Detekce dostupných grafických módu SVGA a VESA podporovaných BIOSem
Kategórie: KMP (Programy mladých programátorů)Autor: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Detekcia.pas
Soubor exe: Detekcia.exe
Detekce dostupných grafických módu SVGA a VESA podporovaných BIOSem.
{ detekcia.pas } { Detekcia dostupnych grafickych modov SVGA a VESA podporovanych } { BIOSom. } { } { Author: Ľuboš Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 } {$G+} program Praca_s_SVGA_grafickymi_modmi_a_VESA_BIOSom; const Hex:array[0..15] of char=('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'); type TBufferFunkcie00=record Signature:array[1..4] of char; Version:word; OEMNameOfs,OEMNameSeg:word; {toto je pointer} Capabilities:array[1..4] of byte; ModesOfs,ModesSeg:word; {tiez pointer} Reserved:array[1..238] of byte; end; TBufferFunkcie01=record ModeAttr:word; WindowAAttr,WindowBAttr:byte; Granularity,Size,StartSegA,StartSegB:word; WPF:pointer; BytesPerLine,Width,Height:word; CharWidth,CHarHeight,NumOfPlanes,BytesPerPixel,NumOfBanks,MemoryModel,SizeOfBank,NumOfImagePages,Reserved:byte; {VBE Vesa 1.2+} RedMaskSize,RedMaskPos,GreenMaskSize,GreenMaskPos,BlueMaskSize,BlueMaskPos,MaskSize,MaskPos,DSMI,Res2:byte; end; var b00:TBufferFunkcie00; b01:TBufferFunkcie01; navrat00,navrat01,c1,pom2:word; pom:byte; MOdy:array[1..15] of word absolute 3002:118; procedure TestujUspesnost(navrat:word); begin write('Funkcia '); if Lo(navrat)<>$4F then write('nie '); write('je podporovaná a '); if Hi(navrat)=$01 then write('ne'); writeln('úspesne vykonaná.'); end; BEGIN writeln; writeln; asm mov ax,seg b00 mov es,ax mov di,offset b00 mov ax,$4F00 int $10 mov navrat00,ax mov ax,seg b01 mov es,ax mov di,offset b01 mov ax,$4F01 mov cx,$101 int $10 mov navrat01,ax end; write('Get SuperVGA Information. '); TestujUspesnost(navrat00); writeln('Verzia VESA: ',Hi(b00.Version),'.',Lo(b00.Version)); write('Meno vyrobcu: '); pom:=1;c1:=0; while pom<>0 do begin pom:=Mem[b00.OEMNameSeg:b00.OEMNameOfs+c1]; write(Chr(pom)); Inc(c1); end; writeln; writeln('Zoznam podporovanych VESA modov: '); pom2:=MemW[b00.ModesSeg:b00.ModesOfs];c1:=2; while pom2<>$FFFF do begin case pom2 of $100:writeln('640 x 400, 256 farieb'); $101:writeln('640 x 480, 256 farieb'); $102:writeln('800 x 600, 16 farieb'); $103:writeln('800 x 600, 256 farieb'); $104:writeln('1024 x 768, 16 farieb'); $105:writeln('1024 x 768, 256 farieb'); $106:writeln('1280 x 1024, 16 farieb'); $107:writeln('1280 x 1024, 256 farieb'); {VBE Vesa 1.2+} $10D:writeln('320 x 200, 32768 farieb'); $10E:writeln('320 x 200, 65536 farieb'); $10F:writeln('320 x 200, 16776216 farieb'); $110:writeln('640 x 480, 32768 farieb'); $111:writeln('640 x 480, 65536 farieb'); $112:writeln('640 x 480, 16776216 farieb'); $113:writeln('800 x 600, 32768 farieb'); $114:writeln('800 x 600, 65536 farieb'); $115:writeln('800 x 600, 16776216 farieb'); $116:writeln('1024 x 768, 32768 farieb'); $117:writeln('1024 x 768, 65536 farieb'); $118:writeln('1024 x 768, 16776216 farieb'); $119:writeln('1280 x 1024, 32768 farieb'); $11A:writeln('1280 x 1024, 65536 farieb'); $11B:writeln('1280 x 1024, 16776216 farieb'); $108:writeln('80 x 60 text'); $109:writeln('132 x 25 text'); $10A:writeln('132 x 43 text'); $10B:writeln('132 x 50 text'); $10C:writeln('132 x 60 text'); end; pom2:=MemW[b00.ModesSeg:b00.ModesOfs+c1]; c1:=c1+2; end; writeln; writeln('Get SuperVGA mode information - 640 x 480,256 farieb'); TestujUspesnost(Navrat01); END.