Program na vyskreslovanie a porovnanie bezierovych a b-spline kriviek na zaklade uzivatelskeho vstupu
Kategorija: KMP (Programy mladňakoch
Subor exe: Bezier-bspline.exe
Program na vyskreslovanie a porovnanie bezierovych a b-spline kriviek na zaklade uzivatelskeho vstupu.
{ BEZIER-BSPLINE.PAS } { Program na vyskreslovanie a porovnanie bezierovych a b-spline } { kriviek na zaklade uzivatelskeho vstupu. } { } { Author: Unknown } { Datum: 23.02.2009 } program bezier-bspline; uses vga,graph; type TBod=record x,y:integer; end; TButton=record x1,y1,x2,y2:integer; n:integer; end; var press:integer; press_k:integer; bod:array[0..32] of TBod; button:array[0..32] of TButton; num_buttons:integer; pocet:integer; tabKombCisel:array[0..16,0..16] of integer; procedure generate_tabKombCisel; var i,j:integer; begin for i:=0 to 16 do begin tabKombCisel[0,i]:=1; tabKombCisel[i,0]:=1; tabKombCisel[i,i]:=1; end; for i:=2 to 16 do begin for j:=1 to 15 do begin tabKombCisel[i,j]:=tabKombCisel[i-1,j-1]+tabKombCisel[i-1,j]; end; end; end; function KombCislo(n,i:integer):real; begin KombCislo:=tabKombCisel[n,i]; end; function Bernstein(t:real;i,k:integer):real; var b,r:real; a:integer; begin b:=KombCislo(k,i); r:=1; if i<k then for a:=k downto i+1 do r:=r*t; b:=b*r; r:=1; if k>0 then for a:=1 to i do r:=r*(1-t); b:=b*r; Bernstein:=b; end; procedure Bezier; var i:integer; b,t,xx,yy:real; x,y:integer; begin t:=0; while(t<=1) do begin xx:=0;yy:=0; for i:=0 to pocet-1 do begin b:=Bernstein(t,i,pocet-1); xx:=xx+b*bod[i].x; yy:=yy+b*bod[i].y; end; x:=trunc(xx); y:=trunc(yy); PutPixel(x,y,14); t:=t+0.001; end; end; function Blend_function(t:real;i,k:integer):real; var b,r1,r2:real; a:integer; begin if(k<=1) then begin if(t>=i)and(t<i+1) then Blend_function:=1 else Blend_function:=0; end else begin r1:=(i+k-1)-i; r2:=(i+k)-(i+1); b:=0; if(r1<>0)and(r2<>0) then b:=b+((t-i)/r1)*Blend_function(t,i,k-1); if(r1<>0)and(r2<>0) then b:=b+((i+k)-t)/r2*Blend_function(t,i+1,k-1); Blend_function:=b; end; end; procedure Uniform_BSpline; var i:integer; b,t,xx,yy:real; x,y:integer; begin t:=(press_k-50)-1; while(t<pocet) do begin xx:=0;yy:=0; for i:=0 to pocet-1 do begin b:=Blend_function(t,i,press_k-50); xx:=xx+b*bod[i].x; yy:=yy+b*bod[i].y; end; x:=trunc(xx); y:=trunc(yy); PutPixel(x,y,15); t:=t+0.001; end; end; procedure tlacidlo(x,y,w,h:integer;s:String;c,p:integer); begin if(c=p) then begin SetFillStyle(1,7); bar(x,y,x+w,y+h); SetColor(10); end else begin SetFillStyle(1,8); bar(x,y,x+w,y+h); SetColor(7); rectangle(x,y,x+w,y+h); SetColor(15); end; SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); SetTextJustify(CenterText, CenterText); OutTextXY(x+w div 2,y + h div 2+1, s); button[num_buttons].x1:=x; button[num_buttons].y1:=y; button[num_buttons].x2:=x+w; button[num_buttons].y2:=y+h; button[num_buttons].n:=c; inc(num_buttons); end; procedure draw_menu; var i:integer; begin SetFillStyle(1,0); bar(0,100,640,480); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); SetTextJustify(LeftText, CenterText); OutTextXY(10,21,'Pocet bodov'); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); SetTextJustify(LeftText, CenterText); OutTextXY(10,61,'Rad B-spline'); SetFillStyle(1,14); bar(10,80,20,90); SetTextJustify(LeftText, CenterText); SetColor(14); OutTextXY(25,86,'Bezierova krivka'); SetFillStyle(1,15); bar(180,80,190,90); SetTextJustify(LeftText, CenterText); SetColor(15); OutTextXY(195,86,'B-spline krivka'); num_buttons:=0; for i:=1 to 7 do begin tlacidlo(100+i*30,10,20,20,chr(i+50),i,press); end; for i:=1 to 4 do begin tlacidlo(100+i*30,50,20,20,chr(i+50),52+i,press_k); end; tlacidlo(460,10,80,20,'Cisti',-2,0); tlacidlo(550,10,80,20,'Koniec',-1,0); end; function which_button_pressed(x,y:integer):integer; var i:integer; begin which_button_pressed:=0; for i:=0 to num_buttons-1 do begin if(x>=button[i].x1)and(y>=button[i].y1)and(x<=button[i].x2)and(y<=button[i].y2) then begin which_button_pressed:=button[i].n; break; end; end; end; var Driver, Mode: Integer; i,max,c,b:integer; begin Driver := Detect; InitGraph(Driver, Mode, ''); if GraphResult < 0 then Halt(1); generate_tabKombCisel; SetFillStyle(1,8); bar(0,0,640,100); gShowMouse; c:=1; press:=1; press_k:=53; max:=3; while true do begin if(c=2) then begin if(pocet<max) then begin gHideMouse; SetColor(10); circle(gMouseX*2,gMouseY,3); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 1); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); OutTextXY(gMouseX*2,gMouseY+5, Chr(pocet+49)); bod[pocet].x:=gMouseX*2; bod[pocet].y:=gMouseY; inc(pocet); if(pocet=max) then begin SetColor(8); for i:=0 to pocet-2 do begin line(bod[i].x,bod[i].y,bod[i+1].x,bod[i+1].y); end; Bezier; Uniform_BSpline; end; gShowMouse; end; c:=3; end; if(c=1) then begin gHideMouse; draw_menu; c:=0; pocet:=0; gShowMouse; end; if(c=0)and(gMouseButtons>0) then begin b:=which_button_pressed(gMouseX*2,gMouseY); if(b=-1) then break; if(b=-2) then c:=1; if(b>0) then begin if(b<50) then begin press:=b; max:=b+2; end; if(b>50)and(b-52<=press) then begin press_k:=b; end; c:=1; end; if(b=0)and(gMouseY>100) then c:=2; end; if(c>0)and(gMouseButtons=0) then c:=0; end; gHideMouse; CloseGraph; end.