Digitálne hodiny v pascale
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Kategorija: KMP (Programy mladňakoch
Zrobil: Róbert Bobák
Program: Hodiny.pas
Subor exe: Hodiny.exe
Zrobil: Róbert Bobák
Program: Hodiny.pas
Subor exe: Hodiny.exe
Digitálne hodiny. Vtipný záver pri ich ukončení.
{ HODINY.PAS } { } { Author: Robert Bobak } { Date : 15.02.1997 http://www.trsek.com } program hodiny; uses crt,dos; var h,m,h1,m1,s,s1,stot,stot1:word; procedure KurzorZap(ZapVyp:boolean); var Regs : Registers; begin with Regs do begin AH := $03; BH := $00; Intr($10,Regs); If not (Zapvyp) then CH := CH or $20 else CH := CH and $DF; AH := $01; Intr($10,Regs); end; end; begin clrscr; repeat gettime(h,m,s,stot); if (h<>h1) or (m<>m1) or (s<>s1) or (stot<>stot1) then begin gotoxy(35,12);writeln('ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍť'); gotoxy(35,13);writeln('ş ş'); gotoxy(35,14);writeln('ČÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍź'); gotoxy(36,13); if h<10 then write('0');write(h,':');h1:=h;m1:=m;s1:=s;stot1:=stot; if m<10 then write('0');write(m,':'); if s<10 then write('0');write(s,':'); if stot<10 then write('0');writeln(stot); end; kurzorzap(false); until keypressed; if (h>18) and (m>39) then write('Palo chod domov!!!'); delay(5000); end.