p=25 then begin write('Y'); write(heslo,'Y'); end; if p=26 then begin write('Z'); write(heslo,'Z'); end; pp:=pp+1; delay(70); until pp=dch; end; writeln; writeln('Heslo bolo ulozene v textovom subore s nazvom HESLO.TXT, vedla programu'); gotoxy(34,12); writeln('PRESS ANY KEY...'); delay(500); gotoxy(1,25); textcolor(12); write('Software by FURBY'); writeln(heslo,' '); writeln(heslo,'Software by FURBY'); textcolor(15); Close(heslo); readkey; end.