Vykreslí špirálu v 256 farbách
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Kategórie: KMP (Programy mladých programátorů)
Autor: PemaSoft
Program: Spirala.pas
Soubor exe: Spirala.exe
Autor: PemaSoft
Program: Spirala.pas
Soubor exe: Spirala.exe
Vykreslí špirálu v 256 farbách.
{ SPIRALA.PAS Copyright (c) Corel } { Vykresli spiralu v 256 farbach. } { E-Mail: pemasoft@pobox.sk } { } { Datum:07.11.2000 http://www.trsek.com } Program Spiral; {$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G+,I+,L+,N+,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S+,T-,V-,X+,Y+} {$M 16384,0,655360} Uses Crt; type RGB = Array[1..3] of Byte; TPalette = Array[0..255] of RGB; const MaxX = 319; { Dimensions of MCGA screen. }{ Waits for VGA's vertical retrace. } procedure WaitVRetrace; Assembler; Asm mov dx, 3DAh @@1: in al, dx and al, 08h jnz @@1 @@2: in al, dx and al, 08h jz @@2 end; { Sets a complete palette. } procedure SetPal(var Palet: TPalette); Assembler; Asm call WaitVRetrace push ds lds si, Palet mov dx, 3c8h mov al, 0 out dx, al inc dx mov cx, 768 rep outsb pop ds end; { Flips the screen to 320x200x256 MCGA mode and puts all palette colours to black. } procedure SetMCGAMode; var Palet: TPalette; begin Asm mov ax, 0013h int 10h end; FillChar(Palet, 768, 0); { Put all palette colors to black. } SetPal(Palet); end; { Flips screen back to text mode. } procedure SetTextMode; Assembler; Asm mov ax, $0003 int 10h end; { PutPixel in MCGA mode. } procedure PutPixel(x, y: Word; Color: Byte); Assembler; Asm mov ax, y mov bx, x xchg ah, al add bx, ax shr ax, 2 add bx, ax mov ax, $A000 mov es, ax mov al, Color mov es:[bx], al end; { Cycles all colours in both Palettes. } procedure CyclePalettes; var ColMin: RGB; i, j, k: Byte; begin ColMin := MyPal[1]; for i := 1 to 254 do MyPal[i] := MyPal[i+1]; MyPal[255] := ColMin; ColMin := InitPal[1]; for i := 1 to 254 do InitPal[i] := InitPal[i+1]; InitPal[255] := ColMin; SetPal(MyPal); end; { Draws a spiral on the screen. } procedure DrawSpiral(Phi0: Double; Colour: Byte); var x, y, i: Integer; Phase1, Phase2: Double; begin Phase1 := Phi0; Phase2 := 0; for i := 0 to 1850 do begin x := MidX + round(Phase2*sin(Phase1)); y := MidY + round(Phase2*cos(Phase1)/1.2); { Divide by 1.2 to correct for non-square pixels. } if (x >= 0) and (x <= MaxX) and (y >= 0) and (y <= MaxY) then PutPixel(x, y, Colour); Phase1 := Phase1 + 0.0035*Pi; Phase2 := Phase2 + 0.035*Pi; end; end; begin SetMCGAMode; MyPal := Palette; InitPal := Palette; StartTime := Time; for i := 0 to 255 do { Draw spirals in 255 different colours. } DrawSpiral(i*2*Pi/255, i); EndTime := Time; TimesRun := 0; Repeat if (TimesRun < 256) then { Start with turning colours up. } begin for i := 0 to 255 do for j := 1 to 3 do MyPal[i,j] := round(InitPal[i,j]*TimesRun/255); end; if (TimesRun > 3000-256) then { And end with turning colours down. } begin for i := 0 to 255 do for j := 1 to 3 do MyPal[i,j] := round(InitPal[i,j]*(3000-TimesRun)/255); end; CyclePalettes; Inc(TimesRun); Until KeyPressed or (TimesRun > 3000); SetTextMode; WriteLn('Time required to generate image: ', (EndTime-StartTime)/18.0:2:2, ' seconds.'); end.