{ scitanie.pas } { Scitanie dvoch cisel s pozadovanou presnostou definovanou pri } { preklade. } { } { Author: Ľuboš Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 http://www.trsek.com } program scitanie; {scitava so zadanou presnostou} const presnost=10; var op1,op2,vystup,vysl:array[1..presnost] of shortint; x,y1,suc,y2:integer; s:string; procedure Prevod; {prevedie retazec na cislo v pozadovanom tvare} var pom,err,dlz,odc:integer; { a osetri chyby} begin odc:=0; if s[1]='-' then begin {osetrenie odcitania} s[1]:='0'; odc:=1; end; for x:=1 to presnost do vystup[x]:=0; err:=0;dlz:=length(s);pom:=presnost+1-dlz; while (pom',' then Val(s[pom-presnost+dlz],vystup[pom],err) else vystup[pom]:=126; Inc(pom); end; if odc=1 then for x:=1 to presnost do vystup[x]:=-vystup[x]; if err>0 then begin writeln('Chybne zadané číslo!!!'); vystup[1]:=127; end; end; procedure Vypis; {vypise vysledok na obrazovku} var prvy,y:integer; begin writeln; if y2>y1 then y:=y2; if y1>y2 then y:=y1; if y1=y2 then y:=0; prvy:=presnost; for x:=presnost downto 1 do if vysl[x]<>0 then prvy:=x; for x:=prvy to y-1 do write(vysl[x]); write(','); for x:=y to presnost do write(vysl[x]); writeln; end; BEGIN { ------- Zacina samotny program ------ } repeat writeln('Zadaj operand #1'); readln(s); Prevod; until vystup[1]<127; move(vystup,op1,sizeof(op1)); repeat writeln('Zadaj operand #2'); readln(s); Prevod; until vystup[1]<127; move(vystup,op2,sizeof(op2)); {Rutina osetrujuca desatinnu ciarku} y1:=0;y2:=0; for x:=presnost downto 1 do begin if op1[x]=126 then y1:=x; if op2[x]=126 then y2:=x; end; if y1>0 then begin for x:=y1 downto 2 do op1[x]:=op1[x-1]; op1[1]:=0; end; if y2>0 then begin for x:=y2 downto 2 do op2[x]:=op2[x-1]; op2[1]:=0; end; if y1<>y2 then begin if y1>y2 then begin for x:=y1-y2 to presnost-y1+y2 do op1[x]:=op1[x+y1-y2]; op1[presnost]:=0; end; if y2>y1 then begin for x:=y2-y1 to presnost-y2+y1 do op2[x]:=op2[x+y2-y1]; op2[presnost]:=0; end; end; {Zacina rutina pre scitanie a odcitanie} for x:=1 to presnost do vysl[x]:=0; for x:=presnost downto 1 do begin suc:=op1[x]+op2[x]; if suc>9 then begin {pretecenie pri scitani} vysl[x-1]:=1; suc:=suc-10; end; if suc<0 then begin {podtecenie pri odcitani} suc:=suc+10; vysl[x-1]:=-1; end; vysl[x]:=vysl[x]+suc; end; Vypis; readln; END.