{ TLACIARE.PAS } { } { Author: Gabriel Staron } { Date : 15.02.1997 http://www.trsek.com } PROGRAM _g_ext602; uses crt,dos; var f,t,l,d : text; su,st,sd : string; ch,a : char; nd,maz : boolean; x,y,i : integer; procedure obrazovka; var i:integer; begin clrscr; for i:=2 to 79 do begin gotoxy(i,1);write('Í'); gotoxy(i,24);write('Í'); end; for i:=2 to 23 do begin gotoxy(1,i);write('º'); gotoxy(80,i);write('º'); end; gotoxy( 1, 1);write('É'); gotoxy(80, 1);write('»'); gotoxy( 1,24);write('È'); gotoxy(80,24);write('¼'); gotoxy(1,25); write('F1-pomoc F2-prepis F3-tlac text F4-tlac subor F5-otvorit F6-dopisat ESC-koniec'); end; begin obrazovka; x:=3;y:=2; nd:=false; repeat gotoxy(x,y); ch:=readkey; if not(ch=#0) then begin write(ch); x:=x+1; if x>79 then y:=y+1; gotoxy(x,y); end; if (ch=#0) then begin maz:=true; ch:=readkey; gotoxy(2,y);write('¯'); if (ch='H') then begin y:=y-1;maz:=false;end; { hore } if (ch='P') then begin y:=y+1;maz:=false;end; { dole } if (ch='K') then begin x:=x-1;maz:=false;end; { vlavo } if (ch='M') then begin x:=x+1;maz:=false;end; { vpravo } if (y< 2) then y:=2; if (y>23) then y:=23; gotoxy(2,y);write('¯'); { F2 } if (ch='<') then begin obrazovka; gotoxy(1,25); write('Napis text, ktory chces zapisat do suboru(text.txt):'); gotoxy(3,2);readln(su); gotoxy(3,3);writeln('Naozaj to chces zapisat? a/n'); readln(a); if (a='a') then begin assign(t,'subor.txt'); rewrite(t); writeln(t,su); close(t); end; end; { F3 } if (ch='=') then begin gotoxy(3,2);writeln('Napis, co mas na srdci tlacit:'); gotoxy(3,3);readln(st); gotoxy(3,4);writeln('Naozaj to chces tlacit? a/n'); readln(a); if (a='a') then begin assign(f,'lpt1'); rewrite(f); writeln(f,st); close(f); end; end; { F4 } if (ch='>') then begin writeln('Naozaj tento subor vytlacit? a/n'); readln(a); if (a='a') then begin assign(f,'lpt1'); rewrite(f); Assign(t,'subor.txt'); ReSet(t); repeat Readln(t,su); Writeln(f,su); until (Eof(t)); close(f); close(t); end; end; { F5 } if (ch='?') then begin assign(l,'subor.txt'); reset(l); readln(l,st); close(l); gotoxy(3,2);writeln('Tu je text:',st); reset(l); gotoxy(3,3);writeln('Naozaj to chces vidiet? a/n'); readln(a); if (a='a') then begin obrazovka; i:=1; Repeat readln(l,st); inc(i); gotoxy(3,i);writeln(st); until (eof(l) or (i>22)); close(l); end; maz:=false; end; { F6 } if (ch='@') then begin obrazovka; gotoxy(3,2); writeln('Tu napis text na dopisanie suboru:'); assign(d,'subor.txt'); gotoxy(3,3);readln(sd); gotoxy(3,4);writeln('Naozaj to chces zapisat? a/n'); readln(a); if (a='a') then begin append(d); writeln(d,sd); close(d); end; end; { F7 } if (ch='A') then nd:=true; if maz then obrazovka; end; until ((ch=#27) or nd); end.