Program je urèený na evidenciu áut vo firme
Delphi & Pascal (èeská wiki)
Kategória: Programy v Pascale
Program: Auto.pas
Súbor exe: Auto.exe
Potrebné: Cisel.pas, Auta.dat, Spz.cis
Program: Auto.pas
Súbor exe: Auto.exe
Potrebné: Cisel.pas, Auta.dat, Spz.cis
Program je urèený na evidenciu áut vo firme. Eviduje ©PZ auta, spotrebu, poèet najazdených kilometrov, dátum generálnej opravy. Program doká¾e generova» grafy. Pre ukladanie dát pou¾íva ¹truktúru vytvorenú cez type.
{ CISEL.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Obsahuje funkcie a procedury pre program AUTO.PAS. } { Blizsie informacie v AUTO.PAS. } { } { Datum:18.03.1998 } function ciselnik(vyber:boolean):integer; var cislo,poc,i,i2,ir:integer; ch:char; uz:boolean; begin textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); okno(10,5,48,21,' Ciselnik SPZ ',' olvadanie:Enter,sipky, ESC-koniec ',GREEN); textbackground(DARKGRAY); assign(fc1,'spz.cis'); {$I-} reset(fc1); {$I+} if (Ioresult<>0) then begin rewrite(fc1); end; poc:=1; while ( (poc<FileSize(fc1)) or not(Eof(fc1)) ) do begin seek(fc1,poc); read(fc1,cisel); if (poc<15) then begin gotoxy(2,poc);write(cisel.typ:3,' - ',cisel.popis); end; poc:=poc+1; end; i:=1;ir:=0; if (i=poc) then begin cisel.typ:=tival(copy(' ',1,3)); cisel.popis:=copy(' ',1,SizeOf(cisel.popis)); cisel.del:=false; end else begin seek(fc1,i+ir);read(fc1,cisel); end; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(cisel.typ:3,' - ',cisel.popis); repeat ch:=readkey; if ((ch=#13) or (ch in ['0'..'9'])) then begin if vyber then cislo:=cisel.typ else begin repeat if(ch=#13) then cisel.typ:=tival(tread(2,i,3,tistr(cisel.typ),#0,#0)) else cisel.typ:=tival(tread(2,i,3,'',ch,ch)); textcolor(YELLOW); if (cisel.typ=0) then hlaska(12,21,' Nulove cislo neberiem. '); uz:=false; for i2:=1 to poc-1 do begin seek(fc1,i2);read(fc1,pcisel); if ((pcisel.typ=cisel.typ) and (i<>i2)) then uz:=true; end; if uz then hlaska(12,21,' Uz take cislo mas !!! '); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,i); window(11,6,69,20); until ( not(uz) and (cisel.typ<>0)); cisel.popis:=tread(8,i,SizeOf(cisel.popis)-2,cisel.popis,#0,#0); seek(fc1,i+ir);write(fc1,cisel); ch:=' '; end; end; if (ch=#0) then begin ch:=readkey; textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(cisel.typ:3,' - ',cisel.popis); case (ch) of #83:begin cisel.del:=true; if( cisel.typ > 0) then cisel.typ:=(-1)*cisel.typ; hlaska(11,21,' Polozka je oznacena ako zrusena. '); window(11,6,69,20); seek(fc1,i+ir);write(fc1,cisel); end; #72:begin i:=i-1; if (i<1) then begin i:=1;ir:=ir-1; if (ir<0) then ir:=0 else begin gotoxy(1,1);insline; gotoxy(1,15);delline;end; end; end; #80:begin i:=i+1; if ((i+ir)>FileSize(fc1)) then i:=i-1; if vyber and ((i+ir)>=FileSize(fc1)) then i:=i-1; if (i>14) then begin i:=14;ir:=ir+1; if ((ir+i)>FileSize(fc1)+1) then ir:=FileSize(fc1)-i+1 else begin gotoxy(1,1);delline;end; end; end; end; end; if (ir+i<FileSize(fc1)) then begin seek(fc1,ir+i); read(fc1,cisel); end else if not(vyber) then begin cisel.typ:=tival(copy(' ',1,3)); cisel.popis:=copy(' ',1,SizeOf(cisel.popis)-2); cisel.del:=false; end; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(cisel.typ:3,' - ',cisel.popis); until (ch in [#27,#13]); close(fc1); ciselnik:=cislo; end; procedure edit_aut(podmienka:boolean); var poc,i,i2,ic,ir:integer; ch:char; kolko:byte; uz:boolean; v_sub:array[1..1000] of word; cis_okna:integer; begin textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); if podmienka then okno(8,5,72,21,' SPZ ³ Typ ³ Spotreba ³odjazdne od GO³ ostava do GO ',' Auta majuce do GO '+trstr(do_go)+' km ', GREEN) else okno(8,5,72,21,' SPZ ³ Typ ³ Spotreba ³odjazdne od GO³ ostava do GO ',' ENTER-Zmen DEL-Zrus ',GREEN); textbackground(DARKGRAY); assign(fa1,'auta.dat'); {$I-} reset(fa1); {$I+} if (Ioresult<>0) then begin rewrite(fa1); end; for i:=1 to 1000 do v_sub[i]:=0; poc:=0;i:=1; while (not(Eof(fa1))) do begin poc:=poc+1; seek(fa1,poc-1); read(fa1,auto); if (not(podmienka) or (auto.do_go<=do_go)) and (i<15) then begin v_sub[i]:=poc; gotoxy(2,i);write(auto.SPZ,' ³ ',auto.typ:3,' ³ ',auto.p_spot:12:2,' ³ ',auto.od_go:12:2,' ³ ',auto.do_go:12:2); i:=i+1; end; end; poc:=filesize(fa1); if podmienka and (v_sub[1]=0) then begin hlaska(20,14,'Neda sa vybrat ziadne auto !!!'); close(fa1); exit; end; ir:=0;y:=1;ic:=1; if (i=1) then begin auto.SPZ:=' '; auto.typ:=0;auto.p_spot:=0;auto.od_go:=0;auto.do_go:=0; auto.del:=false; end else begin i:=1; seek(fa1,v_sub[i+ir]-1);read(fa1,auto); end; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy( 2,i);write(auto.SPZ); repeat ch:=readkey; if ((ch=#13) or (ch in ['0'..'9','A'..'z'])) then if not(podmienka) then begin case (y) of 1: auto.SPZ :=tread(2,i,SizeOf(auto.SPZ)-1,auto.SPZ,ch,ch); 2: begin window(1,1,80,24); cis_okna := get_window(10,5,70,21); auto.typ:=ciselnik(true); window(1,1,80,24); put_window(cis_okna,10,5,70,21); window(9,6,71,20); gotoxy(14,i);write(auto.typ:3); end; 3: auto.p_spot:=trval(tread(20,i,12,'',ch,ch)); 4: auto.od_go :=trval(tread(35,i,12,'',ch,ch)); 5: auto.do_go :=trval(tread(50,i,12,'',ch,ch)); end; y:=y+1; if(y>5) then y:=1; if not(nemoze(auto)) then begin if (v_sub[i+ir]=0) then begin poc:=poc+1; v_sub[i+ir]:=poc; end; ic:=filesize(fa1); seek(fa1,v_sub[ir+i]-1); write(fa1,auto); close(fa1);reset(fa1); ic:=filesize(fa1); end; end; if (ch=#0) then begin ch:=readkey; textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(auto.SPZ,' ³ ',auto.typ:3,' ³ ',auto.p_spot:12:2,' ³ ',auto.od_go:12:2,' ³ ',auto.do_go:12:2); case (y) of 1: begin gotoxy( 2,i);write(auto.SPZ);end; 2: begin gotoxy(14,i);write(auto.typ:3);end; 3: begin gotoxy(20,i);write(auto.p_spot:12:2);end; 4: begin gotoxy(35,i);write(auto.od_go:12:2);end; 5: begin gotoxy(50,i);write(auto.do_go:12:2);end; end; case (ch) of #83:begin if not(auto.del) then begin auto.del:=true; auto.SPZ:='å'+copy(auto.SPZ,2,length(auto.SPZ)-1); hlaska(12,21,' Polozka je oznacena ako zrusena. '); seek(fa1,v_sub[i+ir]-1);write(fa1,auto); window(9,6,71,20); end; end; #75:begin y:=y-1;if (y<1) then y:=1; end; #77:begin y:=y+1;if (y>5) then y:=5; end; #72:begin i:=i-1; if (i<1) then begin i:=1;ir:=ir-1; if (ir<0) then ir:=0 else begin gotoxy(1,1);insline; gotoxy(1,15);delline;end; end; end; #80:begin i:=i+1; if ((i+ir)>poc) then if nemoze(auto) then i:=i-1; if podmienka and (v_sub[i+ir]=0) then i:=i-1; if (i>14) then begin i:=14;ir:=ir+1; if ((ir+i)>FileSize(fa1)+1) then ir:=FileSize(fa1)-i+1 else begin gotoxy(1,1);delline;end; end; if ((i+ir)<>ic) then begin auto.SPZ:=' '; auto.typ:=0;auto.p_spot:=0;auto.do_go:=0;auto.od_go:=0; auto.del:=false; end; end; end; end; if (v_sub[ir+i]>0) then begin seek(fa1,v_sub[ir+i]-1); read(fa1,auto); end; ic:=i+ir; textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(auto.SPZ,' ³ ',auto.typ:3,' ³ ',auto.p_spot:12:2,' ³ ',auto.od_go:12:2,' ³ ',auto.do_go:12:2); textbackground(BLUE); case (y) of 1: begin gotoxy( 2,i);write(auto.SPZ);end; 2: begin gotoxy(14,i);write(auto.typ:3);end; 3: begin gotoxy(20,i);write(auto.p_spot:12:2);end; 4: begin gotoxy(35,i);write(auto.od_go:12:2);end; 5: begin gotoxy(50,i);write(auto.do_go:12:2);end; end; ic:=i+ir; if not(nemoze(auto)) then begin seek(fa1,v_sub[ir+i]-1); write(fa1,auto); end; until (ch in [#27]); close(fa1); filtruj_auta; { Chce to mat aj v textovom subore } if( podmienka ) then begin okno(5,10,75,15,' Zapis aut do TXT suboru ??? ','',BLUE); gotoxy(6,2);write('Zapisat vybrane auta do TXT suboru (A/..) :'); meno_s:=tread(49,2,1,'A',#0,#0); if UpCase(meno_s[1])='A' then begin textbackground(BLUE); gotoxy(2,2);write(' Zadaj meno TXT suboru: '); meno_s:=tread(33,2,12,'noname00.txt',#0,#0); assign(fa1,'auta.dat'); reset(fa1); assign(ftext,meno_s); rewrite(ftext); writeln(ftext,'ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸'); writeln(ftext,'³ SPZ ³ Typ ³ Spotreba ³odjazdne od GO³ ostava do GO ³'); writeln(ftext,'ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍØÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͵'); i:=1; while (v_sub[i]<>0) do begin seek(fa1,v_sub[i]-1);read(fa1,auto);i:=i+1; writeln(ftext,'³ ',auto.SPZ,' ³ ',auto.typ:3,' ³ ',auto.p_spot:12:2,' ³ ',auto.od_go:12:2,' ³ ',auto.do_go:12:2,' ³'); end; writeln(ftext,'ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ;'); close(fa1); close(ftext); end; end; end;