Plošinovka s jedným levelom
Kategória: KMP (Klub mladých programátorov)
Program: Hra.pas
Súbor exe: Hra.exe
Plošinovka s jedným levelom. Ovládate figúrku ktorá musí pozbierať všetko zlato a potom môže vyjsť dverami von. Pre prípad núdze máte k dispozícii život naviac a teleport.
{ HRA.PAS } { } { Author: Peter Roob } { Date : 02.02.2006 } program hra; uses graph,crt,dos; var x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,v,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u:integer; h:char; procedure pad; begin gotoxy(x+1,y);write(' '); gotoxy(x-1,y); write(' ');gotoxy(x,y);write('');delay(200); gotoxy(x,y);write(' ');gotoxy(x,y+1);write('');delay(200); gotoxy(x,y+1);write(' ');gotoxy(x,y+2);write('');delay(200); g:=x; y:=y+3; end; procedure skokp; begin gotoxy(x,y); write(' '); gotoxy(x,y-1); write ('');delay(200); gotoxy(x,y-1);write(' ');gotoxy(x+1,y-1); write('');delay(200); gotoxy(x+1,y-1);write(' ');gotoxy(x+2,y-1);write('');delay(200); gotoxy(x+2,y-1);write(' ');gotoxy(x+2,y);write(''); g:=x; x:=x+2; end; procedure skokl; begin gotoxy(x,y); write(' '); gotoxy(x,y-1); write ('');delay(200); gotoxy(x,y-1);write(' ');gotoxy(x-1,y-1); write('');delay(200); gotoxy(x-1,y-1);write(' ');gotoxy(x-2,y-1);write('');delay(200); gotoxy(x-2,y-1);write(' ');gotoxy(x-2,y);write(''); g:=x; x:=x-2; end; procedure smrt; begin if z=1 then begin z:=0; clrscr; textcolor(0); writeln('Si mrtvy'); delay(1000); end; if z=2 then begin a:=4; z:=1; end; end; procedure zivot1; begin if b=1 then begin if z=2 then begin end; if z=1 then begin z:=2; a:=6; c:=0; b:=0; end; end; end; procedure kluc1; begin if e=1 then begin f:=f+1; end; e:=0; end; procedure kluc2; begin if i=1 then begin f:=f+1; end; i:=0; end; procedure kluc3; begin if j=1 then begin f:=f+1; end; j:=0; end; procedure vitaz; begin if f=3 then v:=1; end; {ZACIATOK} begin clrscr; x:=10; y:=9; z:=2; a:=6; b:=1; c:=1; e:=1; v:=0; f:=0; i:=1; j:=1; repeat clrscr; textbackground(7); clrscr; gotoxy(2,2); textcolor(0); write(chr(27),chr(26),'-Kurzorove sipky, '); write ('Skok doprava - Page Down, '); writeln ('Skok dolava - Delete'); textcolor(4); write (' ',chr(3),'-Zivot '); textcolor(6); write (chr(5),'-Zlato '); textcolor(1); writeln (chr(219),'-Dvere,Koniec '); textcolor(1); write (' ',chr(176),'-Teleport Pozbieraj vsetko zlato a ujdi dvermi!'); gotoxy(10,6); if z=2 then begin textcolor(6); write('Zivot: 100%'); end; if z=1 then begin textcolor(4); write('Zivot: 50%'); end; {prostredie} if c=1 then begin gotoxy(19,9); textcolor(4); write(chr(3));end; if e=1 then begin gotoxy(21,9); textcolor(6); write(chr(5));end; if i=1 then begin gotoxy(43,15); textcolor(6); write(chr(5));end; if j=1 then begin gotoxy(25,15);textcolor(6); write(chr(5));end; gotoxy(10,10); textcolor(2); write(chr(219),chr(219),chr(219),chr(219),chr(219),' ',chr(219)); textcolor(0);write(chr(30)); textcolor(2); for d:=1 to 7 do write(chr(219)); gotoxy(22,9); write(chr(219)); gotoxy(7,13); for d:=1 to 23 do write(chr(219)); textcolor(1); gotoxy(7,12);write(chr(176));gotoxy(45,15); write(chr(176)); gotoxy(25,18);write(chr(176)); gotoxy(18,12);write(chr(219)); textcolor(2); gotoxy(7,16); for d:=1 to 5 do write(chr(219));textcolor(0);write(chr(30)); textcolor(2); for d:=1 to 10 do write(chr(219));write(' '); for d:=1 to 6 do write(chr(219)); for d:=1 to 11 do write(chr(219)); for d:=1 to 5 do write(chr(219)); gotoxy(29,15); write(chr(219));gotoxy(29,14); write(chr(219)); gotoxy(7,19); for d:=1 to 40 do write(chr(219)); textcolor(a); gotoxy(x,y); write (''); readkey; h:=readkey; if (h='M') then begin g:=x; x:=x+1; end; if (h='K') then x:=x-1; if (h=#81) then skokp; if (h=#83) then skokl; if ((x=15) and (y=9)) then pad; if ((x=17) and (y=9)) then smrt; if ((x=19) and (y=9)) then zivot1; if ((x=21) and (y=9)) then kluc1; if ((x=22) and (y=9)) then x:=g; if ((x=25) and (y=9)) then pad; if ((x=26) and (y=9)) then pad; if ((x=18) and (y=12)) then vitaz; if ((x=7) and (y=12)) then begin x:=10; y:=9; end; if ((x=9) and (y=9)) then pad; if ((x=8) and (y=9)) then pad; if ((x=30) and (y=12)) then pad; if ((x=31) and (y=12)) then pad; if ((x=12) and (y=15)) then smrt; if ((x=23) and (y=15)) then pad; if ((x=43) and (y=15)) then kluc2; if ((x=45) and (y=15)) then begin x:=8; y:=15; end; if ((x=25) and (y=15)) then kluc3; if ((x=25) and (y=18)) then begin x:=10; y:=9; end; if ((x=29) and (y=15)) then x:=g; until ((h=#27) or (z=0) or (v=1)); clrscr; textcolor(1); gotoxy(20,20); if z=0 then writeln ('GAME OVER'); if v=1 then writeln ('VITAZSTVO'); delay(2000); end.