Testovanie pravdepodobnosti a rýchlosti hry v kocky
Kategorija: KMP (Programy mladňakoch
Program: Kostky.pas
Subor exe: Kostky.exe
Mušiš mac: Kostky.dat, Egavga.obj, Trip.obj
Testovanie pravdepodobnosti a rýchlosti hry v kocky. Monnos spůa s prepínačmi.
-n - nová hra
-d - definovanie hry
-u - unlimited verzia
-n - nová hra
-d - definovanie hry
-u - unlimited verzia
{ kostky.pas Copyright (c) Petr Masopust } { Testovani pravdepodobnosti (pro me) a rychlosti (pro hrace). } { } { Datum:07.09.2018 http://www.trsek.com } uses dos,crt,graph; const veltecky=5; sl=11000; zaccas=100; ra=101000; zpomaleni=100; type database=record spusteni,radku,uhadnutoradku,sloupcu,uhadnutosloupcu:word; pokusu,vyhra,her:longint; end; var f:file of database; d:database; unlimited:boolean; c:char; zmenascore:boolean; cas:word; aktscore:longint; a:array[0..7,0..3] of byte; gd,gm:integer; Dir: DirStr; N: NameStr; E: ExtStr; procedure egavgaovladac;external; {$L egavga.obj} procedure triplexfontovladac;external; {$L trip.obj} function inttostr(i:longint):string; var S: string[11]; begin Str(I, S); IntToStr := S; end; procedure clearta;assembler; asm mov ah,0ch mov al,6 mov dl,0ffh int 21h end; procedure onekostka(x,y,tecky:byte;b:boolean); begin if b then begin setcolor(yellow); setfillstyle(solidfill,yellow); end else begin setcolor(white); setfillstyle(solidfill,white); end; {50 x 50,mezera 20} bar3d(50+x*70,120+y*70,100+x*70,170+y*70,10,topon); if b then begin setcolor(blue); setfillstyle(solidfill,blue); end else begin setcolor(black); setfillstyle(solidfill,black); end; case tecky of 1: FillEllipse(75+x*70,145+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); 2: begin FillEllipse(65+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(85+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); end; 3: begin FillEllipse(65+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(75+x*70,145+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(85+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); end; 4: begin FillEllipse(65+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(85+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(65+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(85+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); end; 5: begin FillEllipse(65+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(75+x*70,145+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(85+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(65+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(85+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); end; 6: begin FillEllipse(65+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(85+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(65+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(85+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(75+x*70,155+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); FillEllipse(75+x*70,135+y*70,veltecky,veltecky); end; end; end; procedure vyhra; var x,y:byte; begin {Sloupce} for x:=0 to 7 do if (a[x,0] = a[x,1]) and(a[x,1] = a[x,2]) and(a[x,2] = a[x,3]) then begin begin for y:=0 to 3 do onekostka(x,y,a[x,y],true); inc(d.uhadnutosloupcu); inc(d.vyhra,sl); inc(aktscore,sl); zmenascore:=true; clearta; repeat until keypressed; end; end; {Radky} for y:=0 to 3 do if (a[0,y] = a[1,y]) and (a[1,y] = a[2,y]) and(a[2,y] = a[3,y]) and(a[3,y] = a[4,y]) and(a[4,y] = a[5,y]) and(a[5,y] = a[6,y]) and(a[6,y] = a[7,y]) then begin begin for x:=0 to 7 do onekostka(x,y,a[x,y],true); inc(d.uhadnutoradku); inc(d.vyhra,ra); inc(aktscore,ra); zmenascore:=true; clearta; repeat until keypressed; end; end; end; procedure prekresli; var x,y,t:byte; begin for x:=0 to 7 do for y:= 0 to 3 do begin t:=random(6)+1; a[x,y]:=t; { vyhra(false);} onekostka(x,y,t,false); end; for x:=0 to 7 do if (a[x,0] = a[x,1]) and(a[x,1] = a[x,2]) and(a[x,2] = a[x,3]) then inc(d.sloupcu); for y:=0 to 3 do if (a[0,y] = a[1,y]) and (a[1,y] = a[2,y]) and(a[2,y] = a[3,y]) and(a[3,y] = a[4,y]) and(a[4,y] = a[5,y]) and(a[5,y] = a[6,y]) and(a[6,y] = a[7,y]) then inc(d.radku); if zmenascore then begin zmenascore:=false; settextstyle(triplexfont,horizdir,3); setcolor(black); setfillstyle(solidfill,black); bar(textWidth('Score: '),20,textWidth('Score: '+inttostr(aktscore))+120,textheight('Score: '+inttostr(aktscore))+20); setcolor(white); outtextxy(20,20,'Score: '+inttostr(aktscore)); end; if cas / 10 = cas div 10 then begin settextstyle(triplexfont,horizdir,3); setcolor(black); setfillstyle(solidfill,black); bar(textWidth('Cas: ')+490,20,textWidth('Cas: '+inttostr(aktscore))+540,textheight('Cas: '+inttostr(cas div 10))+20); setcolor(white); outtextxy(500,20,'Cas: '+inttostr(cas div 10)); end; end; procedure konec(s:string); begin clrscr; writeln(s); halt; end; procedure center(kolik:byte;s:string); begin gotoxy((lo(windmax)-length(s)) div 2,kolik); write(s); end; begin unlimited:=false; clrscr; center(2,'Testovani pravdepodobnosti (pro me) a rychlosti (pro hrace)'); center(4,'Naprogramoval Empty Head'); center(7,'Snazte se stisknout mezernik,'); center(8,'prave kdyz bude v celem sloupci nebo radku stejna hodnota.'); center(10,'Mate na 1 hru priblizne 20 sekund (podle rychlosti pocitace),'); center(11,'klavesou Q se hra predcasne ukonci.'); center(13,'Mnoho stesti !'); clearta; repeat until keypressed; readkey; FSplit(paramstr(0),dir,n,e); assign(f,dir+'kostky.dat'); if paramcount =1 then begin n:=paramstr(1); case n[1] of 'n': begin with d do begin radku:=0;sloupcu:=0;spusteni:=0;uhadnutoradku:=0;uhadnutosloupcu:=0;pokusu:=0; vyhra:=0;her:=0; end; {$I-} rewrite(F); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu vytvorit databasovy soubor !'); write(f,d); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu vytvorit databasovy soubor !'); close(f); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu uzavrit databasovy soubor !'); {$I+} end; 'd': begin {$I-} reset(f); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu otevrit databasovy soubor !'); read(f,d); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu cist z databasoveho souboru !'); close(f); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu uzavrit databasovy soubor !'); {$I+} clrscr; with d do begin writeln('Radku celkem: ',radku); writeln('Radku uhadnuto: ',uhadnutoradku); writeln('Sloupcu celkem: ',sloupcu); writeln('Sloupcu uhadnuto: ',uhadnutosloupcu); writeln('Celkem pokusu: ',pokusu); writeln('Celkova vyhra: ',vyhra); writeln('Her celkem: ',her); writeln('Spusteno: ',spusteni,' x'); writeln('Vyhra-pokusy: ',(vyhra-(pokusu*1000))); end; clearta; repeat until keypressed; end; 'u': unlimited:=true; end; end; zmenascore:=true; cas:=zaccas; aktscore:=0; a[0,0]:=1; a[1,1]:=1; a[2,2]:=1; a[3,3]:=1; a[4,0]:=1; a[5,1]:=1; a[6,2]:=1; a[7,3]:=1; randomize; {$I-} reset(f); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu otevrit databasovy soubor !'); read(f,d); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu cist z databasoveho souboru !'); close(f); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu uzavrit databasovy soubor !'); {$I+} if registerbgidriver(@egavgaovladac) <0 then konec('Nemohu nainstalovat graf. driver !'); if RegisterBGIfont(@triplexfontovladac) < 0 then konec('Chyba pri inicializaci fontu !'); randomize; gd:=9; gm:=2; initgraph(gd,gm,''); if graphresult <> grok then konec('Nemohu nastavit graficky rezim !'); inc(d.spusteni); repeat repeat repeat clearta; prekresli; inc(d.her); dec(cas); delay(zpomaleni); until keypressed or (cas < 0) or (cas > zaccas); if keypressed then c:=upcase(readkey) else c:=#0; if c=' ' then begin vyhra; inc(d.pokusu); dec(aktscore,1000); zmenascore:=true; c:=#0; end; until (c='Q') or (cas < 0) or (cas > zaccas); cas:=zaccas; until not unlimited or (c='Q'); closegraph; {$I-} rewrite(f); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu otevrit databasovy soubor !'); write(f,d); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu zapsat do databasoveho souboru !'); close(f); if ioresult <> 0 then konec('Nemohu uzavrit databasovy soubor !'); {$I+} clearta; end.