Procedure RollSetup; Var I,A: Byte; Begin For I:=0 to 2 do Begin Valec[I].Rotate:=True; Valec[I].Scroll:=0; Slow[I].Mode:=0; End; For I:=1 to 5 do WinConf.Vyhra[I]:=False; For I:=1 to 9 do WinConf.Symbol[I]:=0; Valec[0].Counter:=239+Random(7)*24; Valec[1].Counter:=479+Random(7)*24; Valec[2].Counter:=719+Random(7)*24; {SlowDown Valce} A:=Random(2); If A=0 then Begin Randomize; A:=Random(3); For I:=0 to A do Slow[Random(3)].Mode:=1; End; For I:=0 to 2 do If Slow[I].Mode=1 then Inc(Valec[I].Counter,720); {Odstraneni Vyhry} WildJoker:=False; Vyhra.Castka:=0; PreValec[0].Counter:=Valec[0].Counter; PreValec[1].Counter:=Valec[1].Counter; PreValec[2].Counter:=Valec[2].Counter; For I:=0 to 2 do Begin PreValec[I].SymbolCounter:=Valec[I].SymbolCounter; For A:=0 to 4 do PreValec[I].Symbol[A]:=Valec[I].Symbol[A]; PreValec[I].Rotate:=True; PreValec[I].Scroll:=0; End; AllStopedPre:=False; Repeat RollPre; Until AllStopedPre=True; BezEfektu:=True; WinBude:=False; TestWin; If WinBude=True then Begin Obtiznost:=Random(65535); If Lista[0].Enable=True then Begin If Bet=2 then Begin If Obtiznost>=DatRec.Nahoda[0] then {8192} For I:=0 to 2 do Inc(Valec[I].Counter,Random((4)+1)*24); End; If Bet=4 then Begin If Obtiznost>=DatRec.Nahoda[1] then {32000} For I:=0 to 2 do Inc(Valec[I].Counter,Random((4)+1)*24); End End; If Lista[1].Enable=True then Begin If Obtiznost>=DatRec.Nahoda[2] then {20000} For I:=0 to 2 do Inc(Valec[I].Counter,Random((4)+1)*24); End; End; BezEfektu:=False; For I:=0 to 2 do Begin Valec[I].SymbolCounter:=PreValec[I].SymbolCounter; For A:=0 to 4 do Valec[I].Symbol[A]:=PreValec[I].Symbol[A]; End; RiskSpeed:=2; RiskSpeedCounter:=3; RiskSPDCounter:=2; SoundValce:=0; WildJoker:=False; Vyhra.Castka:=0; End;