Hra na utek
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Kategória: KMP (Klub mladých programátorov)
Autor: Ivan Rebo
Program: Utek.pas, Readme.txt, Ed.pas, Hp.pas, Hpu.pas, Ivo.pas, Pismo.pas, Pouzi.pas, Prezri.pas, Rutins.pas, Setup.pas, Txtp.pas, Unpack.pas, Utek.pas, Vezmi.pas, Instal.pas, Makeins.pas, Xla.pas, Riki.txt, Uvod.txt
Súbor exe: Utek.exe, Ed.exe, Setup.exe
Potrebné: Mods.obj, Utek-working-dos.7z
Autor: Ivan Rebo
Program: Utek.pas, Readme.txt, Ed.pas, Hp.pas, Hpu.pas, Ivo.pas, Pismo.pas, Pouzi.pas, Prezri.pas, Rutins.pas, Setup.pas, Txtp.pas, Unpack.pas, Utek.pas, Vezmi.pas, Instal.pas, Makeins.pas, Xla.pas, Riki.txt, Uvod.txt
Súbor exe: Utek.exe, Ed.exe, Setup.exe
Potrebné: Mods.obj, Utek-working-dos.7z
Hra utek so zvukom na COVOX pre velmi stare pocitace.
{ RUTINS.PAS Copyright (c) Ivan Rebo } { } { } { Author: Ivan Rebo } { Datum: 20.01.1995 } {$a+,g+,B-,E-,I-,N-,O-,Q-,R-,S-,T-} {$l-,y-,d-} unit rutins; INTERFACE uses crt; type typ1poi=array [1..64000] of byte; typ1=^typ1poi; fonttyppo=array [1..10000] of byte; fonttyp=^fonttyppo; typstrpo=array [0..255] of string[20]; typstr=^typstrpo; typ2po=array [1..64786] of byte; typ2=^typ2po; palettpo=array [1..768] of byte; palett=^palettpo; var font:fonttyp; predstr:array [0..40] of string[20]; predm:array [1..40] of boolean; hlava:array[30..81] of byte; tmp:typ2; myska:array[1..400] of byte; sprites:typ1; predmal:array [1..40] of boolean; t:text; predreal:array [1..40] of byte; f:file; obrazok:typ1; fontpoi,tmppoi,strpoi,obrpoi,pallpoi,spritpoi,mappoi:pointer; paletta:palett; playing,soundis,win,pisat:boolean; strings:typstr; oldkurz,xpov,ypov:word; meno,temp,prikaz,predmet,sprloaded:string[20]; key,k,xr,yr,har,izba,kl,cast,riad:byte; mapa:typ1; speed,cfg,a,b,c,d,e,m,o,s,predme,xsiz,ysiz,x2,y2:word; palletspri:array [1..138] of byte; x,y:word; Lave,Stredne,Prave:boolean; procedure endee2; procedure ende; procedure thend; procedure loadspr(meno:string); procedure newspr(meno:string); procedure kurzor(kurz:byte); procedure nuluj; procedure paleta; procedure pis(xx,yy:word;a:string); procedure setsound; procedure mapaspod; procedure zobrazpred; procedure loadobrcele(nam:string); procedure loadroom(meno:string); procedure endee; procedure zobraz; procedure closewin; procedure loadobr(nam:string); procedure say(cis,cis2:word;sss:string); procedure zobrazcele; procedure tl(ku:byte); procedure endeee; procedure depack(siz:word;var pop:pointer); procedure tloff; procedure asminit; procedure testinit; procedure zmaz; procedure hc; procedure sc; procedure pauza(del:word); procedure menusvetlo; procedure zmazcele; procedure zmazcelemapa(bu,du:word); procedure ob(poce:byte); procedure zm(poce:byte); procedure obcele(poce:byte); procedure zmcele(poce:byte); procedure obfont(poce:byte); procedure zmfont(poce:byte); procedure tmav; procedure tmavcele; procedure kabsvetlo; procedure movepal(s,o:word); function memo:longint; procedure Stav; procedure Umiestni(x,y:word); function keypressed:boolean; PROCEDURE INITSOUND(DEV,sp:integer;MODUL:STRING); PROCEDURE STOPSOUND; implementation {$L MODS.OBJ} {$F+} PROCEDURE MODVOLUME(V1,V2,V3,V4:INTEGER); EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE MODSETUP(VAR STATUS:INTEGER; DEVICE,MIXSPEED,PRO,LOOP:INTEGER; VAR STR:STRING); EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE MODSTOP; EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE MODINIT; EXTERNAL; {$F-} PROCEDURE INITSOUND(DEV,sp:integer; MODUL:STRING); const prot:array [1..4] of byte=(ord('M'),ord('.'),ord('K'),ord('.')); var stat:integer;po:byte; BEGIN MODINIT; MODVOLUME(255,255,255,255); chdir('music'); if IOResult <> 0 then begin writeln('Neviem najst hudbu.');halt(1);end; assign(f,modul);reset(f,1);close(f); if IOResult <> 0 then begin writeln('Neviem najst hudbu.');halt(1);end; assign(f,modul);reset(f,1);seek(f,1080);blockwrite(f,prot,4); close(f); MODSETUP(STAT,DEV,sp,0,0,MODUL); assign(f,modul);reset(f,1);close(f); if IOResult <> 0 then begin writeln('Neviem najst hudbu.');halt(1);end; assign(f,modul);reset(f,1);seek(f,1080); po:=random(250);blockwrite(f,po,1);po:=random(250);blockwrite(f,po,1); po:=random(250);blockwrite(f,po,1);po:=random(250);blockwrite(f,po,1); close(f);chdir('..'); if stat <> 0 then begin asm mov ax,3;int 10h;end; CASE STAT OF 1: WRITELN('Neviem najst hudbu !'); 2: writeln('Already playing ...'); 4: writeln('Malo pamati !'); end; halt(1); END; playing:=true; END; PROCEDURE STOPSOUND; BEGIN MODSTOP; playing:=false; END; var bufpal:array[0..767] of byte; zalpal:array[0..767] of byte; o2,s2,poc:word; procedure mapaspod; begin move(sprites^[35200],mapa^[49600],14400); end; function memo:longint; var ivo:word; ii:longint; begin asm mov ah,48h mov bx,$ffff int 21h mov ivo,bx end; ii:=ivo; memo:=ii*16; end; function keypressed:boolean; begin if memw[0:$41a]<>memw[0:$41c] then keypressed:=true else keypressed:=false;end; procedure paleta1;assembler; label loop1; asm mov cx,210 mov dx,$3C8 mov ax,s mov es,ax mov di,o xor bl,bl loop1: mov al,bl out dx,al inc bl inc dx mov al,[es:di] out dx,al inc di mov al,[es:di] out dx,al inc di mov al,[es:di] out dx,al inc di dec dx loop loop1 end; procedure paletacele;assembler; label loop1; asm mov cx,256 mov dx,$3C8 mov ax,s mov es,ax mov di,o xor bl,bl loop1: mov al,bl out dx,al inc bl inc dx mov al,[es:di] out dx,al inc di mov al,[es:di] out dx,al inc di mov al,[es:di] out dx,al inc di dec dx loop loop1 end; procedure zz;assembler; label hore,dole; asm push ds mov poc,0 mov cx,630 xor bx,bx hore: mov si,o mov ds,s add si,bx mov es,s2 mov di,o2 add di,bx mov dh,[ds:si] cmp dh,1 jnge dole mov di,o add di,bx mov es,s mov ax,[es:di] dec ax mov [es:di],ax inc poc dole: inc bx loop hore pop ds end; procedure oo;assembler; label hore,dole; asm push ds mov poc,0 mov cx,630 xor bx,bx hore: mov si,o mov ds,s add si,bx mov es,s2 mov di,o2 add di,bx mov dh,[ds:si] mov dl,[es:di] cmp dh,dl je dole mov di,o add di,bx mov es,s mov ax,[es:di] inc ax mov [es:di],ax inc poc dole: inc bx loop hore pop ds end; procedure zzcele;assembler; label hore,dole; asm push ds mov poc,0 mov cx,768 xor bx,bx hore: mov si,o mov ds,s add si,bx mov es,s2 mov di,o2 add di,bx mov dh,[ds:si] cmp dh,1 jnge dole mov di,o add di,bx mov es,s mov ax,[es:di] dec ax mov [es:di],ax inc poc dole: inc bx loop hore pop ds end; procedure oocele;assembler; label hore,dole; asm push ds mov poc,0 mov cx,768 xor bx,bx hore: mov si,o mov ds,s add si,bx mov es,s2 mov di,o2 add di,bx mov dh,[ds:si] mov dl,[es:di] cmp dh,dl je dole mov di,o add di,bx mov es,s mov ax,[es:di] inc ax mov [es:di],ax inc poc dole: inc bx loop hore pop ds end; procedure zzfont;assembler; label hore,dole; asm push ds mov poc,0 mov cx,138 mov bx,630 hore: mov si,o mov ds,s add si,bx mov es,s2 mov di,o2 add di,bx mov dh,[ds:si] cmp dh,1 jnge dole mov di,o add di,bx mov es,s mov ax,[es:di] dec ax mov [es:di],ax inc poc dole: inc bx loop hore pop ds end; procedure oofont;assembler; label hore,dole; asm push ds mov poc,0 mov cx,138 mov bx,630 hore: mov si,o mov ds,s add si,bx mov es,s2 mov di,o2 add di,bx mov dh,[ds:si] mov dl,[es:di] cmp dh,dl je dole mov di,o add di,bx mov es,s mov ax,[es:di] inc ax mov [es:di],ax inc poc dole: inc bx loop hore pop ds end; procedure tmav; begin for d:=0 to 629 do bufpal[d]:=0; o:=ofs(bufpal); s:=seg(bufpal); paleta1; end; procedure tmavcele; begin for d:=0 to 767 do bufpal[d]:=0; o:=ofs(bufpal); s:=seg(bufpal); paletacele; end; procedure getpal; begin asm mov ah,10h mov al,17h mov bx,0 mov cx,256 int 10h mov s,es mov o,dx end; move(ptr(s,o)^,bufpal,768); move(ptr(s,o)^,zalpal,768); end; procedure movepal(s,o:word); begin move(ptr(s,o)^,bufpal,768); move(ptr(s,o)^,zalpal,768); end; procedure zm(poce:byte); begin o:=ofs(bufpal); s:=seg(bufpal); o2:=ofs(zalpal); s2:=seg(zalpal); if poce=0 then repeat zz;paleta1;delay(20); until poc=0 else repeat for d:=1 to poce do zz; paleta1; until poc=0; end; procedure ob(poce:byte); label dole,hore; begin o:=ofs(bufpal); s:=seg(bufpal); o2:=ofs(zalpal); s2:=seg(zalpal); if poce=0 then repeat oo;paleta1;delay(20); until poc=0 else repeat for d:=1 to poce do oo; paleta1; until poc=0; end; procedure zmcele(poce:byte); begin o:=ofs(bufpal); s:=seg(bufpal); o2:=ofs(zalpal); s2:=seg(zalpal); if poce=0 then repeat zzcele;paletacele;delay(20); until poc=0 else repeat for d:=1 to poce do zzcele; paletacele; until poc=0; end; procedure obcele(poce:byte); label dole,hore; begin o:=ofs(bufpal); s:=seg(bufpal); o2:=ofs(zalpal); s2:=seg(zalpal); if poce=0 then repeat oocele;paletacele;delay(20); until poc=0 else repeat for d:=1 to poce do oocele; paletacele; until poc=0; end; procedure zmfont(poce:byte); begin o:=ofs(bufpal); s:=seg(bufpal); o2:=ofs(zalpal); s2:=seg(zalpal); repeat zzfont;paletacele;delay(30); until poc=0 end; procedure obfont(poce:byte); label dole,hore; begin o:=ofs(bufpal); s:=seg(bufpal); o2:=ofs(zalpal); s2:=seg(zalpal); repeat oofont;paletacele;delay(30); until poc=0 end; procedure pauza(del:word); begin a:=0;repeat stav;inc(a);delay(2); until (lave)or(prave)or(keypressed)or(a=del); if prave then kl:=27; if lave then kl:=13; if keypressed then begin kl:=ord(readkey); if kl=0 then kl:=ord(readkey);end; tloff; end; procedure kabsvetlo; begin for d:=0 to 629 do bufpal[d]:=zalpal[d] div 5; paleta1; end; procedure menusvetlo; begin for d:=0 to 629 do bufpal[d]:=zalpal[d] div 2; paleta1; end; procedure ende; begin zmcele(har);zmazcele; assign(f,'code\ktoco.nnp');reset(f,1);close(f); if IOResult=0 then begin assign(f,'code\ktoco.nnp');reset(f,1);blockread(f,obrazok^,filesize(f)); depack(filesize(f),obrpoi);close(f); move(tmp^[19],paletta^,768);move(tmp^[787],obrazok^,64000); for a:=1 to 768 do paletta^[a]:=paletta^[a] div 4; for a:=1 to 255 do begin o:=paletta^[a*3+3];paletta^[a*3+3]:=paletta^[a*3+1];paletta^[a*3+1]:=o; end; movepal(seg(paletta^),ofs(paletta^));tmavcele;zobrazcele;obcele(har); repeat stav;until (lave)or(prave)or(keypressed); if keypressed then begin kl:=ord(readkey);if kl=0 then kl:=ord(readkey);end; tloff;zmcele(har);zmazcele; end; if soundis then begin if playing then stopsound;end; asm mov ax,03h int 10h end; freemem(strpoi,70*21);freemem(tmppoi,64786); freemem(spritpoi,6400);freemem(obrpoi,64000); freemem(pallpoi,64000);freemem(mappoi,64000); freemem(fontpoi,10000); writeln('Thanx for playing ! NoName Software'); halt(0); end; procedure zmaz;assembler; asm mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax xor di,di mov ax,0000h mov cx,24800 rep stosw end; procedure zmazcele;assembler; asm mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax xor di,di mov ax,0 mov cx,32768 rep stosw end; procedure zmazcelemapa(bu,du:word);assembler; asm mov ax,bu mov es,ax mov di,du mov ax,0 mov cx,32000 rep stosw end; procedure asminit;assembler; asm mov ax,13h int 10h mov ax,0 int 33h mov ax,7 mov cx,0 mov dx,319*8 int 33h mov ax,8 mov cx,0 mov dx,199*8 int 33h mov ax,$f mov cx,2 mov dx,2 int 33h end; procedure testinit; label go,go1; begin if maxavail<281000 then begin writeln;writeln; writeln('Volna : ',maxavail,' z 281000.'); writeln('Prilis malo volnej pamati. Skus dosiahnut 450 Kb volnej.'); halt(3); end; asm mov ax,$a000 xor bx,bx mov es,ax mov di,0 mov ax,$1b00 int 10h cmp al,$1b je go1 end; writeln;writeln; writeln('VGA karta nenajdena. Sorry.'); halt(2); go1: asm xor ax,ax int 33h cmp ax,$ffff je go end; writeln;writeln; writeln('Nenajdeny ovladac mysky !'); halt(2); go: end; procedure hc;assembler; asm mov ah,1 mov ch,$20 int 10h end; procedure sc;assembler; asm mov ah,1 mov ch,3 mov cl,4 int 10h end; procedure Stav; var tlac:word; begin asm mov ax,3 int 33h mov x,cx mov y,dx mov tlac,bx end; x:=x div 8; y:=y div 8; Lave:=boolean(tlac and 1); Stredne:=boolean(tlac and 4); Prave:=boolean(tlac and 2); end; procedure Umiestni(x,y:word);assembler; asm mov cx,x mov dx,y mov ax,4h int 33h end; {$i pismo.pas} procedure tloff; begin repeat stav; until (not lave)and(not prave); if keypressed then repeat readkey; until not keypressed; end; procedure zobrazcele;assembler; asm push ds lds si,obrazok mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax xor di,di mov cx,32768 rep movsw pop ds end; procedure endee; begin if soundis then begin if playing then stopsound;end; asm mov ax,03h int 10h end; freemem(strpoi,sizeof(strings^));freemem(tmppoi,64786); freemem(spritpoi,6400);freemem(obrpoi,64000);freemem(pallpoi,64000); freemem(mappoi,64000); freemem(fontpoi,10000);sound(1502);delay(154);nosound; writeln('Chyba - 463465:56874 - Chyba dolezity subor !!!'); writeln('Thanx for trying to play Utek ---------------------- NoName Software'); halt(0); end; procedure myson(kurzor:byte); label mensie,mensie2,loop; var kurz:byte; begin riad:=kurzor div 16; kurz:=kurzor mod 16; e:=19;if y>180 then e:=200-y-1; d:=19;if x>300 then d:=320-x-1; b:=y*320+x; for a:=0 to e do move(obrazok^[1+b+a*320],myska[a*20+1],d+1); for a:=0 to e do for c:=0 to d do if sprites^[(a+1)*320+c+2+kurz*20+riad*6400]<>0 then mem[$a000:b+a*320+c]:=sprites^[2+(a+1)*320+c+kurz*20+riad*6400]; oldkurz:=kurzor; xr:=d;yr:=e; end; procedure mysoff; begin riad:=oldkurz div 16; oldkurz:=oldkurz mod 16; for a:=0 to yr do begin if (y2+a>=y)and(y2+a<=y+yr) then begin d:=y2+a-y; for b:=0 to xr do begin if (x2+b>=x)and(x2+b<=x+xr) then begin e:=x2+b-x; c:=sprites^[e+2+(d+1)*320+riad*6400+oldkurz*20]; if c=0 then mem[$a000:y2*320+x2+a*320+b]:=myska[a*20+1+b] else mem[$a000:y2*320+x2+a*320+b]:=c; end else mem[$a000:y2*320+x2+a*320+b]:=myska[a*20+1+b]; end; end else move(myska[a*20+1],mem[$a000:y2*320+x2+a*320],xr+1); end; end; procedure mysoffall; label loop1; begin o:=ofs(myska); s:=seg(myska); asm push ds mov si,o mov ds,s mov ax,$a000 mov es,ax mov di,b xor bh,bh mov bl,xr xor ch,ch mov cl,yr inc cl mov ax,319 sub ax,bx xor bh,bh mov bl,19 sub bl,xr loop1: push cx mov cl,xr inc cx rep movsb add di,ax add si,bx pop cx loop loop1 pop ds end; end; procedure klavesi; begin kl:=ord(readkey); if chr(kl)='+' then begin if k<24 then k:=k+4 else k:=24;end; if chr(kl)='-' then begin if k>4 then k:=k-4 else k:=1;end; if kl=0 then begin kl:=ord(readkey); if ord(kl)=72 then begin stav;if y>=(k) then umiestni(x*8,(y-k)*8) else umiestni(x*8,0); end; if ord(kl)=80 then begin stav;umiestni(x*8,(y+k)*8); end; if ord(kl)=77 then begin stav;umiestni((x+k)*8,(y)*8); end; if ord(kl)=75 then begin stav; if x>=k then umiestni((x-k)*8,y*8) else umiestni(0,y*8); end; end; end; procedure kurzor(kurz:byte); begin kl:=1; stav; if pisat then begin pis(192,9,' '); if mapa^[x+y*320+1]<>0 then pis(192,9,strings^[mapa^[x+y*320+1]]); m:=mapa^[x+y*320+1]; end; c:=mapa^[x+y*320+1]; if (c<>0) then begin temp:=strings^[c]; if (temp[length(temp)]='`')and(kurz=3) then myson(1) else myson(kurz); end else myson(kurz); repeat x2:=x;y2:=y;stav;if keypressed then klavesi; if (x<>x2)or(y<>y2) then begin c:=mapa^[x+y*320+1]; if c<>0 then begin temp:=strings^[c]; if (temp[length(temp)]='`')and(kurz=3) then oldkurz:=1 else oldkurz:=kurz; end else oldkurz:=kurz; mysoff; if pisat then begin if m<>mapa^[x+y*320+1] then begin pis(192,9,' '); if mapa^[x+y*320+1]<>0 then pis(192,9,strings^[mapa^[x+y*320+1]]); end; m:=mapa^[x+y*320+1]; end; c:=mapa^[x+y*320+1]; if c<>0 then begin temp:=strings^[c]; if (temp[length(temp)]='`')and(kurz=3) then myson(1) else myson(kurz); end else myson(kurz); end; until (prave)or(lave)or(kl=13)or(kl=27)or(kl=32); mysoffall;m:=0; end; procedure tl(ku:byte); begin stav; if (lave)or(prave) then begin myson(ku); repeat x2:=x;y2:=y;stav; if (x<>x2)or(y<>y2) then begin mysoff; myson(ku); end; until (not lave)and(not prave); mysoffall; end; if keypressed then while not keypressed do begin readkey;end; end; procedure say(cis,cis2:word;sss:string); begin tl(2); pis(cis,cis2,' '); pis(cis,cis2,sss); pisat:=false; kurzor(2); if keypressed then repeat kurzor(2);if keypressed then kl:=ord(readkey); until (kl=13); tl(2);pis(cis,cis2,' '); kl:=1; pisat:=true; end; procedure closewin; begin for a:=0 to xsiz-1 do begin move(tmp^[1+a*ysiz+ysiz*xsiz],obrazok^[1+xpov+ypov*320+a*320],ysiz); move(tmp^[1+a*ysiz],mapa^[1+xpov+ypov*320+a*320],ysiz); end; win:=false; sprloaded:=''; end; procedure depack(siz:word;var pop:pointer); var o,s,o2,s2:word; pa:^typ1; label loop,ne,no,jump; begin pa:=pop;o:=ofs(pop^);s:=seg(pop^);o2:=ofs(tmp^);s2:=seg(tmp^); asm push ds xor ax,ax mov es,s2 mov si,o2 mov ds,s mov di,o jump: mov dx,siz cmp ax,dx je no mov bl,[ds:di] inc di mov dl,[ds:di] cmp bl,dl jne ne inc di mov dl,[ds:di] inc di inc ax inc ax inc ax mov cl,dl loop: mov [es:si],bl inc si loop loop jmp jump ne: dec di mov cl,[ds:di] mov [es:si],cl inc di inc si inc ax jmp jump no: pop ds end; end; procedure tgapalet; begin for a:=1 to 630 do paletta^[a]:=paletta^[a] div 4; for a:=0 to 209 do begin o:=paletta^[a*3+3];paletta^[a*3+3]:=paletta^[a*3+1];paletta^[a*3+1]:=o; end; end; procedure tgapaletcele; begin for a:=1 to 768 do paletta^[a]:=paletta^[a] div 4; for a:=0 to 255 do begin o:=paletta^[a*3+3];paletta^[a*3+3]:=paletta^[a*3+1];paletta^[a*3+1]:=o; end; end; procedure newspr(meno:string); var xpovn,ypovn,xsizn,ysizn:word; begin assign(f,meno+'.spr');reset(f,1);close(f); if IOResult <> 0 then endee; assign(f,meno+'.spr');reset(f,1); blockread(f,xpovn,2); blockread(f,ypovn,2); blockread(f,xsizn,2); blockread(f,ysizn,2); blockread(f,obrazok^,filesize(f)-8); close(f); for a:=0 to xsizn-1 do begin move(obrazok^[1+a*ysizn],mem[$a000:xpovn+ypovn*320+a*320],ysizn); move(obrazok^[1+a*ysizn+ysizn*xsizn],mapa^[1+xpovn+ypovn*320+a*320],ysizn); end; move(mem[$a000:0],obrazok^,49600); end; procedure loadobr(nam:string); begin assign(f,nam+'.nnp');reset(f,1);close(f); if ioresult<>0 then endee; assign(f,nam+'.nnp');reset(f,1); blockread(f,mapa^,filesize(f)); depack(filesize(f),mappoi);close(f); move(tmp^[19],paletta^,630); move(tmp^[787],obrazok^,49600); tgapalet; end; procedure loadobrcele(nam:string); begin assign(f,nam+'.nnp');reset(f,1);close(f); if ioresult<>0 then endee; assign(f,nam+'.nnp');reset(f,1); blockread(f,obrazok^,filesize(f)); depack(filesize(f),obrpoi);close(f); move(tmp^[19],paletta^,768); move(tmp^[787],obrazok^,64000); tgapaletcele; end; procedure loadspr(meno:string); begin if sprloaded<>meno then begin if win then begin closewin;zobraz;end; sprloaded:=meno; assign(f,meno+'.spr');reset(f,1);close(f); if IOResult<>0 then endee; assign(f,meno+'.spr');reset(f,1); blockread(f,xpov,2);blockread(f,ypov,2); blockread(f,xsiz,2);blockread(f,ysiz,2); blockread(f,tmp^,filesize(f)-8); close(f); for a:=0 to xsiz-1 do begin move(tmp^[1+a*ysiz],obrazok^[1+xpov+ypov*320+a*320],ysiz);end; for a:=0 to xsiz-1 do begin move(mapa^[1+xpov+ypov*320+a*320],tmp^[1+a*ysiz],ysiz);end; for a:=0 to xsiz-1 do begin move(tmp^[1+a*ysiz+ysiz*xsiz],mapa^[1+xpov+ypov*320+a*320],ysiz);end; for a:=0 to xsiz-1 do begin move(mem[$a000:xpov+ypov*320+a*320],tmp^[1+a*ysiz+ysiz*xsiz],ysiz);end; zobraz; win:=true; end; end; procedure zobraz;assembler; asm push ds lds si,obrazok mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax xor di,di mov cx,24800 rep movsw pop ds end; procedure paleta; var r,g,blue:byte; begin for d:=0 to 255 do begin r:=paletta^[d*3+1]; g:=paletta^[d*3+2]; blue:=paletta^[d*3+3]; asm mov dx,$3C8 mov ax,d out dx,al inc dx mov al,r out dx,al mov al,g out dx,al mov al,blue out dx,al end; end; end; procedure loadroom(meno:string); begin win:=false; sprloaded:=''; zm(har);zmaz; loadobr(meno); assign(f,meno+'.nnm');reset(f,1);close(f); if IOResult <> 0 then endee; assign(f,meno+'.nnm');reset(f,1); blockread(f,mapa^,filesize(f)); depack(filesize(f),mappoi);close(f); move(tmp^,mapa^,49600); mapaspod; assign(t,meno+'.nnt');reset(t);close(t); if IOResult <> 0 then endee; assign(t,meno+'.nnt'); reset(t); a:=0; repeat inc(a);readln(t,strings^[a]);until eof(t); for b:=1 to a do for c:=1 to length(strings^[b]) do strings^[b][c]:=chr(ord(strings^[b][c])-30); close(t);movepal(seg(paletta^),ofs(paletta^));tmav; zobraz;if cast=1 then begin if (not predmal[11])and(meno='data\pivnica') then begin newspr('data\pivnica1');end; if (predmal[14])and(meno='data\chodba1') then begin newspr('data\chodba12');end; end else if cast=2 then begin if (predmal[1])and(meno='data2\posch1') then begin newspr('data2\poschpla');end; if (not predmal[2])and(meno='data2\posch1') then begin newspr('data2\poschdro');end; if (predmal[4])and(meno='data2\posch1') then begin newspr('data2\poschpa');end; if (not predmal[6])and(meno='data2\poschod') then begin newspr('data2\poschod1');end; if (not predmal[8])and(meno='data2\poschzac') then begin newspr('data2\poschza1');end; if (predmal[9])and(meno='data2\poschzac') then begin newspr('data2\poschsnu');end; if (not predmal[11])and(meno='data2\prizvcho') then begin newspr('data2\prizvch1');end; if (not predmal[14])and(meno='data2\prizkuch') then begin newspr('data2\prizkuc1');end; if (not predmal[15])and(meno='data2\prizjeda') then begin newspr('data2\prizjed1');end; if (not predmal[21])and(meno='data2\prizach') then begin newspr('data2\prizach1');end; if (predmal[24])and(meno='data2\prizchod') then begin newspr('data2\prizcho3');end else if (predmal[23])and(meno='data2\prizchod') then begin newspr('data2\prizcho2');end; if (predmal[25])and(meno='data2\poschkup') then begin newspr('data2\poschku1');end; end; ob(har);paleta; end; procedure nuluj; begin for a:=1 to 40 do predm[a]:=false; for a:=1 to 40 do predmal[a]:=false; prikaz:='pouzi'; end; procedure zobrazspod;assembler; asm push ds lds si,obrazok mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax add si,49600 mov di,49600 mov cx,7968 rep movsw pop ds end; procedure zobrazpred; begin if predme>5 then predm[predme]:=false;b:=0; for a:=0 to 44 do move(sprites^[a*320+155*320+1],obrazok^[a*320+155*320+1],320); for a:=1 to 10 do strings^[241+a]:=''; for a:=6 to 15 do begin if predm[a]=true then begin inc(b);predreal[b]:=a;strings^[241+b]:=predstr[a]; for c:=1 to 19 do move(sprites^[a*20+c*320+2],obrazok^[b*20+c*320+160*320-11],19); end; end; for a:=16 to 31 do begin if predm[a]=true then begin inc(b);predreal[b]:=a;strings^[241+b]:=predstr[a]; for c:=1 to 19 do move(sprites^[(a-16)*20+c*320+2+6400],obrazok^[b*20+c*320+160*320-11],19); end; end; for a:=32 to 40 do begin if predm[a]=true then begin inc(b);predreal[b]:=a;strings^[241+b]:=predstr[a]; for c:=1 to 19 do move(sprites^[(a-32)*20+c*320+2+12800],obrazok^[b*20+c*320+160*320-11],19); end; end; if prikaz='pouzi' then for a:=1 to 21 do move(sprites^[88*320+a*320+1],obrazok^[159*320+a*320+214],25); if prikaz='zober' then for a:=1 to 21 do move(sprites^[88*320+a*320+26],obrazok^[159*320+a*320+239],25); if prikaz='prezri' then for a:=1 to 21 do move(sprites^[88*320+a*320+51],obrazok^[159*320+a*320+264],25); zobrazspod; if predme>5 then predm[predme]:=true; end; procedure set400mode;assembler; const seqport=$3c4; crtcport=$3d4; grcontport=$3ce; asm mov dx,grcontport mov al,5 out dx,al inc dx in al,dx and al,11101111b out dx,al dec dx mov al,6 out dx,al inc dx in al,dx and al,11111101b out dx,al mov dx,seqport mov al,4 out dx,al inc dx in al,dx and al,11110111b or al,00000100b out dx,al mov dx,seqport mov ax,$0f02 out dx,ax mov ax,$a000 mov es,ax sub di,di sub ax,ax mov cx,$8000 rep stosw mov dx,crtcport mov al,9h out dx,al inc dx in al,dx and al,01110000b out dx,al dec dx mov al,14h out dx,al inc dx in al,dx and al,10111111b out dx,al dec dx mov al,17h out dx,al inc dx in al,dx or al,01000000b out dx,al end; procedure changeoffset(num:word); begin port[$3d4]:=$c; port[$3d5]:=num div 256; port[$3d4]:=$d; port[$3d5]:=num mod 256; end; procedure scroll(x2,y2:word); begin changeoffset(y2 div 4+x2*80); end; procedure retraces; begin asm mov dx,3DAh @vent1: in al,dx test al,8 jz @vent1 @vent2: in al,dx test al,8 jnz @vent2 end; end; procedure kresliciaru(bu:word;buf:typ1); begin asm mov ah,1 mov dx,03c4h mov al,02h out dx,al inc dx mov al,ah out dx,al end; for a:=0 to 79 do mem[$a000:400*80+b*80+a]:=buf^[bu*320+a*4+1]; asm mov ah,2 mov dx,03c4h mov al,02h out dx,al inc dx mov al,ah out dx,al end; for a:=0 to 79 do mem[$a000:400*80+b*80+a]:=buf^[bu*320+a*4+2]; asm mov ah,4 mov dx,03c4h mov al,02h out dx,al inc dx mov al,ah out dx,al end; for a:=0 to 79 do mem[$a000:400*80+b*80+a]:=buf^[bu*320+a*4+3]; asm mov ah,8 mov dx,03c4h mov al,02h out dx,al inc dx mov al,ah out dx,al end; for a:=0 to 79 do mem[$a000:400*80+b*80+a]:=buf^[bu*320+a*4+4]; end; procedure doskrol; begin a:=150; repeat for c:=0 to a div 3 do begin scroll(b-c*3,0);retraces;end; for c:=a div 3 downto 0 do begin scroll(b-c*3,0);retraces;end; a:=a div 4; until a<10; end; procedure thend; begin tloff;zm(har);zmcele(har);zmazcele;loadobrcele('data3\koniec'); if soundis then begin stopsound;initsound(cfg,speed,'happyend.dom');end; movepal(seg(paletta^),ofs(paletta^));tmavcele;zobrazcele; obcele(0);pauza(4000);zmcele(0);zmazcele; set400mode; loadobrcele('ende\grat'); movepal(seg(paletta^),ofs(paletta^));tmavcele;b:=0; repeat inc(b); scroll(b,0); kresliciaru(b-(b div 200)*200,obrazok); until (b=200);obcele(0);b:=200; loadobrcele('ende\grat1'); repeat scroll(b,0); kresliciaru(b-(b div 200)*200,obrazok); dec(b);kresliciaru(b-(b div 200)*200,obrazok); dec(b);kresliciaru(b-(b div 200)*200,obrazok); dec(b);kresliciaru(b-(b div 200)*200,obrazok); inc(b,3); if b mod 1600=0 then begin doskrol;pauza(2000);end else if b mod 1400=0 then begin doskrol;loadobrcele('ende\kon');pauza(10000);end else if b mod 1200=0 then begin doskrol;loadobrcele('ende\hoe');pauza(5000);end else if b mod 1000=0 then begin doskrol;loadobrcele('ende\jano');pauza(12000);end else if b mod 800=0 then begin doskrol;loadobrcele('ende\vlado2');pauza(12000);end else if b mod 600=0 then begin doskrol;loadobrcele('ende\vlado1');pauza(12000);end else if b mod 400=0 then begin doskrol;loadobrcele('ende\dano1');pauza(3000);end; inc(b,4); retraces;stav; until (b=1604);tloff; zmcele(0);asm mov ax,13h;int 10h;end; ende; end; procedure endeee; begin if hlava[51]<>$50 then begin endee;end; if hlava[52]<>$40 then begin endee;end; a:=52;repeat inc(a); until (hlava[a]<>mem[$f000:$78+(a-53)]+120)or(a=81); if a<>81 then begin endee;end; tloff;zm(har);zmcele(har);zmazcele;loadobrcele('data2\chytil'); movepal(seg(paletta^),ofs(paletta^));tmavcele;zobrazcele;obcele(0); repeat stav; until (lave)or(prave)or(keypressed); if keypressed then begin kl:=ord(readkey); if kl=0 then kl:=ord(readkey);end; tloff; zmcele(0);zmazcele; loadobrcele('data2\cast2'); if soundis then begin stopsound;initsound(cfg,speed,'music2-1.dom');end; movepal(seg(paletta^),ofs(paletta^));tmavcele;zobrazcele;obcele(0); pauza(1500); zmcele(0);zmazcele; move(palletspri,paletta^[631],138);paleta;nuluj;zobrazpred; izba:=1;cast:=2;loadroom('data2\posch1'); end; procedure endee2; begin if hlava[51]<>$50 then begin endee;end; if hlava[52]<>$40 then begin endee;end; a:=52;repeat inc(a); until (a=81)or(hlava[a]<>mem[$f000:$78+(a-53)]+120); if a<>81 then begin endee;end; tloff;zm(har);zmcele(har);zmazcele;loadobrcele('data3\taxikar'); movepal(seg(paletta^),ofs(paletta^));tmavcele;zobrazcele;obcele(0); repeat stav; until (lave)or(prave)or(keypressed); if keypressed then begin kl:=ord(readkey); if kl=0 then kl:=ord(readkey);end; tloff; zmcele(0);zmazcele; loadobrcele('data3\cast3'); if soundis then begin stopsound;initsound(cfg,speed,'music3-1.dom');end; movepal(seg(paletta^),ofs(paletta^));tmavcele;zobrazcele;obcele(0); pauza(1500); zmcele(0);zmazcele; move(palletspri,paletta^[631],138);paleta;nuluj;zobrazpred; izba:=1;cast:=3;loadroom('data3\vratnica'); end; procedure setsound; begin assign(f,'utek.cfg');reset(f,1);close(f); if IOResult <> 0 then begin soundis:=false;har:=4; end else begin a:=0;b:=0; assign(f,'utek.cfg'); reset(f,1);blockread(f,a,1);blockread(f,b,1); close(f);har:=4; if a=1 then soundis:=false else soundis:=true; end; if (memo<157000)and(soundis) then begin writeln; writeln('Malo pamati pre hudbu.');writeln; writeln('Potrebna pamat pre hudbu : 157000.'); writeln('Volnej je len : ',memo); writeln('Nechat hudbu ? [A/N]'); c:=ord(readkey); if upcase(chr(c))<>'A' then soundis:=false; if keypressed then begin kl:=ord(readkey); if kl=0 then kl:=ord(readkey);end;tloff; end; asm mov ax,3567h int 21h mov s,es end; move(mem[s:$a],predreal,8);prikaz:=''; for c:=1 to 8 do prikaz:=prikaz+chr(predreal[c]); if (prikaz='EMMXXXX0')and(soundis) then begin writeln; writeln('EMS manager found. EMS => LOW MUSIC. Press something.'); repeat stav;until (lave)or(prave)or keypressed; if keypressed then begin kl:=ord(readkey); if kl=0 then kl:=ord(readkey);end;tloff; {b:=1;} end; if soundis then begin if b=1 then speed:=8000; if b=2 then speed:=12000; if b=3 then speed:=16000; if b=4 then speed:=22000; if a=2 then cfg:=0; if a=3 then cfg:=1; if a=4 then cfg:=6; end; end; end.