Snake game
Kategória: KMP (Klub mladých programátorov)
Súbor exe: Snakev1_1.exe
Snake game.
{ SNAKE.PAS } { SNAKE-Game } { } { Probeer de blokjes te pakken zonder } { tegen je staart te botsen } { } { Druk op een pijltje of de spatie om te } { beginnen of druk op een andere toets } { om te stoppen. } { } { Author: Unknown } { Datum: 20.01.2009 } program snake; uses crt, keyboard, strings; const TIMEA:integer = 10; const TIMEB:integer = 0; const GROWSIZE:integer = 1; {-------------------------------------------------------} { if TIMEA is high and TIMEB is low then } { are the wait time on some verry high. } { but if TIMEA is low and TIMEB is high then } { it detect some keys not. } {-------------------------------------------------------} type wurm = array[0..20] of array[0..20] of longint; var i,j:integer; procedure show_screen (scherm:string); var ch,ch1,ch3,ch2:char; begin if (scherm = 'welkom') then begin clrscr; writeln(' '); writeln(' SNAKE-Game '); writeln(' '); writeln(' Probeer de blokjes te pakken zonder '); writeln(' tegen je staart te botsen '); writeln(' '); writeln(' Druk op een pijltje of de spatie om te '); writeln(' beginnen of druk op een andere toets '); writeln(' om te stoppen. '); writeln(' '); end else if (scherm = 'in_game0') then begin ch := chr(205); ch1 := chr(186); window(20,19,44,44); textbackground(black); textcolor(white); writeln(' '); writeln(' ',ch,ch,chr(187),' '); writeln(' ',ch1,' '); writeln(' ',ch,ch,chr(185),' '); writeln(' ',ch1,' '); writeln(' ',ch,ch,chr(188),' '); writeln(' '); end else if (scherm = 'in_game1') then begin ch := chr(205); ch1 := chr(186); window(20,19,44,44); textbackground(black); textcolor(white); writeln(' '); writeln(' ',ch,ch,chr(187),' '); writeln(' ',ch1,' '); writeln(' ',chr(201),ch,chr(188),' '); writeln(' ',ch1,' '); writeln(' ',chr(200),ch,ch,' '); writeln(' '); end else if (scherm = 'in_game2') then begin ch := chr(186); window(20,19,44,44); textbackground(black); textcolor(white); writeln(' '); writeln(' ',chr(187),' '); for i := 0 to 3 do writeln(' ',ch,' '); writeln(' '); end else if (scherm = 'in_game3') then begin window(3,3,45,45); textcolor(darkgray); ch := chr(218); ch1 := chr(191); ch2 := chr(192); ch3 := chr(217); for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do write(ch,ch1); writeln; for j := 0 to 20 do write(ch2,ch3); writeln; end; textcolor(black); gotoxy(1,1); end else begin writeln('ERROR'); end; window(3,3,44,44); textcolor(black); textbackground(white); end; procedure init; begin cursoroff; randomize; textmode(CO80 + Font8x8); textbackground(green); clrscr; window(2,2,45,45); textcolor(black); textbackground(red); clrscr; initkeyboard; window(3,3,44,44); textbackground(white); show_screen('welkom'); end; procedure game_move (var arr:wurm; const dir:char; var lenght:integer); var stop:boolean = False; var i,j,x,y,r:integer; var loc:array[0..1] of integer; begin for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do begin if (arr[i][j] = 2) and not (stop) then begin x := i; {X} y := j; {Y} stop := True; end; end; end; if (stop) then begin loc[0] := x; loc[1] := y; if (dir = 'l') and (x = 0) then begin x := 20; end else if (dir = 'r') and (x = 20) then begin x := 0; end else if (dir = 'u') and (y = 0) then begin y := 20; end else if (dir = 'd') and (y = 20) then begin y := 0; end else if (dir = 'd') then begin y := y + 1; end else if (dir = 'u') then begin y := y - 1; end else if (dir = 'l') then begin x := x - 1; end else begin x := x + 1; end; if (arr[x][y] = 0) then begin for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do begin if (arr[i][j] = (lenght + 3)) then begin arr[i][j] := arr[i][j] + GROWSIZE; end else if (arr[i][j] > 1) and (arr[i][j] < (lenght + 3)) then begin arr[i][j] := arr[i][j] + 1; end; end; end; arr[x][y] := 2; lenght := lenght + GROWSIZE; r := random(400); repeat begin for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do begin if (arr[i][j] = 1) or (arr[i][j] > (lenght + 1)) then begin if (r = 0) then begin arr[i][j] := 0; r := r - 1; end else if not (r = -1) then begin r := r - 1; end; end; end; end; end until (r = -1); end else if (arr[x][y] = 1) or (arr[x][y] > (lenght + 1)) then begin for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do begin if (arr[i][j] > 1) and (arr[i][j] < (lenght + 3)) then begin arr[i][j] := arr[i][j] + 1; end; end; end; arr[x][y] := 2; end else begin {Je bent dood} for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do begin arr[i][j] := 1; end; end; lenght := 0; end; end else begin writeln('ERROR'); end; end; procedure game_vieuw(const arr:wurm;const l:integer); var ch:array[0..3] of char; begin ch[0] := chr(218); ch[1] := chr(191); ch[2] := chr(192); ch[3] := chr(217); window(3,3,45,45); for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do begin if (arr[i][j] = 2) then begin textbackground(red); textcolor(yellow); end else if (arr[i][j] > 1) and (arr[i][j] < (l + 3)) then begin textbackground(yellow); textcolor(red); end else if (arr[i][j] = 0) then begin textbackground(green); textcolor(white); end else begin textbackground(white); textcolor(darkgray); end; gotoxy(i * 2 + 1,j * 2 + 1); writeln(ch[0],ch[1]); gotoxy(i * 2 + 1,whereY); writeln(ch[2],ch[3]); end; end; window(3,3,44,44); textcolor(black); textbackground(white); end; procedure game_reset(var arr:wurm; var l:integer); begin for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do begin arr[i][j] := 1; end; end; arr[18][19] := 2; arr[19][19] := 3; arr[1][18] := 0; l := 3; end; procedure game_over(score:integer); var ch:char; begin window(15,15,44,44); textbackground(blue); write(chr(201)); ch := chr(205); for i := 0 to 13 do begin write(ch); end; ch := chr(186); writeln(chr(187)); writeln(ch,' GAME OVER ',ch); writeln(ch,' ',ch); writeln(ch,' Druk op de ',ch); writeln(ch,' spatiebalk ',ch); writeln(ch,' om opnieuw ',ch); writeln(ch,' te beginnen. ',ch); writeln(ch,' score: ',ch); gotoxy(10,8); writeln(score); write(chr(200)); ch := chr(205); for i := 0 to 13 do begin write(ch); end; writeln(chr(188)); window(3,3,44,44); end; function game_input(k1:tKeyEvent;dir:char):char; var K:tKeyEvent;var key:string; begin k := pollkeyevent; if not (k = 0) then begin key := keyeventtostring(translatekeyevent(getkeyevent)); end else if not (k1 = 0) then begin key := keyeventtostring(translatekeyevent(k1)); end; if not (key = '') then begin if (key = 'Left') and not (dir = 'r') then begin dir := 'l'; end else if (key = 'Up') and not (dir = 'd') then begin dir := 'u'; end else if (key = 'Down') and not (dir = 'u') then begin dir := 'd'; end else if (key = 'Right') and not (dir = 'l') then begin dir := 'r'; end; end; game_input := dir; end; function game_wait:boolean; var k:tKeyEvent; begin game_wait := true; repeat begin k := pollkeyevent; end until not (k = 0); K := translatekeyevent(getkeyevent); if(keyeventtostring(k) = ' ') then begin textcolor(black); textbackground(white); show_screen('welkom'); repeat begin K := pollkeyevent; end until not (keyeventtostring(translatekeyevent(k)) = ' '); game_wait := False; end; end; var k,k1:tKeyEvent; var key:string; var stop:boolean = False; var old:integer; var map:wurm; var l:integer = 3; var dir:char = 'l'; var temp:char = 'l'; var die:boolean; begin { INIT } init(); for i := 0 to 20 do begin for j := 0 to 20 do begin map[i][j] := 1; end; end; map[18][19] := 2; map[19][19] := 3; map[19][18] := 4; map[19][17] := 5; map[1][18] := 0; { INIT end } repeat begin gotoxy(20,whereY); cursoron; repeat begin k := pollkeyevent; end until not (k = 0); cursoroff; key := keyeventtostring(translatekeyevent(getkeyevent)); if (key = 'Left') then begin dir := 'l'; end else if (key = ' ') then begin dir := 'l'; end else if (key = 'Up') then begin dir := 'u'; end else if (key = 'Down') then begin dir := 'd'; end else if (key = 'Right') then begin dir := 'r'; end else begin stop := true; end; if not (stop) then begin lowvideo; show_screen('in_game3'); game_vieuw(map,l); show_screen('in_game0'); delay(1000); show_screen('in_game1'); delay(1000); show_screen('in_game2'); delay(1000); k1 := pollkeyevent; die := False; repeat begin {invoer} dir := game_input(k1,dir); {Verwerking} game_move(map,dir,l); if (l = 0) then begin die := true; end else begin game_vieuw(map,l); old := l; end; for i := 0 to TIMEA do begin k := pollkeyevent; if not (k = 0) then k1 := getkeyevent; delay(TIMEB); end; end until die; normvideo; game_over(old); game_reset(map,l); stop := game_wait; end; end until stop; donekeyboard; clrscr; end.