Program pre dekodovanie a zobrazenie teletextu cez SAA5281 s komunikaciou cez I2C
Kategorija: PridaňaProgram: Teletext.pas
Subor exe: Teletext.exe
Mušiš mac: I2c_com.pas, Kodovani.pas, Spec.pas, Txtvga.pas, Vgaprog.pas, Txtcz.vga
Program pre dekodovanie a zobrazenie teletextu cez SAA5281 s komunikaciou cez I2C.
{ I2C.PAS } { Komunikacia I2C pre program teletext. } { } { Datum:14.12.2017 } unit i2c_com; interface procedure i2c_start; procedure i2c_stop; procedure i2c_ack; procedure i2c_noack; function i2c_vystup (hodnota:Byte):boolean; function i2c_cteni:Byte; implementation uses crt; var temp:byte; ba:word; function com_sel:word; var v,code:word; begin if paramcount=0 then com_sel:=$2f8; val(paramstr(1),v,code); case v of 1:com_sel:=$3f8; 2:com_sel:=$2f8; 3:com_sel:=$3e8; 4:com_sel:=$2e8; else com_sel:=$2f8; end; end; procedure wait_SCL; var del_count:word; begin for del_count:=0 to 255 do end; procedure dela; var del_count:word; begin for del_count:=0 to 255 do; end; procedure i2c_start; begin port[ba+4]:=3; {3 SDA 1, SCL 1} wait_SCL; port[ba+4]:=2; {2 SDA 0, SCL 1} dela; port[ba+4]:=0; {0 SDA 0, SCL 0} dela; end; procedure i2c_stop; begin port[ba+4]:=0; {0 SDA 0, SCL 0} dela; port[ba+4]:=2; {2 SDA 0, SCL 1} wait_SCL; port[ba+4]:=3; {3 SDA 1, SCL 1} dela; end; procedure i2c_ack; begin port[ba+4]:=0; {0 SDA 0, SCL 0} dela; port[ba+4]:=2; {2 SDA 0, SCL 1} wait_SCL; port[ba+4]:=0; {0 SDA 0, SCL 0} dela; end; procedure i2c_noack; begin port[ba+4]:=1; {1 SDA 1, SCL 0} dela; port[ba+4]:=3; {3 SDA 1, SCL 1} wait_SCL; port[ba+4]:=1; {1 SDA 1, SCL 0} dela; end; function i2c_vystup(hodnota:byte):boolean; var bit,portwert,n,m:byte; begin bit:=128; for n:= 1 to 8 do begin if (hodnota and bit)=bit then portwert:= 1 else portwert:=0; port[ba+4]:=portwert; {SDA = bit, SCL 0} dela; port[ba+4]:=portwert+2; {SCL 1} wait_SCL; port[ba+4]:=portwert; {SDA = bit, SCL 0} dela; bit:=bit div 2 end; port[ba+4]:=1; {1 SDA 1, SCL 0} dela; port[ba+4]:=3; {3 SDA 1, SCL 1} wait_SCL; if (port[ba+6] and 16)=16 then {TEST SDA} begin dela; i2c_vystup:=false; writeln('--Slave: ',hodnota,' not respond--'); end else i2c_vystup:=true; port[ba+4]:=1; {1 SDA 1, SCL 0} dela; end; function i2c_cteni:byte; var bit,wert,n,m:Byte; begin port[ba+4]:=1; {1 SDA 1, SCL 0} dela; bit:=128; wert:=0; for n:= 1 to 8 do begin port[ba+4]:=3; {3 SDA 1, SCL 1} wait_SCL; if (port[ba+6] and 16)=16 then wert:=wert+bit; {TEST SDA} dela; port[ba+4]:=1; {1 SDA 1, SCL 0} dela; bit:= bit div 2; end; i2c_cteni:=wert; end; begin ba:=com_sel; temp:=port[ba+6]; temp:=port[ba+6]; end.