Simulácia ohňostroja v pascale s malými časťami asembleru
Kategórie: KMP (Programy mladých programátorů)
Program: Ohnostroj.pas
Soubor exe: Ohnostroj.exe
Simulácia ohňostroja v pascale s malými časťami asembleru. Veľmi efektné.
{ OHNOSTROJ.PAS } { Simulaica ohnostroju. Velmi efektne. } { } { Datum:16.04.1999 } uses crt; const sc=4; gr=1; minvyb=50; maxv=2; shl320sc=320 shl sc; shl200sc=200 shl sc; var paleta:array[0..255,0..2] of byte; const farbtab:array[0..15] of byte = (0,$10,$20,$30,$40,$50,$60,$70,$80,$90,$a0,$b0,$c0,$d0,$e0,$f0); type pbodka=^bodka; bodka=object x,y:word; vx,vy:integer; col:byte; hlcol:byte; sila:integer; chcem:integer; stareDI:word; pred,po:pbodka; constructor init(_x,_y:word;_c,_s:integer); procedure urob; virtual; destructor done; end; pvybuch=^vybuch; vybuch=object(bodka) constructor init(_x,_y:word;_vx,_vy,_c,_s:integer); procedure pohni; procedure urob; virtual; end; praketa=^raketa; raketa=object(vybuch) procedure vybuchni; procedure urob; virtual; end; var bodky:pbodka; procedure pridaj(p:pbodka); begin if p=nil then exit; p^.po:=bodky; if bodky<>nil then bodky^.pred:=p; p^.pred :=nil; bodky:=p; end; var dw:pbodka; procedure zmaz(p:pbodka); begin dw:=p; if p=nil then exit; if p^.pred=nil then begin bodky:=p^.po; end else begin p^.pred^.po:=p^.po; end; if p^.po<>nil then p^.po^.pred:=p^.pred; dispose(p,done); end; procedure pohni_vsetko; var p,pd:pbodka; begin p:=bodky; while p<>nil do begin p^.urob; pd:=p^.po; if p^.chcem=-1 then zmaz(p); p:=pd; end; end; constructor bodka.init; begin x:=_x; y:=_y; hlcol:=_c; sila:=_s; chcem:=0; if (x>shl320sc) or (y>shl200sc) then begin stareDI:=64001; chcem:=-1; end else stareDI:=(x shr sc)+(y shr sc)*320; end; procedure bodka.urob; begin if chcem =-1 then exit; dec(sila); if sila<0 then chcem:=-1 else mem[$a000:stareDI]:=hlcol+sila; end; destructor bodka.done; begin mem[$a000:stareDI]:=0; end; constructor vybuch.init; begin x:=_x; y:=_y; vx:=_vx; vy:=_vy; hlcol:=_c; sila:=_s; chcem:=0; if (x>=shl320sc) or (y>=shl200sc) then begin stareDI:=64001; chcem:=-1; end else stareDI:=(x shr sc)+(y shr sc)*320; end; procedure vybuch.pohni; begin if x>-vx then inc(x, vx) else chcem:=-1; if y>vy then dec(y, vy) else chcem:=-1; if vy>-500 then dec(vy, gr); if (x>=shl320sc) or (y>=shl200sc) or (chcem=-1) then begin stareDI:=64001; chcem:=-1; end else stareDI:=(x shr sc)+(y shr sc)*320; end; procedure vybuch.urob; begin if chcem =-1 then exit; if not ((x>=shl320sc) or (y>=shl200sc)) then pridaj(new(pbodka,init(x, y, hlcol,15))) else chcem:=-1; if chcem<>-1 then begin pohni; dec(sila); if sila<0 then chcem:=-1 else if chcem<>-1 then mem[$a000:stareDI]:=hlcol+15; end; end; procedure raketa.urob; begin if chcem =-1 then exit; vybuch.urob; if chcem=-1 then vybuchni; end; procedure raketa.vybuchni; var i:integer; spolu:integer; begin sound(100); spolu:=0; if not ((x>=shl320sc) or (y>=shl200sc)) then for i:=1 to minvyb+random(maxv) do if (spolu<1) and (random(20)=1) then begin pridaj(new(praketa,init(x, y, integer(random(50))-25, integer(random(50))-25,hlcol, random(50)+20))); inc(spolu); end else pridaj(new(pvybuch,init(x, y, integer(random(50))-25, integer(random(50))-25,hlcol, random(50)+20))) end; procedure ohnostroj; var cas:word; begin pridaj(new(praketa, init(160 shl sc,190 shl sc,integer(random(20))-10,60+random(20),farbtab[random(16)],90))); cas:=random(100)+20; repeat if cas=0 then begin pridaj(new(praketa, init(160 shl sc,190 shl sc,integer(random(30))-15,55+random(20),farbtab[random(16)],90))); cas:=random(100)+50; end; dec(cas); asm mov dx, 3dah @1: in al, dx test al, 8 jz @1 @2: in al, dx test al, 8 jnz @2 end; nosound; pohni_vsetko; until keypressed; nosound; end; procedure initgr; begin asm mov ax, 0013h int 10h mov ax, 1012h mov bx, 0 mov cx, 256 push ds pop es lea dx, paleta int 10h end; end; procedure donegr; begin asm mov ax, 003h int 10h end; end; var i:integer; a,b,c:byte; BEGIN for i:=0 to 15 do begin paleta[i,0]:= 2*i; paleta[i,1]:= 2*i; paleta[i,2]:= 3*i; paleta[i+$10,0]:=2*i; paleta[i+$10,1]:=3*i; paleta[i+$10,2]:=2*i; paleta[i+$20,0]:=3*i; paleta[i+$20,1]:=2*i; paleta[i+$20,2]:=2*i; paleta[i+$30,0]:=3*i; paleta[i+$30,1]:=1*i; paleta[i+$30,2]:=3*i; paleta[i+$40,0]:=1*i; paleta[i+$40,1]:=3*i; paleta[i+$40,2]:=3*i; paleta[i+$50,0]:=3*i; paleta[i+$50,1]:=3*i; paleta[i+$50,2]:=1*i; paleta[i+$60,0]:=3*i; paleta[i+$60,1]:=1*i; paleta[i+$60,2]:=2*i; paleta[i+$70,0]:=3*i; paleta[i+$70,1]:=2*i; paleta[i+$70,2]:=1*i; paleta[i+$80,0]:=2*i; paleta[i+$80,1]:=3*i; paleta[i+$80,2]:=1*i; paleta[i+$90,0]:=1*i; paleta[i+$90,1]:=3*i; paleta[i+$90,2]:=2*i; paleta[i+$a0,0]:=1*i; paleta[i+$a0,1]:=2*i; paleta[i+$a0,2]:=3*i; paleta[i+$b0,0]:=2*i; paleta[i+$b0,1]:=1*i; paleta[i+$b0,2]:=3*i; paleta[i+$c0,0]:=2*i; paleta[i+$c0,1]:=2*i; paleta[i+$c0,2]:=2*i; paleta[i+$d0,0]:=3*i; paleta[i+$d0,1]:=1*i; paleta[i+$d0,2]:=1*i; paleta[i+$e0,0]:=1*i; paleta[i+$e0,1]:=3*i; paleta[i+$e0,2]:=1*i; paleta[i+$f0,0]:=1*i; paleta[i+$f0,1]:=1*i; paleta[i+$f0,2]:=3*i; end; bodky:=nil; randomize; initgr; ohnostroj; donegr; END.