Program je určený na evidenciu áut vo firme
Kategória: Programy v Pascale
Súbor exe: Auto.exe
Potrebné: Cisel.pas, Auta.dat, Spz.cis
Program je určený na evidenciu áut vo firme. Eviduje ŠPZ auta, spotrebu, počet najazdených kilometrov, dátum generálnej opravy. Program dokáže generovať grafy. Pre ukladanie dát používa štruktúru vytvorenú cez type.
{ CISEL.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Obsahuje funkcie a procedury pre program AUTO.PAS. } { Blizsie informacie v AUTO.PAS. } { } { Datum:18.03.1998 } function ciselnik(vyber:boolean):integer; var cislo,poc,i,i2,ir:integer; ch:char; uz:boolean; begin textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); okno(10,5,48,21,' Ciselnik SPZ ',' olvadanie:Enter,sipky, ESC-koniec ',GREEN); textbackground(DARKGRAY); assign(fc1,'spz.cis'); {$I-} reset(fc1); {$I+} if (Ioresult<>0) then begin rewrite(fc1); end; poc:=1; while ( (poc<FileSize(fc1)) or not(Eof(fc1)) ) do begin seek(fc1,poc); read(fc1,cisel); if (poc<15) then begin gotoxy(2,poc);write(cisel.typ:3,' - ',cisel.popis); end; poc:=poc+1; end; i:=1;ir:=0; if (i=poc) then begin cisel.typ:=tival(copy(' ',1,3)); cisel.popis:=copy(' ',1,SizeOf(cisel.popis)); cisel.del:=false; end else begin seek(fc1,i+ir);read(fc1,cisel); end; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(cisel.typ:3,' - ',cisel.popis); repeat ch:=readkey; if ((ch=#13) or (ch in ['0'..'9'])) then begin if vyber then cislo:=cisel.typ else begin repeat if(ch=#13) then cisel.typ:=tival(tread(2,i,3,tistr(cisel.typ),#0,#0)) else cisel.typ:=tival(tread(2,i,3,'',ch,ch)); textcolor(YELLOW); if (cisel.typ=0) then hlaska(12,21,' Nulove cislo neberiem. '); uz:=false; for i2:=1 to poc-1 do begin seek(fc1,i2);read(fc1,pcisel); if ((pcisel.typ=cisel.typ) and (i<>i2)) then uz:=true; end; if uz then hlaska(12,21,' Uz take cislo mas !!! '); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,i); window(11,6,69,20); until ( not(uz) and (cisel.typ<>0)); cisel.popis:=tread(8,i,SizeOf(cisel.popis)-2,cisel.popis,#0,#0); seek(fc1,i+ir);write(fc1,cisel); ch:=' '; end; end; if (ch=#0) then begin ch:=readkey; textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(cisel.typ:3,' - ',cisel.popis); case (ch) of #83:begin cisel.del:=true; if( cisel.typ > 0) then cisel.typ:=(-1)*cisel.typ; hlaska(11,21,' Polozka je oznacena ako zrusena. '); window(11,6,69,20); seek(fc1,i+ir);write(fc1,cisel); end; #72:begin i:=i-1; if (i<1) then begin i:=1;ir:=ir-1; if (ir<0) then ir:=0 else begin gotoxy(1,1);insline; gotoxy(1,15);delline;end; end; end; #80:begin i:=i+1; if ((i+ir)>FileSize(fc1)) then i:=i-1; if vyber and ((i+ir)>=FileSize(fc1)) then i:=i-1; if (i>14) then begin i:=14;ir:=ir+1; if ((ir+i)>FileSize(fc1)+1) then ir:=FileSize(fc1)-i+1 else begin gotoxy(1,1);delline;end; end; end; end; end; if (ir+i<FileSize(fc1)) then begin seek(fc1,ir+i); read(fc1,cisel); end else if not(vyber) then begin cisel.typ:=tival(copy(' ',1,3)); cisel.popis:=copy(' ',1,SizeOf(cisel.popis)-2); cisel.del:=false; end; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(cisel.typ:3,' - ',cisel.popis); until (ch in [#27,#13]); close(fc1); ciselnik:=cislo; end; procedure edit_aut(podmienka:boolean); var poc,i,i2,ic,ir:integer; ch:char; kolko:byte; uz:boolean; v_sub:array[1..1000] of word; cis_okna:integer; begin textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); if podmienka then okno(8,5,72,21,' SPZ ł Typ ł Spotreba łodjazdne od GOł ostava do GO ',' Auta majuce do GO '+trstr(do_go)+' km ', GREEN) else okno(8,5,72,21,' SPZ ł Typ ł Spotreba łodjazdne od GOł ostava do GO ',' ENTER-Zmen DEL-Zrus ',GREEN); textbackground(DARKGRAY); assign(fa1,'auta.dat'); {$I-} reset(fa1); {$I+} if (Ioresult<>0) then begin rewrite(fa1); end; for i:=1 to 1000 do v_sub[i]:=0; poc:=0;i:=1; while (not(Eof(fa1))) do begin poc:=poc+1; seek(fa1,poc-1); read(fa1,auto); if (not(podmienka) or (auto.do_go<=do_go)) and (i<15) then begin v_sub[i]:=poc; gotoxy(2,i);write(auto.SPZ,' ł ',auto.typ:3,' ł ',auto.p_spot:12:2,' ł ',auto.od_go:12:2,' ł ',auto.do_go:12:2); i:=i+1; end; end; poc:=filesize(fa1); if podmienka and (v_sub[1]=0) then begin hlaska(20,14,'Neda sa vybrat ziadne auto !!!'); close(fa1); exit; end; ir:=0;y:=1;ic:=1; if (i=1) then begin auto.SPZ:=' '; auto.typ:=0;auto.p_spot:=0;auto.od_go:=0;auto.do_go:=0; auto.del:=false; end else begin i:=1; seek(fa1,v_sub[i+ir]-1);read(fa1,auto); end; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy( 2,i);write(auto.SPZ); repeat ch:=readkey; if ((ch=#13) or (ch in ['0'..'9','A'..'z'])) then if not(podmienka) then begin case (y) of 1: auto.SPZ :=tread(2,i,SizeOf(auto.SPZ)-1,auto.SPZ,ch,ch); 2: begin window(1,1,80,24); cis_okna := get_window(10,5,70,21); auto.typ:=ciselnik(true); window(1,1,80,24); put_window(cis_okna,10,5,70,21); window(9,6,71,20); gotoxy(14,i);write(auto.typ:3); end; 3: auto.p_spot:=trval(tread(20,i,12,'',ch,ch)); 4: auto.od_go :=trval(tread(35,i,12,'',ch,ch)); 5: auto.do_go :=trval(tread(50,i,12,'',ch,ch)); end; y:=y+1; if(y>5) then y:=1; if not(nemoze(auto)) then begin if (v_sub[i+ir]=0) then begin poc:=poc+1; v_sub[i+ir]:=poc; end; ic:=filesize(fa1); seek(fa1,v_sub[ir+i]-1); write(fa1,auto); close(fa1);reset(fa1); ic:=filesize(fa1); end; end; if (ch=#0) then begin ch:=readkey; textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(auto.SPZ,' ł ',auto.typ:3,' ł ',auto.p_spot:12:2,' ł ',auto.od_go:12:2,' ł ',auto.do_go:12:2); case (y) of 1: begin gotoxy( 2,i);write(auto.SPZ);end; 2: begin gotoxy(14,i);write(auto.typ:3);end; 3: begin gotoxy(20,i);write(auto.p_spot:12:2);end; 4: begin gotoxy(35,i);write(auto.od_go:12:2);end; 5: begin gotoxy(50,i);write(auto.do_go:12:2);end; end; case (ch) of #83:begin if not(auto.del) then begin auto.del:=true; auto.SPZ:='ĺ'+copy(auto.SPZ,2,length(auto.SPZ)-1); hlaska(12,21,' Polozka je oznacena ako zrusena. '); seek(fa1,v_sub[i+ir]-1);write(fa1,auto); window(9,6,71,20); end; end; #75:begin y:=y-1;if (y<1) then y:=1; end; #77:begin y:=y+1;if (y>5) then y:=5; end; #72:begin i:=i-1; if (i<1) then begin i:=1;ir:=ir-1; if (ir<0) then ir:=0 else begin gotoxy(1,1);insline; gotoxy(1,15);delline;end; end; end; #80:begin i:=i+1; if ((i+ir)>poc) then if nemoze(auto) then i:=i-1; if podmienka and (v_sub[i+ir]=0) then i:=i-1; if (i>14) then begin i:=14;ir:=ir+1; if ((ir+i)>FileSize(fa1)+1) then ir:=FileSize(fa1)-i+1 else begin gotoxy(1,1);delline;end; end; if ((i+ir)<>ic) then begin auto.SPZ:=' '; auto.typ:=0;auto.p_spot:=0;auto.do_go:=0;auto.od_go:=0; auto.del:=false; end; end; end; end; if (v_sub[ir+i]>0) then begin seek(fa1,v_sub[ir+i]-1); read(fa1,auto); end; ic:=i+ir; textbackground(DARKGRAY); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(2,i);write(auto.SPZ,' ł ',auto.typ:3,' ł ',auto.p_spot:12:2,' ł ',auto.od_go:12:2,' ł ',auto.do_go:12:2); textbackground(BLUE); case (y) of 1: begin gotoxy( 2,i);write(auto.SPZ);end; 2: begin gotoxy(14,i);write(auto.typ:3);end; 3: begin gotoxy(20,i);write(auto.p_spot:12:2);end; 4: begin gotoxy(35,i);write(auto.od_go:12:2);end; 5: begin gotoxy(50,i);write(auto.do_go:12:2);end; end; ic:=i+ir; if not(nemoze(auto)) then begin seek(fa1,v_sub[ir+i]-1); write(fa1,auto); end; until (ch in [#27]); close(fa1); filtruj_auta; { Chce to mat aj v textovom subore } if( podmienka ) then begin okno(5,10,75,15,' Zapis aut do TXT suboru ??? ','',BLUE); gotoxy(6,2);write('Zapisat vybrane auta do TXT suboru (A/..) :'); meno_s:=tread(49,2,1,'A',#0,#0); if UpCase(meno_s[1])='A' then begin textbackground(BLUE); gotoxy(2,2);write(' Zadaj meno TXT suboru: '); meno_s:=tread(33,2,12,'noname00.txt',#0,#0); assign(fa1,'auta.dat'); reset(fa1); assign(ftext,meno_s); rewrite(ftext); writeln(ftext,'ŐÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍŃÍÍÍÍÍŃÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍŃÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍŃÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸'); writeln(ftext,'ł SPZ ł Typ ł Spotreba łodjazdne od GOł ostava do GO ł'); writeln(ftext,'ĆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍŘÍÍÍÍÍŘÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍŘÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍŘÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍľ'); i:=1; while (v_sub[i]<>0) do begin seek(fa1,v_sub[i]-1);read(fa1,auto);i:=i+1; writeln(ftext,'ł ',auto.SPZ,' ł ',auto.typ:3,' ł ',auto.p_spot:12:2,' ł ',auto.od_go:12:2,' ł ',auto.do_go:12:2,' ł'); end; writeln(ftext,'ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍĎÍÍÍÍÍĎÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍĎÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍĎÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍž'); close(fa1); close(ftext); end; end; end;