Hra pascal-strike pre 2 hráčov
Kategórie: KMP (Programy mladých programátorů)
Program: Pascal_s.pas
Soubor exe: Pascal_s.exe
Potřebné: Egavga.bgi, Litt.chr, Sans.chr
Pascal-strike je perfektná hra pre dvoch hráčov naprogramovaná v Pascale. Úlohou je nájsť zbraň a zastreliť svojho súpera. Môžete sa ukrývať za krabicami ale hlavne myslieť rýchlo a byť rýchly. Len tak môžete vyhrať. Nezabudnite si pred spustením hry zmeniť farby svojho vojaka. Veľa zábavy pri hraní.
{ PASCAL_S.PAS Copyright (c) David Smejkal and Martin Sus} { Pascal-strike is a perfect game made in Pascal, that was designed } { for two players. } { Find a weapon and shoot your opponent. Shelter behind the boxes. } { Think quickly and be fast, then you will certainly win. } { Do not forget that before playing the game you can set the color } { of your soldier. Enjoy playing this game. } { Needed EGAVGA.BGI } { } { Datum:25.10.2005 } program PASCAL_STRIKE; uses crt,graph; var gd,gm,h,i,xx,x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,f1,f2,g1,g2,m1,m2 :integer; r,e,k,kk,f,ff : array [1..100] of integer; fa,n1,n2,v1,v2,v3,v4,c1,c2,b1,b2 :integer; OldPattern,fpt :FillPatternType; t,n,P1,P2,T1,T2 :char; Kz1,Mz1,Pz1,Kz2,Mz2,Pz2,exi :boolean; w :string; procedure krabica(kr1,kr2:integer); begin setcolor(8);setlinestyle(0,0,1); rectangle(kr1,kr2,kr1+25,kr2+25); line(kr1+5,kr2,kr1+5,kr2+25); line(kr1+10,kr2,kr1+10,kr2+25); line(kr1+15,kr2,kr1+15,kr2+25); line(kr1+20,kr2,kr1+20,kr2+25); GetFillPattern(fpt); SetFillPattern(fpt,7);floodfill(kr1+1,kr2+1,8);floodfill(kr1+1,kr2+24,8); SetFillPattern(fpt,14);floodfill(kr1+6,kr2+1,8);floodfill(kr1+6,kr2+24,8); SetFillPattern(fpt,7);floodfill(kr1+11,kr2+1,8);floodfill(kr1+11,kr2+24,8); SetFillPattern(fpt,14);floodfill(kr1+16,kr2+1,8);floodfill(kr1+16,kr2+24,8); SetFillPattern(fpt,7);floodfill(kr1+21,kr2+1,8);floodfill(kr1+21,kr2+24,8); end; procedure podmienkykrabice (kr1,kr2,v1,v2,v3,v4:integer); begin if (x1<kr1+35) and (x1>kr1-10) and (y1<kr2+35) and (y1>kr2-10) then begin x1:=v1;y1:=v2; end; if (x2<kr1+35) and (x2>kr1-10) and (y2<kr2+35) and (y2>kr2-10) then begin x2:=v3;y2:=v4; end; end; procedure kamen(ka1,ka2,ka3,ka4:integer); begin setcolor(8);setlinestyle(0,0,1); ellipse(ka1,ka2,0,360,ka3,ka4); GetFillPattern(fpt); SetFillPattern(fpt,7); floodfill(ka1,ka2,8); end; procedure trava(t1,t2:integer); begin setcolor(10);setlinestyle(0,0,1); ellipse(t1,t2,0,90,6,10); ellipse(t1+12,t2,450,540,6,10); line(t1+6,t2,t1+6,t2-13); end; {Z_KALACH -- Z} procedure Zkalach(x1,y1:integer); begin SetLineStyle(0, 0, 1); SetColor(8); line(x1+7,y1-7,x1+11,y1-3); line(x1+7,y1-7,x1+12,y1-12); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); line(x1+2,y1-2,x1+6,y1+2); SetColor(14); line(x1,y1,x1+7,y1-7); end; {Z_KALACH -- K} {Z_M4 -- Z} procedure ZM4(x1,y1:integer); begin SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); SetColor(8); line(x1+2,y1-2,x1+6,y1+2); line(x1,y1,x1+7,y1-7); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 1); line(x1+7,y1-7,x1+11,y1-3); line(x1+7,y1-7,x1+12,y1-12); end; {Z_M4 -- K} {Z_PISTOL -- Z} procedure Zpistol(x1,y1:integer); begin SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); SetColor(8); line(x1,y1,x1+7,y1-7); line(x1,y1,x1+4,y1+4); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 1); line(x1+3,y1-3,x1+3,y1+3); putpixel(x1-1,y1+1,8); end; {Z_PISTOL -- K} {SURADNICE ZBRANI -- Z} procedure random_f; var z1, z2:integer; begin for i:=1 to 6 do if (i mod 2=1) then begin f[i]:=random(580)+30;ff[i]:=f[i]; end else begin f[i]:=random(420)+30;ff[i]:=f[i]; end; end; {SURADNICE ZBRANI -- K} {KALACH -- Z} procedure kalach(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3:integer); begin SetLineStyle(0, 0, 1); SetColor(8); line(x2,y2,x3,y3); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); SetColor(14); line(x1,y1,x2,y2); end; {KALACH -- K} {M4 -- Z} procedure M4(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3:integer); begin SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); SetColor(8); line(x1,y1,x2,y2); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 1); SetColor(8); line(x2,y2,x3,y3); end; {M4 -- K} {PISTOL -- Z} procedure pistol(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3:integer); begin SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); SetColor(8); line(x1,y1,x2,y2); end; {PISTOL -- K} {SEVER -- Z} procedure s(x,y,f,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); var fpt: FillPatternType; begin GetFillPattern(fpt); if Pz then case g of 1:pistol(x+7,y,x+7,y-10,x+7,y-17); end; if Mz then case g of 2:M4(x+7,y,x+7,y-10,x+7,y-17); end; if Kz then case g of 3:kalach(x+7,y,x+7,y-10,x+7,y-17); end; SetLineStyle(0, 0, 0); SetColor(f); ellipse(x,y,0,360,10,5); SetFillPattern(fpt,f); FloodFill(x,y,f); Setcolor(14); circle(x,y-3,4); SetFillPattern(fpt,14); FloodFill(x,y-5,14); end; {SEVER -- K} {JUH -- Z} procedure j(x,y,f,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); var fpt : FillPatternType; begin GetFillPattern(fpt); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); if Pz then case g of 1:pistol(x-7,y,x-7,y+10,x-7,y+17); end; if Mz then case g of 2:M4(x-7,y,x-7,y+10,x-7,y+17); end; if Kz then case g of 3:kalach(x-7,y,x-7,y+10,x-7,y+17); end; SetLineStyle(0, 0, 0); SetColor(f); ellipse(x,y,0,360,10,5); SetFillPattern(fpt,f); FloodFill(x,y,f); Setcolor(14); circle(x,y+3,4); SetFillPattern(fpt,14); FloodFill(x,y+3,14); end; {JUH -- K} {VYCHOD -- Z} procedure v(x,y,f,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); var gd, gm:integer; fpt: FillPatternType; begin GetFillPattern(fpt); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); if Pz then case g of 1:pistol(x,y+7,x+10,y+7,x+17,y+7); end; if Mz then case g of 2:M4(x,y+7,x+10,y+7,x+17,y+7); end; if Kz then case g of 3:kalach(x,y+7,x+10,y+7,x+17,y+7); end; SetLineStyle(0, 0, 0); SetColor(f); ellipse(x,y,0,360,5,10); SetFillPattern(fpt,f); FloodFill(x,y,f); Setcolor(14); circle(x+3,y,4); SetFillPattern(fpt,14); FloodFill(x+3,y,14); end; {VYCHOD -- K} {ZAPAD -- Z} procedure z(x,y,f,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); var gd, gm:integer; fpt: FillPatternType; begin GetFillPattern(fpt); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); if Pz then case g of 1:pistol(x,y-7,x-10,y-7,x-17,y-7); end; if Mz then case g of 2:M4(x,y-7,x-10,y-7,x-17,y-7); end; if Kz then case g of 3:kalach(x,y-7,x-10,y-7,x-17,y-7); end; SetLineStyle(0, 0, 0); SetColor(f); ellipse(x,y,0,360,5,10); SetFillPattern(fpt,f); FloodFill(x,y,f); Setcolor(14); circle(x-3,y,4); SetFillPattern(fpt,14); FloodFill(x-3,y,14); end; {ZAPAD -- K} {SEVERO-VYCHOD -- Z} procedure sv(x,y,f,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); var gd, gm:integer; fpt: FillPatternType; begin GetFillPattern(fpt); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); if Pz then case g of 1:pistol(x+7,y+2,x+14,y-5,x+19,y-10); end; if Mz then case g of 2:M4(x+7,y+2,x+14,y-5,x+19,y-10); end; if Kz then case g of 3:kalach(x+7,y+2,x+14,y-5,x+19,y-10); end; SetLineStyle(0, 0, 0); SetColor(f); ellipse(x-3,y-3,45,225,5,5); ellipse(x+3,y+3,225,45,5,5); line(x,y-7,x+7,y); line(x,y+7,x-7,y); SetFillPattern(fpt,f); FloodFill(x,y,f); Setcolor(14); circle(x+2,y-2,4); SetFillPattern(fpt,14); FloodFill(x+2,y-2,14); end; {SEVERO-VYCHOD -- K} {JUHO-VYCHOD -- Z} procedure jv(x,y,f,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); var gd, gm:integer; fpt: FillPatternType; begin GetFillPattern(fpt); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); if Pz then case g of 1:pistol(x-2,y+7,x+5,y+14,x+10,y+19); end; if Mz then case g of 2:M4(x-2,y+7,x+5,y+14,x+10,y+19); end; if Kz then case g of 3:kalach(x-2,y+7,x+5,y+14,x+10,y+19); end; SetLineStyle(0, 0, 0); SetColor(f); ellipse(x+3,y-3,315,135,5,5); ellipse(x-3,y+3,135,315,5,5); line(x-7,y,x,y-7); line(x+7,y,x,y+7); SetFillPattern(fpt,f); FloodFill(x,y,f); Setcolor(14); circle(x+2,y+2,4); SetFillPattern(fpt,14); FloodFill(x+2,y+2,14); end; {JUHO-VYCHOD -- K} {JUHO-ZAPAD -- Z} procedure jz(x,y,f,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); var gd, gm : integer; fpt : FillPatternType; begin GetFillPattern(fpt); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); if Pz then case g of 1:pistol(x-7,y-2,x-14,y+5,x-19,y+10); end; if Mz then case g of 2:M4(x-7,y-2,x-14,y+5,x-19,y+10); end; if Kz then case g of 3:kalach(x-7,y-2,x-14,y+5,x-19,y+10); end; SetLineStyle(0, 0, 0); SetColor(f); ellipse(x-3,y-3,45,225,5,5); ellipse(x+3,y+3,225,45,5,5); line(x,y-7,x+7,y); line(x,y+7,x-7,y); SetFillPattern(fpt,f); FloodFill(x,y,f); Setcolor(14); circle(x-2,y+2,4); SetFillPattern(fpt,14); FloodFill(x-2,y+2,14); end; {JUHO-ZAPAD -- K} {SEVERO-ZAPAD -- Z} procedure sz(x,y,f,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); var gd, gm : integer; fpt : FillPatternType; begin GetFillPattern(fpt); SetLineStyle(0, 0, 3); if Pz then case g of 1:pistol(x+2,y-7,x-5,y-14,x-10,y-19); end; if Mz then case g of 2:M4(x+2,y-7,x-5,y-14,x-10,y-19); end; if Kz then case g of 3:kalach(x+2,y-7,x-5,y-14,x-10,y-19); end; SetLineStyle(0, 0, 0); SetColor(f); ellipse(x+3,y-3,315,135,5,5); ellipse(x-3,y+3,135,315,5,5); line(x-7,y,x,y-7); line(x+7,y,x,y+7); SetFillPattern(fpt,f); FloodFill(x,y,f); Setcolor(14); circle(x-2,y-2,4); SetFillPattern(fpt,14); FloodFill(x-2,y-2,14); end; {SEVERO-ZAPAD -- K} {PODM_PRE_OSOBY -- Z} procedure PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm:integer); begin case sm of 1,3:begin if (x>xo-10) and (x<xo+10) and (y>yo-2) and (y<yo+2) then begin Fa:=6; if t='`' then n2:=n2-1; if t='7' then n1:=n1-1; end; if (x>xo-3) and (x<xo+3) and (y>yo-6) and (y<yo+6) then begin Fa:=6; if t='`' then n2:=n2-1; if t='7' then n1:=n1-1; end; end; 2,4:begin if (x>xo-2) and (x<xo+2) and (y>yo-10) and (y<yo+10) then begin Fa:=6; if t='`' then n2:=n2-1; if t='7' then n1:=n1-1; end; if (x>xo-6) and (x<xo+6) and (y>yo-3) and (y<yo+3) then begin Fa:=6; if t='`' then n2:=n2-1; if t='7' then n1:=n1-1; end; end; 5,7:begin if (x>xo-6) and (x<xo+1) and (y>yo-6) and (y<yo+1) then begin Fa:=6; if t='`' then n2:=n2-1; if t='7' then n1:=n1-1; end; if (x>xo-1) and (x<xo+6) and (y>yo-1) and (y<yo+6) then begin Fa:=6; if t='`' then n2:=n2-1; if t='7' then n1:=n1-1; end; end; 6,8:begin if (x>xo-6) and (x<xo+1) and (y>yo-1) and (y<yo+6) then begin Fa:=6; if t='`' then n2:=n2-1; if t='7' then n1:=n1-1; end; if (x>xo-1) and (x<xo+6) and (y>yo-6) and (y<yo+1) then begin Fa:=6; if t='`' then n2:=n2-1; if t='7' then n1:=n1-1; end; end; end; end; {PODM_PRE_OSOBY -- K} {PODM_STRIEL -- Z} procedure podm_st(x,y,xo,yo,kr1,kr2,kr3,kr4,kr5,kr6,sm1,sm2:integer); var i:integer; begin Fa:=7; case sm1 of 1:begin x:=x+7; for i:=1 to 640 do begin y:=y-1; if (x<kr1+25) and (x>kr1) and (y<kr2+25) and (y>kr2) then break; if (x<kr3+25) and (x>kr3) and (y<kr4+25) and (y>kr4) then break; if (x<kr5+25) and (x>kr5) and (y<kr6+25) and (y>kr6) then break; PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm2); if i mod 10 = 0 then putpixel(x,y,Fa); end; end; 2:begin y:=y+7; for i:=1 to 640 do begin x:=x+1; if (x<kr1+25) and (x>kr1) and (y<kr2+25) and (y>kr2) then break; if (x<kr3+25) and (x>kr3) and (y<kr4+25) and (y>kr4) then break; if (x<kr5+25) and (x>kr5) and (y<kr6+25) and (y>kr6) then break; PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm2); if i mod 10 = 0 then putpixel(x,y,Fa); end; end; 3:begin x:=x-7; for i:=1 to 640 do begin y:=y+1; if (x<kr1+25) and (x>kr1) and (y<kr2+25) and (y>kr2) then break; if (x<kr3+25) and (x>kr3) and (y<kr4+25) and (y>kr4) then break; if (x<kr5+25) and (x>kr5) and (y<kr6+25) and (y>kr6) then break; PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm2); if i mod 10 = 0 then putpixel(x,y,Fa); end; end; 4:begin y:=y-7; for i:=1 to 640 do begin x:=x-1; if (x<kr1+25) and (x>kr1) and (y<kr2+25) and (y>kr2) then break; if (x<kr3+25) and (x>kr3) and (y<kr4+25) and (y>kr4) then break; if (x<kr5+25) and (x>kr5) and (y<kr6+25) and (y>kr6) then break; PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm2); if i mod 10 = 0 then putpixel(x,y,Fa); end; end; 5:begin x:=x+7;y:=y+2; for i:=1 to 640 do begin x:=x+1; y:=y-1; if (x<kr1+25) and (x>kr1) and (y<kr2+25) and (y>kr2) then break; if (x<kr3+25) and (x>kr3) and (y<kr4+25) and (y>kr4) then break; if (x<kr5+25) and (x>kr5) and (y<kr6+25) and (y>kr6) then break; PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm2); if i mod 10 = 0 then putpixel(x,y,Fa); end; end; 6:begin x:=x-2;y:=y+7; for i:=1 to 640 do begin x:=x+1; y:=y+1; if (x<kr1+25) and (x>kr1) and (y<kr2+25) and (y>kr2) then break; if (x<kr3+25) and (x>kr3) and (y<kr4+25) and (y>kr4) then break; if (x<kr5+25) and (x>kr5) and (y<kr6+25) and (y>kr6) then break; PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm2); if i mod 10 = 0 then putpixel(x,y,Fa); end; end; 7:begin x:=x-7;y:=y-2; for i:=1 to 640 do begin x:=x-1; y:=y+1; if (x<kr1+25) and (x>kr1) and (y<kr2+25) and (y>kr2) then break; if (x<kr3+25) and (x>kr3) and (y<kr4+25) and (y>kr4) then break; if (x<kr5+25) and (x>kr5) and (y<kr6+25) and (y>kr6) then break; PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm2); if i mod 10 = 0 then putpixel(x,y,Fa); end; end; 8:begin x:=x+2;y:=y-7; for i:=1 to 640 do begin x:=x-1; y:=y-1; if (x<kr1+25) and (x>kr1) and (y<kr2+25) and (y>kr2) then break; if (x<kr3+25) and (x>kr3) and (y<kr4+25) and (y>kr4) then break; if (x<kr5+25) and (x>kr5) and (y<kr6+25) and (y>kr6) then break; PPO(x,y,xo,yo,sm2); if i mod 10 = 0 then putpixel(x,y,Fa); end; end; end; end; {PODM_STRIEL -- K} {STRELA -- Z} procedure strela(x,y,xo,yo,kr1,kr2,kr3,kr4,kr5,kr6,m1,m2,g:integer;pz,mz,kz:boolean); begin if Pz then case g of 1:podm_st(x,y,xo,yo,kr1,kr2,kr3,kr4,kr5,kr6,m1,m2);end; if Mz then case g of 2:podm_st(x,y,xo,yo,kr1,kr2,kr3,kr4,kr5,kr6,m1,m2);end; if Kz then case g of 3:podm_st(x,y,xo,yo,kr1,kr2,kr3,kr4,kr5,kr6,m1,m2);end; end; {STRELA -- K} {HRA -- Z} procedure hra; begin randomize; for i:=1 to 10 do begin if (i mod 2)=1 then begin r[i]:=random(580)+20; e[i]:=random(580)+20; k[i]:=random(580)+20; kk[i]:=random(4)+4; end else begin r[i]:=random(440)+20; e[i]:=random(440)+20; k[i]:=random(440)+20; kk[i]:=random(4)+4; end; end; x1:=100; y1:=100; x2:=540; y2:=380; n1:=30;n2:=30; P1:='w';P2:='o'; random_f; gd:=9;gm:=2; InitGraph(gd,gm,'L:\BP\BGI'); setbkcolor(6); Kz1:=false;Mz1:=false;Pz1:=false;Kz2:=false;Mz2:=false;Pz2:=false; b1:=0;b2:=0; repeat {pohyb} t:='ď'; if (b2=0) and (b1=1) then begin t:='k';b2:=1; end; if b1=0 then begin t:='d';b1:=1; end; v1:=x1;v2:=y1; v3:=x2;v4:=y2; if keypressed then t:=readkey; cleardevice; Zpistol(ff[1],ff[2]); ZM4(ff[3],ff[4]); Zkalach(ff[5],ff[6]); if (t='q') or (t='w') or (t='e') or (t='a') or (t='d') or (t='z') or (t='x') or (t='c') then P1:=t; if (t='i') or (t='o') or (t='p') or (t='k') or (t=';') or (t=',') or (t='.') or (t='/') then P2:=t; if (t='1') or (t='2') or (t='3') then T1:=t; if (t='8') or (t='9') or (t='0') then T2:=t; case t of 'w': begin y1:=y1-5; m1:=1; end; 'x': begin y1:=y1+5; m1:=3; end; 'a': begin x1:=x1-5; m1:=4; end; 'd': begin x1:=x1+5; m1:=2; end; 'q': begin y1:=y1-4; x1:=x1-4; m1:=8; end; 'e': begin y1:=y1-4; x1:=x1+4; m1:=5; end; 'c': begin y1:=y1+4; x1:=x1+4; m1:=6; end; 'z': begin y1:=y1+4; x1:=x1-4; m1:=7; end; 'o': begin y2:=y2-5; m2:=1; end; '.': begin y2:=y2+5; m2:=3; end; 'k': begin x2:=x2-5; m2:=4; end; ';': begin x2:=x2+5; m2:=2; end; 'i': begin y2:=y2-4; x2:=x2-4; m2:=8; end; 'p': begin y2:=y2-4; x2:=x2+4; m2:=5; end; '/': begin y2:=y2+4; x2:=x2+4; m2:=6; end; ',': begin y2:=y2+4; x2:=x2-4; m2:=7; end; '`': strela (x1,y1,x2,y2,r[1],r[2],r[3],r[4],r[5],r[6],m1,m2,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); '7': strela (x2,y2,x1,y1,r[1],r[2],r[3],r[4],r[5],r[6],m2,m1,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); end; {krabice a kamene a trava} podmienkykrabice (r[1],r[2],v1,v2,v3,v4); podmienkykrabice (r[3],r[4],v1,v2,v3,v4); podmienkykrabice (r[5],r[6],v1,v2,v3,v4); krabica(r[1],r[2]); krabica(r[3],r[4]); krabica(r[5],r[6]); kamen(k[1],k[2],kk[1],kk[2]); kamen(k[3],k[4],kk[3],kk[4]); kamen(k[5],k[6],kk[5],kk[6]); kamen(k[7],k[8],kk[7],kk[8]); kamen(k[9],k[10],kk[9],kk[10]); trava(e[1],e[2]); trava(e[3],e[4]); trava(e[5],e[6]); trava(e[7],e[8]); trava(e[9],e[10]); if x1<20 then x1:=16; if x1>620 then x1:=624; if x2<20 then x2:=16; if x2>620 then x2:=624; if y1<20 then y1:=16; if y1>460 then y1:=464; if y2<20 then y2:=16; if y2>460 then y2:=464; if (abs(x1-ff[1]-6)<10) and (abs(y1-ff[2]+6)<10) then Pz1:=true; if (abs(x1-ff[3]-6)<10) and (abs(y1-ff[4]+6)<10) then Mz1:=true; if (abs(x1-ff[5]-6)<10) and (abs(y1-ff[6]+6)<10) then Kz1:=true; {if (abs(x2-z11-6)<10) and (abs(y2-z12+6)<10) then Pz2:=true; if (abs(x2-z21-6)<10) and (abs(y2-z22+6)<10) then Mz2:=true; if (abs(x2-z31-6)<10) and (abs(y2-z32+6)<10) then Kz2:=true;} case P1 of 'w': s(x1,y1,f1,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); 'x': j(x1,y1,f1,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); 'a': z(x1,y1,f1,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); 'd': v(x1,y1,f1,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); 'q': sz(x1,y1,f1,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); 'e': sv(x1,y1,f1,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); 'c': jv(x1,y1,f1,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); 'z': jz(x1,y1,f1,g1,pz1,mz1,kz1); end; case P2 of 'o': s(x2,y2,f2,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); '.': j(x2,y2,f2,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); 'k': z(x2,y2,f2,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); ';': v(x2,y2,f2,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); 'i': sz(x2,y2,f2,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); 'p': sv(x2,y2,f2,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); '/': jv(x2,y2,f2,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); ',': jz(x2,y2,f2,g2,pz2,mz2,kz2); end; case T1 of '1': g1:=1; '2': g1:=2; '3': g1:=3; end; case T2 of '8': g2:=1; '9': g2:=2; '0': g2:=3; end; delay(50); until (ord(t)=27) or (n1<0) or (n2<0); settextstyle(2,0,6); setcolor(red);SetTextJustify(0,0); if n1<0 then outtextxy(270,240,'PLAYER 2 WON'); if n2<0 then outtextxy(270,240,'PLAYER 1 WON'); delay(4000); end; {HRA -- K} procedure text; begin SetTextStyle(2,0,4);SetTextJustify(0,0); setcolor(14); outtextxy(30,190,'1');outtextxy(30,200,'2'); outtextxy(30,210,'3');outtextxy(30,220,'4'); outtextxy(30,230,'5');outtextxy(30,240,'0'); setcolor(7); outtextxy(42,190,'- PLAY GAME'); outtextxy(42,200,'- CONTROLS'); outtextxy(42,210,'- INSTRUCTIONS'); outtextxy(42,220,'- OPTIONS'); outtextxy(42,230,'- CREDITS'); outtextxy(42,240,'- EXIT'); end; procedure pozadie; begin setbkcolor(6); krabica(210,150); krabica(490,220); krabica(180,420); kamen(23,142,3,4); kamen(244,334,4,4); kamen(456,384,4,7); kamen(539,132,6,8); kamen(143,380,6,3); trava(20,46); trava(370,123); trava(303,401); trava(56,306); trava(498,363); Zpistol(50,410); ZM4(554,300); Zkalach(324,243); v(209,135,4,1,true,false,false); sz(390,340,1,2,false,true,false); end; procedure exit;begin exi:=true end; procedure pohyb_textu1(w: string); begin for i:=1 to 30 do begin text; pozadie; cleardevice; if i=1 then begin x:=0;y:=0;xx:=4; end; if i mod 4=0 then xx:=xx+1; settextstyle(2,0,xx);setcolor(7); outtextxy(54+x,210+y,w); x:=x+4;y:=y-5; end; cleardevice; setcolor(7);settextstyle(3,0,7); settextjustify(centerText,centerText); outtextxy(320,50,w); end; procedure pohyb_textu2(w: string); begin for i:=30 downto 1 do begin text; pozadie; if i<30 then cleardevice; if i=1 then begin x:=0;y:=0;xx:=4; end; if i mod 4=0 then xx:=xx-1; settextstyle(2,0,xx);setcolor(7); outtextxy(54+x,210+y,w); x:=x-4;y:=y+5; end; end; procedure klavesa(x,y: integer; w,ww: string); begin setcolor(7); line(x-5,y-6,x+5,y-6);line(x-5,y+6,x+5,y+6); line(x-6,y-5,x-6,y+5);line(x+6,y-5,x+6,y+5); setcolor(14);outtextxy(x-2,y+2,w); setcolor(7);outtextxy(x+15,y+2,ww); end; procedure menu; begin gd:=9;gm:=2; InitGraph(gd,gm,''); setcolor(7);settextstyle(3,0,7); SetTextJustify(CenterText,CenterText); outtextxy(320,50,'PASCAL - STRIKE'); pozadie;text; n:=readkey; case n of '1','+' : begin pohyb_textu1('PLAY GAME');hra; end; '2','' : begin pohyb_textu1('CONTROLS'); settextstyle(2,0,4);settextjustify(0,0);setcolor(7); outtextxy(35,140,'Player 1:'); klavesa(42,160,'w','- up');klavesa(42,280,'z','- down,left'); klavesa(42,180,'x','- down');klavesa(42,300,'c','- down,right'); klavesa(42,200,'a','- left');klavesa(42,320,'`','- fire'); klavesa(42,220,'d','- right');klavesa(42,340,'1','- pistol'); klavesa(42,240,'q','- up,left');klavesa(42,360,'2','- M4A1'); klavesa(42,260,'e','- up,right');klavesa(42,380,'3','- AK-47'); outtextxy(235,140,'Player 2:'); klavesa(242,160,'o','- up');klavesa(242,280,',','- down,left'); klavesa(242,180,'.','- down');klavesa(242,300,'/','- down,right'); klavesa(242,200,'k','- left');klavesa(242,320,'7','- fire'); klavesa(242,220,';','- right');klavesa(242,340,'8','- pistol'); klavesa(242,240,'i','- up,left');klavesa(242,360,'9','- M4A1'); klavesa(242,260,'p','- up,right');klavesa(242,380,'0','- AK-47'); n:=readkey; pohyb_textu2('CONTROLS'); end; '3','ç' : begin pohyb_textu1('INSTRUCTIONS'); settextstyle(2,0,4);settextjustify(0,0); delay(1000); setcolor(14);outtextxy(30,160,'ě');setcolor(7); outtextxy(45,160,'Pascal-strike is a perfect game made in Pascal, that was designed for two players.'); delay(2500); setcolor(14);outtextxy(30,170,'ě');setcolor(7); outtextxy(45,170,'Find a weapon and shoot your opponent.'); delay(2500); setcolor(14);outtextxy(30,180,'ě');setcolor(7); outtextxy(45,180,'Shelter behind the boxes. Think quickly and be fast, then you will certainly win.'); delay(2500); setcolor(14);outtextxy(30,190,'ě');setcolor(7); outtextxy(45,190,'Do not forget that before playing the game you can set the color of your soldier.'); delay(2500); setcolor(14);outtextxy(30,200,'ě');setcolor(7); outtextxy(45,200,'Enjoy playing this game.'); delay(2500); setcolor(7);settextjustify(centertext,centertext); outtextxy(320,220,'[press any key]'); n:=readkey; pohyb_textu2('INSTRUCTIONS'); menu; end; '4','' : begin pohyb_textu1('OPTIONS'); settextstyle(2,0,4);settextjustify(0,0);setcolor(7); outtextxy(35,140,'Player 1:');outtextxy(235,140,'Player 2:'); outtextxy(35,350,'[if choosen press enter]'); klavesa(42,160,'w','- change color');klavesa(242,160,'o','- change color'); repeat v(50,245,c1,1,false,false,false); z(250,245,c2,2,false,false,false); n:=readkey; if n='w' then c1:=c1+1; if n='o' then c2:=c2+1; if (c1=6) or (c1=14) or (c1=10) then c1:=c1+1; if (c2=6) or (c2=14) or (c2=10) then c2:=c2+1; if c1=16 then c1:=1; if c2=16 then c2:=1; until ord(n)=13; f1:=c1;f2:=c2; pohyb_textu2('OPTIONS'); end; '5','' : begin pohyb_textu1('CREDITS'); settextstyle(2,0,4);settextjustify(0,0);setcolor(7); moveto(30,160);outtext('Game authors: ');setcolor(14); outtext('David Smejkal');setcolor(7);outtext(' and ');setcolor(14); outtext('Martin Sus');setcolor(7); n:=readkey; pohyb_textu2('CREDITS'); end; '0','' : exit; else menu; end; end; begin c1:=4;c2:=1;f1:=4;f2:=1; repeat if exi then break; menu; until exi or (ord(t)=27); end.