Program pre dekodovanie a zobrazenie teletextu cez SAA5281 s komunikaciou cez I2C
Kategorija: PridaňaProgram: Teletext.pas
Subor exe: Teletext.exe
Mušiš mac: I2c_com.pas, Kodovani.pas, Spec.pas, Txtvga.pas, Vgaprog.pas, Txtcz.vga
Program pre dekodovanie a zobrazenie teletextu cez SAA5281 s komunikaciou cez I2C.
{ TXTVGA.PAS } { Fonty pre teletext. } { } { Datum:14.12.2017 } {***************************************************************************} {******* INCLUDE - DATEI fur TOPTEXT-VGAfunktionen *******} {***************************************************************************} {***************************************************************************} procedure txtfonty; BEGIN assign(f,'txtcz.vga'); OpenCG; {$I-} reset(f); errtest; read(f,cg); errtest; {$I+} CloseCG; close(f); end; {***************************************************************************} procedure Normfonty; BEGIN panic (0); END; {***************************************************************************} procedure Matrix8x16; ASSEMBLER; ASM CLI {Interrupts sperren} mov dx, $3cc in al, dx and al, $F3 {Clock 25,175 MHz} mov dx, $3C2 out dx, al mov dx, $3C4 xor al, al out dx, al {Index Reset Register} inc dx inc al out dx, al {Synchroner Sequencer-Reset} dec dx out dx, al {Index Clocking Mode Register} inc dx in al, dx or al, 1 out dx, al {Bit 1 = 1, 8x16 Zeichenbox} xor al, al dec dx out dx, al { Index Reset Register } mov al, 3 inc dx out dx, al {Reset Zustand beenden} sti {Interrupts erlauben} end; {***************************************************************************} procedure Matrix9x16; ASSEMBLER; ASM CLI {Interrupts sperren} mov dx, $3cc in al, dx or al, $4 {Clock 28,322 MHz} mov dx, $3C2 out dx, al mov dx, $3C4 xor al, al out dx, al {Index Reset Register} inc dx inc al out dx, al {Synchroner Sequencer-Reset} dec dx out dx, al {Index Clocking Mode Register} inc dx in al, dx and al, $FE out dx, al {Bit 1 = 1, 8x16 Zeichenbox} xor al, al dec dx out dx, al { Index Reset Register } mov al, 3 inc dx out dx, al {Reset Zustand beenden} sti {Interrupts erlauben} end; {***************************************************************************} Procedure txtbarvy; ASSEMBLER; ASM mov dx, $3DA in al, dx mov dx, $3c0 mov al, brown out dx, al mov al, 62 {Gelb} out dx, al mov al, lightgray out dx, al mov al, 63 {Weiss} out dx, al mov al, red out dx, al mov al, 36 {hellrot} out dx, al mov al, $20 out dx, al mov dx, $3DA in al, dx {Videozugriff-Freigabe} end; {***************************************************************************} Procedure VGAbarvy; ASSEMBLER; ASM mov dx, $3DA in al, dx mov dx, $3c0 mov al, brown out dx, al mov al, brown {braun} out dx, al mov al, lightgray out dx, al mov al, lightgray {hellgrau} out dx, al mov al, red out dx, al mov al, red {rot} out dx, al mov al, $20 out dx, al mov dx, $3DA in al, dx {Videozugriff-Freigabe} end; {***************************************************************************} Procedure initScr(mode:boolean); BEGIN IF mode THEN begin txtfonty; txtbarvy; matrix8x16 end else begin normfonty; vgabarvy; textmode(co80) end; END;