1st Infinity Calculator
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Kategorija: Programy zos Pascalu
Program: 1inca.pas, Bignum.pas, Math.pas, Use_bn.pas
Subor exe: 1inca.exe
Program: 1inca.pas, Bignum.pas, Math.pas, Use_bn.pas
Subor exe: 1inca.exe
Program dokáže počítať základné matematické operácie v ľubovoľnej presnosti. Ostatné matematické operácie sú riešené Taylorovými radmi.
- Pre jednoduché použitie vo vašom programe pozrite use_bn.pas
- Program je omedzený na 250 desatinných miest (vyšší počet je možné definovať pri kompilácii)
- Počas zdĺhavých výpočtov užívateľ vidí ako konverguje Taylorov rad
{ BIGNUM.PAS Copyleft (c) Zdeno Sekerák, <etrsek@gmail.com> } { } { Tento program je slobodný software. Možete ho ďalej distribuovať a/alebo } { upravovať pod podmienkou licence GNU General Public License vydanej } { organizáciou Free Software Foundation, verzia licencie 3 alebo vyššej. } { } { Tento program je distribuvaný v nádeji, že bude užitočným, ale } { NEPOSKYTUJE ŽIADNE ZÁRUKY. Bez akejkoľvek vyplývajúcej záruky na } { OBCHODOVATEĽNOSŤ alebo VHODNOSŤ PRE KONKRÉTNE POUŽITIE. Pre viac } { podrobností si prečítajte licenciu GNU General Public Licence. } { } { http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html } { } { Author: Zdeno Sekerák (TrSek) } { Datum : 08.01.2010 } { Verzia: 0.91 RC1 http://www.trsek.com } unit BigNum; interface uses Objects, Crt; { make testing computing in native format, use for debuging } { for release use UNDEF _BN_NATIVE } { DEFINE _BN_NATIVE} const BN_MAX_DIGIT = 240; { how many digital has number } BN_MAX_STRING = 240; { maximal 255-string limit } BN_INFINITY = BN_MAX_DIGIT; BN_NUMSYSTEM = 10; { numeral system } BN_EXPONENT_ZERO = 5; { how many zero write when format 1E-BN_EXPONENT_ZERO } BN_DECIMAL_POINT = '.'; BN_ARROW_LEFT = #75; BN_BACKSPACE = #8; BN_ENTER = #13; BN_ESC = #27; BN_CHAR_SIGN = '-'; { error } BNE_OK = 0; BNE_USER_TERMINATE = 1; BNE_MINIMAL_OVERFLOW = 2; BNE_MAXIMAL_OVERFLOW = 3; BNE_DIVIDE_ZERO = 4; BNE_SQRT_MINUS = 5; BNE_EXP_MINUS = 6; BNE_ARCSINUS_BIG = 7; BNE_LN_NONPOSITIVE = 8; { for unit needs - do not change } BN_MANTISA_LESS = -1; BN_MANTISA_EQUAL = 0; BN_MANTISA_HIGH = 1; BN_MIN_EXPONENT = -2147483647; { min longint } BN_MAX_EXPONENT = 2147483647; { max longint } type digit = set of 0..9; _bignumber_type = record sign : boolean; { sign of number plu/minus } exponent : longint; { exponent of number } overflow : byte; { something wrong during compute } zero : boolean; { indicate zero } {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} native : extended; { its for test in native format } {$ENDIF} mantisa : array[1..BN_MAX_DIGIT] of byte; { numbers } end; BigNumber = Object(TObject) _bn: _bignumber_type; public constructor init(s:string); destructor done; virtual; { important and often use } private procedure ExponentLeft(step:integer); procedure ExponentRight(step:integer); procedure Normalize; procedure Clear; function IsZero:boolean; { auxiliary } public {protected} function compare_mantisa(bn: bignumber):integer; function Min(a,b:integer):integer; function ToInt(s:string):longint; function ToStr(i:longint):string; procedure SplitOverFlow(add: byte); { input, output } public procedure Frac; procedure Trunc; function GetErrorS:string; procedure Val(s:string); function Str(n,d:integer):string; function Read(ch:char):char; procedure Write(n,d:integer); { 3 (resp.4) very important mathematical operations } public procedure plus (add: bignumber); { addend } procedure minus (les: bignumber); { less } procedure multiply (sub: bignumber); { miltiply } procedure divide (del: bignumber); { divide } { don't work with Turbo Pascal 7.0 function operator <+> (a,b: bignumber); function operator <-> (a,b: bignumber); function operator <*> (a,b: bignumber); function operator </> (a,b: bignumber); } end; implementation {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { inicialize constructor } constructor bignumber.init(s:string); begin self.Clear; if(length(s)>0)then self.Val(s); end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { destructor, nothing do } destructor bignumber.done; begin end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure bignumber.Clear; var i:integer; begin _bn.sign := false; _bn.exponent := 0; _bn.overflow := BNE_OK; _bn.zero := true; {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} _bn.native := 0; {$ENDIF} for i:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do _bn.mantisa[i]:=0; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} function bignumber.Read(ch:char):char; var i: integer; { ch: char;} x,y: integer; s: string[BN_MAX_STRING]; begin x:=wherex; y:=wherey; s:=''; if(ch in [' ',#0])then ch:=readkey; repeat { number, sign char on start } if((ch in ['0'..'9']) or ((ch=BN_CHAR_SIGN) and (length(s)=0)))then begin s:=s+ch; system.write(ch); { why, until } if(ch=BN_CHAR_SIGN)then ch:='0'; end; { decimal point only 1 times } if((ch in [',','.',BN_DECIMAL_POINT]) and (Pos(BN_DECIMAL_POINT, s)=0))then begin s:=s + BN_DECIMAL_POINT; system.write(ch); end; { change mind - arrow to left, backspace } if(((ch=BN_ARROW_LEFT) or (ch=BN_BACKSPACE)) and (length(s)>0))then begin delete(s,length(s),1); gotoxy(x,y); system.write(s+' '); gotoxy(x,y); system.write(s); end; { next char } ch:=readkey; { until (ch in [BN_ENTER, BN_ESC]);} until not(ch in ['0'..'9', ',', '.', BN_DECIMAL_POINT, BN_ARROW_LEFT, BN_BACKSPACE]); { writeln;} { delete } Read:=ch; if((ch=BN_ESC) or (length(s)=0))then begin self.Clear; exit; end; { convert to bignumber format } self.Val(s); end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { CARE: moze sa stratit cislo } procedure bignumber.ExponentLeft(step:integer); var i:longint; begin if(step=0)then exit; { podtecenie } if(_bn.exponent < (BN_MIN_EXPONENT + step))then _bn.overflow := BNE_MINIMAL_OVERFLOW; { exponent change } _bn.exponent := _bn.exponent-step; { mistake, lost value !? } for i:=1 to step do if(_bn.mantisa[i]<>0)then _bn.overflow := BNE_MINIMAL_OVERFLOW; for i:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT-step do _bn.mantisa[i] := _bn.mantisa[i+step]; for i:=BN_MAX_DIGIT-step+1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do _bn.mantisa[i]:=0; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { posunieme cislo a exponent o step doprava } { pozor moze zmiznut cislo } procedure bignumber.ExponentRight(step:integer); var i:longint; begin if(step=0)then exit; { overflow } if(_bn.exponent > (BN_MAX_EXPONENT - step))then _bn.overflow := BNE_MAXIMAL_OVERFLOW; if(step > BN_MAX_DIGIT)then step := BN_MAX_DIGIT; { exponent change } _bn.exponent := _bn.exponent+step; { zero? - nothing do } if( _bn.zero )then exit; for i:=BN_MAX_DIGIT downto step+1 do _bn.mantisa[i] := _bn.mantisa[i-step]; for i:=step downto 1 do _bn.mantisa[i]:=0; { number was lost } if( IsZero )then begin _bn.overflow := BNE_MAXIMAL_OVERFLOW;; _bn.zero := true; end; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { normalize, first digit will be other like zero } procedure bignumber.Normalize; var i:integer; begin i:=0; while((_bn.mantisa[i+1]=0) and ((i+1) < BN_MAX_DIGIT)) do inc(i); { nema zmysel aj tak je nula } if((i+1) = BN_MAX_DIGIT)then begin _bn.exponent := 0; _bn.zero := true; exit; end else _bn.zero := false; self.ExponentLeft(i); end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { compare 2 mantises - no compare sign or exponent } function bignumber.compare_mantisa(bn: bignumber):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do begin { is less } if(_bn.mantisa[i] < bn._bn.mantisa[i])then begin compare_mantisa := BN_MANTISA_LESS; exit; end; { is bigger } if(_bn.mantisa[i] > bn._bn.mantisa[i])then begin compare_mantisa := BN_MANTISA_HIGH; exit; end; end; { is equal } compare_mantisa := BN_MANTISA_EQUAL; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { minimal of integers } function bignumber.Min(a,b:integer):integer; begin if(a<b)then Min:=a else Min:=b; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function bignumber.ToInt(s:string):longint; var i,odp:longint; begin odp:=0; ToInt:=odp; for i:=1 to length(s) do begin if(s[i] in ['0'..'9'])then odp:=odp*10 + ord(s[i])-ord('0') else exit; ToInt:=odp; end; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} function bignumber.ToStr(i:longint):string; var s:string; begin system.Str(i,s); ToStr:=s; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { bignumber is zero } function bignumber.IsZero:boolean; var i:integer; begin IsZero:=false; { when found digit (1-9) it isn't zero } for i:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do if(_bn.mantisa[i]<>0)then exit; { all digits is zero } IsZero := true; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} function bignumber.GetErrorS:string; begin case _bn.overflow of BNE_OK: GetErrorS:=''; BNE_USER_TERMINATE: GetErrorS:='User terminate operation'; BNE_MINIMAL_OVERFLOW: GetErrorS:='Overflow minimal'; BNE_MAXIMAL_OVERFLOW: GetErrorS:='Overflow maximal'; BNE_DIVIDE_ZERO: GetErrorS:='Divide by Zero'; BNE_SQRT_MINUS: GetErrorS:='Sqrt negative number'; BNE_EXP_MINUS: GetErrorS:='Exp negative number'; BNE_ARCSINUS_BIG: GetErrorS:='ArcSin out <-1,1>'; BNE_LN_NONPOSITIVE: GetErrorS:='Ln nonpositive'; else GetErrorS:='Number overflow'; end; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure bignumber.SplitOverFlow(add:byte); begin if(( add <> BNE_OK ) and( _bn.overflow = BNE_OK ))then _bn.overflow := add; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} { convert string to number } procedure bignumber.Val(s:string); var i: integer; begin self.Clear; _bn.overflow:=BNE_OK; { to native format } {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} system.val(s,_bn.native,i); {$ENDIF} { sign minus } if(s[1] = BN_CHAR_SIGN)then begin _bn.sign:=true; delete(s,1,1); end else _bn.sign:=false; { compute exponent } _bn.exponent := pos(BN_DECIMAL_POINT,s); if(_bn.exponent > 0)then begin delete(s, _bn.exponent, 1); _bn.exponent := _bn.exponent-2; end else begin _bn.exponent := pos('E',s); if(_bn.exponent > 0)then _bn.exponent := _bn.exponent-2 else _bn.exponent := length(s)-1; end; { exponent from E } if(pos('E',s)>0)then begin i:=pos('E',s); if(s[i+1]='-')then _bn.exponent:=_bn.exponent - self.ToInt( system.copy(s,i+2,length(s)-i-1)) else _bn.exponent:=_bn.exponent + self.ToInt( system.copy(s,i+2,length(s)-i-1)); delete(s,i,length(s)-i+1); end; { fill mantisa } for i:=1 to min(length(s),BN_MAX_DIGIT) do if(s[i] in ['0'..'9'])then _bn.mantisa[i]:=ord(s[i])-ord('0'); { remainder clear } for i:=length(s)+1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do _bn.mantisa[i]:=0; { move when need } self.Normalize; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { convert number to string } function bignumber.Str(n,d:integer):string; var i: integer; elen: integer; _exp: longint; _max: integer; s: string; begin s:=''; { sing } if(_bn.sign)then s := BN_CHAR_SIGN; elen:=2 + length(ToStr(abs(_bn.exponent))); _exp:=_bn.exponent+1; { negative exponent } if(_bn.exponent < 0)then begin { je to v norme urobime tvar 0.000} if( abs(_bn.exponent) <= BN_EXPONENT_ZERO )then begin s:=s + '0' + BN_DECIMAL_POINT; for i:=1 to abs(_bn.exponent)-1 do s:=s+'0'; _exp:=0; end else _exp:=1; end; { all digits } for i:=1 to BN_MAX_STRING do begin s:=s + ToStr(_bn.mantisa[i]); dec(_exp); dec(n); dec(d); if(_exp = 0)then begin s:=s + BN_DECIMAL_POINT; break; end; if(n<=elen) then break; end; { found finish } _max:=BN_MAX_STRING; while((_bn.mantisa[_max]=0) and (_max>1)) do dec(_max); { remainder } while((d>0) and (i<_max)) do begin dec(d); inc(i); s:=s + self.ToStr(_bn.mantisa[i]); end; { decimal point on finale clear } if(pos(BN_DECIMAL_POINT,s) = length(s))then delete(s,length(s),1); { exponent need } if(_exp > 0)then s:=s+'E+'+ToStr(_exp); { negative exponent } if(_exp = 0)then if( _bn.exponent < (-1)*BN_EXPONENT_ZERO )then s:=s+'E'+ToStr(_bn.exponent); { final } Str:=s; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { write number } procedure bignumber.Write(n,d:integer); begin { write number } system.write( self.Str(n,d)); { when number wrong - announce } if(_bn.overflow <> BNE_OK)then system.write(' <', self.GetErrorS, '>' ); {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} { in bracket write native number } system.write(' (',_bn.native,')'); {$ENDIF} end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Alone decimal part. } procedure bignumber.Frac; var i:integer; begin {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} { for test } _bn.native := system.Frac(_bn.native); {$ENDIF} for i:=1 to self.min(_bn.Exponent+1, BN_MAX_DIGIT) do _bn.mantisa[i]:=0; { if need } self.Normalize; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Cut decimal part.} procedure bignumber.Trunc; var i:longint; begin {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} { for test } _bn.native := system.Trunc(_bn.native); {$ENDIF} { its decimal number } if(_bn.Exponent < 0)then begin self.Clear; exit; end; for i:=_bn.Exponent+2 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do _bn.mantisa[i]:=0; { if need } self.Normalize; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { added two numbers, allow different sign } procedure bignumber.plus(add: bignumber); var carry:byte; i:integer; begin {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} { for test } _bn.native:=_bn.native + add._bn.native; {$ENDIF} { normalize exponents } if(_bn.exponent > add._bn.exponent)then add.ExponentRight(_bn.exponent - add._bn.exponent); if(add._bn.exponent > _bn.exponent)then self.ExponentRight(add._bn.exponent - _bn.exponent); { when sign are equal then added it } if(_bn.sign = add._bn.sign)then begin carry:=0; for i:=BN_MAX_DIGIT downto 1 do begin carry := _bn.mantisa[i] + add._bn.mantisa[i] + carry; _bn.mantisa[i] := carry mod BN_NUMSYSTEM; carry := carry div BN_NUMSYSTEM; end; { remainder carry } if(carry > 0)then begin self.ExponentRight(1); _bn.mantisa[1] := carry; end; end else begin { it will be minus } { but only big of less } if( self.compare_mantisa(add) = BN_MANTISA_LESS)then begin { invert sign } _bn.sign:=not(_bn.sign); carry:=1; for i:=BN_MAX_DIGIT downto 1 do begin carry := add._bn.mantisa[i]+BN_NUMSYSTEM - _bn.mantisa[i]+ carry-1; _bn.mantisa[i] := carry mod BN_NUMSYSTEM; carry := carry div BN_NUMSYSTEM; end; end else begin carry:=1; for i:=BN_MAX_DIGIT downto 1 do begin carry := _bn.mantisa[i]+BN_NUMSYSTEM - add._bn.mantisa[i]+ carry-1; _bn.mantisa[i] := carry mod BN_NUMSYSTEM; carry := carry div BN_NUMSYSTEM; end; end; end; { normalize it? } self.Normalize; { split overflow } self.SplitOverFlow( add._bn.overflow ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { minus replace with plus } procedure bignumber.minus(les: bignumber); begin {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} les._bn.native:=(-1)*les._bn.native; {$ENDIF} les._bn.sign:=not(les._bn.sign); self.plus(les); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure bignumber.multiply(sub: bignumber); var _mantisa:array[1..2*BN_MAX_DIGIT] of byte; carry:byte; i:integer; i2:integer; begin {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} { for test } _bn.native:=_bn.native*sub._bn.native; {$ENDIF} { it's was a simple } if( _bn.sign = sub._bn.sign )then _bn.sign:=false else _bn.sign:=true; { auxiliary array clear } for i:=1 to 2*BN_MAX_DIGIT do _mantisa[i]:=0; { multiplying } for i2:=BN_MAX_DIGIT downto 1 do begin carry:=0; { if non-zero } if(sub._bn.mantisa[i2]<>0)then for i:=BN_MAX_DIGIT downto 1 do begin carry := (sub._bn.mantisa[i2] * _bn.mantisa[i]) + carry + _mantisa[i2+i]; _mantisa[i2+i] := carry mod BN_NUMSYSTEM; carry := carry div BN_NUMSYSTEM; end; { remainder of carry } _mantisa[i2]:=_mantisa[i2] + carry; end; { found start } if( _mantisa[1] = 0 )then carry:=1 else carry:=0; { test for overflow exponents } if( sub._bn.exponent > 0)then if( _bn.exponent > (BN_MAX_EXPONENT - sub._bn.exponent-1))then _bn.overflow := BNE_MAXIMAL_OVERFLOW; { exponents adds } _bn.exponent:= _bn.exponent + sub._bn.exponent + 1 - carry; { move } for i:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do _bn.mantisa[i] := _mantisa[i+carry]; { normalize if need } self.Normalize; { split overflow } self.SplitOverFlow( sub._bn.overflow ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure bignumber.divide(del: bignumber); var _mantisa:array[1..BN_MAX_DIGIT] of byte; carry:byte; i:integer; i2:integer; begin { ATTENTION!!! divide by zero } if(del.IsZero)then begin _bn.overflow := BNE_DIVIDE_ZERO; exit; end; {$IFDEF _BN_NATIVE} { for test } _bn.native:=_bn.native/del._bn.native; {$ENDIF} { sign } if( _bn.sign = del._bn.sign )then _bn.sign:=false else _bn.sign:=true; { auxiliary array clear } for i:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do _mantisa[i]:=0; { move to right because we need move 10 } self.ExponentRight(1); del.ExponentRight(1); for i2:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do begin while( compare_mantisa(del) <> BN_MANTISA_LESS )do begin { increment 1 } inc(_mantisa[i2]); { minus } carry:=1; for i:=BN_MAX_DIGIT downto 1 do begin carry := _bn.mantisa[i]+BN_NUMSYSTEM - del._bn.mantisa[i]+ carry-1; _bn.mantisa[i] := carry mod BN_NUMSYSTEM; carry := carry div BN_NUMSYSTEM; end; end; { multiply with 10 } for i:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT-1 do _bn.mantisa[i]:=_bn.mantisa[i+1]; { this is zero } _bn.mantisa[BN_MAX_DIGIT]:=0; end; { move vysledok } for i:=1 to BN_MAX_DIGIT do _bn.mantisa[i] := _mantisa[i]; { exponents minus } _bn.exponent:= _bn.exponent - del._bn.exponent; { normalize if need } self.Normalize; { split overflow } self.SplitOverFlow( del._bn.overflow ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} begin writeln('This program use unit bignumber.'); end.