Vykreslí sin, cos, tangens a kotangens na súradnicovú os
Kategorija: KMP (Programy mladňakoch
web: www.tbteacher.host.sk
Program: Sin-cos.pas
Subor exe: Sin-cos.exe
Vykreslí sin, cos, tangens a kotangens na súradnicovú os.
{ SIN-COS.PAS Copyright (c) Jan Benkovic } { Vykresli sin, cos, tangens a kotangens na suradnicovu os. } { } { Datum:11.05.2000 http://www.trsek.com } uses graph,crt; var a,gd,gm : integer; c:char; procedure vycisti; begin cleardevice; setcolor(white); line(150,1,150,480); line(0,240,640,240); outtextxy(140,245,'0'); outtextxy(630,245,'X'); outtextxy(138,1,'Y'); line(228 ,240, 228,235); outtextxy(218,250,'2/PI'); line(307 ,240, 307,235); outtextxy(302,250,'PI'); line(385 ,240, 385,235); outtextxy(365,250,'2*PI/3'); line(465 ,240, 465,235); outtextxy(452,250,'2*PI'); setcolor(red); outtextxy(1,1,'Sinus'); setcolor(blue); outtextxy(1,11,'Cosinus'); setcolor(green); outtextxy(1,21,'Sinus+Cosinus'); setcolor(3); outtextxy(1,31,'Tangens'); setcolor(5); outtextxy(1,41,'CoTangens'); end; begin detectgraph(gd,gm); initgraph(gd,gm,''); vycisti; moveto(150,240); for a:= 1 to 360 do begin delay(2); setcolor(red); lineto(a+150,-round(sin(0.02*a)*90)+240); end; c:=readkey; vycisti; moveto(150,150); for a:= 1 to 360 do begin delay(2); setcolor(blue); lineto(a+149,-round(cos(0.02*a)*90)+240); end; c:=readkey; vycisti; moveto(150,150); for a:= 1 to 360 do begin setcolor(green); delay(2); lineto(a+149,-round((cos(0.02*a)*90)+(sin(0.02*a)*90))+240); end; c:=readkey; vycisti; moveto(150,240); for a:= 1 to 360 do begin setcolor(3); delay(2); lineto(a+150,-round((sin(0.02*a)*90)/(cos(0.02*a)))+240); end; c:=readkey; vycisti; moveto(150,0); for a:= 1 to 360 do begin setcolor(5); delay(2); lineto(a+150,-round((cos(0.02*a)*90/(sin(0.02*a))))+240); end; c:=readkey; end.