Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Function EnterStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=80*2) and (GetMouseX<=240*2) and (GetMouseY>=40) and (GetMouseY<=104) and (GetButton1=1)) then EnterStiskly1:=1 else EnterStiskly1:=0; End; Function AutostartStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=0*2) and (GetMouseX<=62*2) and (GetMouseY>=185) and (GetMouseY<=199) and (GetButton1=1)) then AutostartStiskly1:=1 else AutostartStiskly1:=0; End; Function StartStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=64*2) and (GetMouseX<=103*2) and (GetMouseY>=185) and (GetMouseY<=199) and (GetButton1=1)) then StartStiskly1:=1 else StartStiskly1:=0; End; Function WinGambleStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=105*2) and (GetMouseX<=144*2) and (GetMouseY>=185) and (GetMouseY<=199) and (GetButton1=1)) then WinGambleStiskly1:=1 else WinGambleStiskly1:=0; End; Function VsaditStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=146*2) and (GetMouseX<=185*2) and (GetMouseY>=185) and (GetMouseY<=199) and (GetButton1=1)) then VsaditStiskly1:=1 else VsaditStiskly1:=0; End; Function DoMultiwinuStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=187*2) and (GetMouseX<=237*2) and (GetMouseY>=185) and (GetMouseY<=199) and (GetButton1=1)) then DoMultiwinuStiskly1:=1 else DoMultiwinuStiskly1:=0; End; Function HlavaStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=239*2) and (GetMouseX<=278*2) and (GetMouseY>=185) and (GetMouseY<=199) and (GetButton1=1)) then HlavaStiskly1:=1 else HlavaStiskly1:=0; End; Function OrelStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=280*2) and (GetMouseX<=319*2) and (GetMouseY>=185) and (GetMouseY<=199) and (GetButton1=1)) then OrelStiskly1:=1 else OrelStiskly1:=0; End; Function VybratCreditStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=220*2) and (GetMouseX<=270*2) and (GetMouseY>=44) and (GetMouseY<=59) and (GetButton1=1)) then VybratCreditStiskly1:=1 else VybratCreditStiskly1:=0; End; Function VybratMultiwinStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=220*2) and (GetMouseX<=270*2) and (GetMouseY>=62) and (GetMouseY<=76) and (GetButton1=1)) then VybratMultiwinStiskly1:=1 else VybratMultiwinStiskly1:=0; End; Function PadesatStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=272*2) and (GetMouseX<=278*2) and (GetMouseY>=44) and (GetMouseY<=83) and (GetButton1=1)) then PadesatStiskly1:=1 else PadesatStiskly1:=0; End; Function PetSetStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=279*2) and (GetMouseX<=281*2) and (GetMouseY>=42) and (GetMouseY<=60) and (GetButton1=1)) then PetSetStiskly1:=1 else PetSetStiskly1:=0; End; Function TisicStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=279*2) and (GetMouseX<=281*2) and (GetMouseY>=61) and (GetMouseY<=78) and (GetButton1=1)) then TisicStiskly1:=1 else TisicStiskly1:=0; End; Function PeStiskly1: Byte; Begin If ((GetMouseX>=260*2) and (GetMouseX<=300*2) and (GetMouseY>=60) and (GetMouseY<=80) and (GetButton1=1)) then PeStiskly1:=1 else PeStiskly1:=0; End;