{ matice.pas } { Nasobenie 2 matic. } { } { Author: „uboč Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 http://www.trsek.com } program vynasobmatice; uses Crt; var riadok,stlpec,x,y,z,r1,s1,r2,s2,r3,s3:integer; m1,m2,m3:array[1..15,1..15]of integer; begin textbackground(0);textcolor(lightblue);clrscr; window(10,10,67,14);textbackground(2);clrscr; writeln('Zadaj pocet riadkov a stlpcov prvej matice'); {nacitanie dat} readln(r1,s1); r2:=s1; window(12,12,55,15);textbackground(4);clrscr; writeln('Zadaj pocet stlpcov druhej matice'); readln(s2); r3:=r1; s3:=s2; writeln('Zadavaj prvky matice 1 po riadkoch:'); {1. matica} window(2,2,8+r1*5,3+s1);textbackground(3);clrscr; for x:=1 to r1 do begin for y:=1 to s1 do begin gotoxy(y*6-5,x+1); readln(m1[x,y]); end; end; writeln(''); window(12,12,55,15);textbackground(4);clrscr; writeln('Zadavaj prvky matice 2 po riadkoch:'); {2. matica} window(10+s1*5,2,10+s1*5+s2*5,4+r2);textbackground(3);clrscr; for x:=1 to r2 do begin for y:=1 to s2 do begin gotoxy(y*6-5,x+1); readln(m2[x,y]); end; end; window(13,11,59,18);textbackground(magenta);clrscr; writeln('');writeln('Vynasobenim tychto matic vznikne matica:');writeln(''); for x:=1 to r1 do begin for y:=1 to s2 do begin m3[x,y]:=0; for z:=1 to s1 do m3[x,y]:=m3[x,y]+m1[x,z]*m2[z,y]; write(m3[x,y],' '); end; writeln(' '); end; writeln('');writeln('Stlac akukolvek klavesu'); repeat until keypressed; end.