{ pvm.pas } { Aka je pravdepodobnost, ze prieskumy verejnej mienky maju interval} { spolahlivosti 2%? Riesenie simulaciou. } { Alokuje sa 8 * 50000 byte (= 3.200.000 volicov), nahodne vypln } { jednickami, aby ich bolo 25% (to je skumany jav), potom vyberaj } { vzorky po 1.000 kusoch a skumaj, ci vzorka obsahuje jednicky } { v intervale 23 - 27 %. Zaznamenaj pocet takychto vzoriek. } { } { Author: ¥ubo¹ Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 http://www.trsek.com } program Prieskumy_verejnej_mienky; uses Crt; const PResp=1000; {pocet respondentov prieskumu} type TPole=array[0..49999] of byte; var p:array[0..7] of ^TPole; ch:char; i,j:integer; l,m,n:longint; Segment,Offset,Bit:word; Suma,Vedla:real; f:file; Trefa:boolean; BEGIN ClrScr; for i:=0 to 7 do GetMem(p[i],50000); repeat WriteLn(#13#10'Program PVM'#13#10'Hlavne menu:'#13#10'------------'#13#10#13#10+ '1 - generovanie nazorov obyvatelstva (3.200.000 volicov)'#13#10+ '2 - vypocet pravdepodobnosti, ze prieskum ma odchylku 2%'#13#10+ '0 - koniec programu'); repeat ch:=ReadKey; until ch in ['1','2','0']; case ch of '1':begin { ----- inicializacia generovania vzorky ----- } Randomize; Write('Inicializujem (9) : '); for Segment:=0 to 7 do begin Write('°'); for Offset:=0 to 49999 do p[Segment]^[Offset]:=0; {mazanie} end; { ----- nahodne generovanie ----- } Write('°'#13#10'Generujem nazory (8): '); for Segment:=0 to 7 do begin for Offset:=0 to 49999 do for Bit:=0 to 7 do if Random(4)=0 then Inc(p[Segment]^[Offset],1 shl Bit); Write('Ë>'); end; { ----- kontrola ----- } Write(#13#10'Kontrola nazorov (8): '); l:=0; for Segment:=0 to 7 do begin for Offset:=0 to 49999 do for Bit:=0 to 7 do if p[Segment]^[Offset] and (1 shl Bit)>0 then Inc(l); Write('±'); end; WriteLn(' ',l,' z 3200000 su za (1), ost. proti (0)'); { ----- dopracovanie vzorky ----- } Write('Dopracuvam nazory...'); if l<800000 then { pridanie jednotiek } for m:=1 to 800000-l do repeat Trefa:=False; Segment:=Random(8); Offset:=Random(50000); Bit:=Random(8); if p[Segment]^[Offset] and (1 shl Bit)=0 then begin Inc(p[Segment]^[Offset],1 shl Bit); Trefa:=True; end; until Trefa; if l>800000 then { odobratie jednotiek } for m:=1 to l-800000 do repeat Trefa:=False; Segment:=Random(8); Offset:=Random(50000); Bit:=Random(8); if p[Segment]^[Offset] and (1 shl Bit)>0 then begin Dec(p[Segment]^[Offset],1 shl Bit); Trefa:=True; end; until Trefa; { ----- 2. kontrola ----- } Write(#13#10'Kontrola nazorov (8): '); l:=0; for Segment:=0 to 7 do begin for Offset:=0 to 49999 do for Bit:=0 to 7 do if p[Segment]^[Offset] and (1 shl Bit)>0 then Inc(l); Write('±'); end; WriteLn(' ',l,' z 3200000 su jednotky'); { ----- zapis vzorky ----- } Writeln('Zapisujem nazory ... '); Assign(f,'vzorka.dat'); Reset(f,50000); for i:=0 to 7 do BlockWrite(f,p[i]^,1); Close(f); WriteLn('Nazory boli uspesne vygenerovane.'); end; {case 1} { ----- prieskumy ----- } '2':begin Assign(f,'vzorka.dat'); { citanie vzorky } Reset(f,50000); for i:=0 to 7 do BlockRead(f,p[i]^,1); Close(f); Randomize; WriteLn('Kolko prieskumov vykonat?'); ReadLn(n); Write('Prebieha vypocet (10): '); Vedla:=0; for l:=1 to n do begin Suma:=0; for i:=1 to PResp do begin Segment:=Random(8); Offset:=Random(50000); Bit:=Random(8); if p[Segment]^[Offset] and (1 shl Bit)>0 then Suma:=Suma+1; end; if (SumaPResp*0.27) then Vedla:=Vedla+1; if l mod (n div 10)=0 then Write('°'); end; WriteLn(#13#10'Dobrych prieskumov bolo ',100-100*Vedla/n:0:2,' percent.'); end; end; {case} until ch='0'; { ----- ukoncenie programu ----- } WriteLn(#13#10' MukoSoft zaklad programu pre zistenie pravdepodobnosti, ze prieskum'+ #13#10'na vzorke 0.03 % pri rozlozeni nazorov 25 % / 75 % dosiahne interval'+ #13#10'spolahlivosti 2 %.'); for i:=0 to 7 do FreeMem(p[i],50000); END.