Rutiny chtore maju buc na pošilane baličkoch cez IPX protokol
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Kategorija: Pridaňa
Program: Ipx.pas
Subor exe: Sendmess.exe, Recmess.exe
Mušiš mac: Net_serv.pas, Recmess.pas, Sendmess.pas
Program: Ipx.pas
Subor exe: Sendmess.exe, Recmess.exe
Mušiš mac: Net_serv.pas, Recmess.pas, Sendmess.pas
Rutiny chtore maju buc na pošilane baličkoch cez IPX protokol. IPX je gundža protokolov chtora še použiva vof operačnom systeme Novell NetWare. Toten mušice mac instalovany. Vecej možeš znac zos
{ NET_SERV.PAS } { Rutiny sluziace ku komunikacii IPX protokolom. } { } { Datum:20.02.2016 } unit net_serv; interface var username:string; function doplnnuly(num:word;newlen:byte):string; function _username:string; function _existspoj:boolean; implementation uses dos; var r: registers; function doplnnuly(num:word;newlen:byte):string; var tmpstr:string; ckl:byte; begin str(num:0,tmpstr); if length(tmpstr) < newlen then for ckl:=newlen-length(tmpstr) to newlen do tmpstr:='0'+tmpstr; doplnnuly:=tmpstr; end; function _username:string; const lennetwname=15; var bufusername:array[1..lennetwname]of byte; bufusernamestr:string[lennetwname]; begin fillchar(bufusername,sizeof(bufusername),0); fillchar(bufusernamestr,sizeof(bufusernamestr),#0); r.ah:=$5e;; r.ds:=seg(bufusername); r.dx:=ofs(bufusername); intr($21,r); if r.flags and fcarry = fcarry then _username:='' else begin move(bufusername,ptr(seg(bufusernamestr),ofs(bufusernamestr)+1)^,lennetwname); bufusernamestr[0]:=chr(lennetwname); _username:=bufusernamestr; end; end; function _existspoj:boolean; begin r.ah:=$dc; intr($21,r); if ( and ( and ( then _existspoj:=false else _existspoj:=true; end; begin if _existspoj then username:=_username else username:=''; end.