Hra Digger v pascale
Delphi & Pascal (èeská wiki)
Kategorija: KMP (Programy mladòakoch
Zrobil: Pavol Rusiòák
Program: Digger.pas
Subor exe: Digger.exe
Zrobil: Pavol Rusiòák
Program: Digger.pas
Subor exe: Digger.exe
Hra Digger v pascale. Skutoène super hra v textovom re¾ime.
{ DIGGER.PAS } { } { Author: Pavol Rusinak } { Date : 15.02.1997 } program digger; uses crt; var ch:char; dig,dig2:string; s:longint; x,y,ax,ay,px,py,o,p,r,xp,yp,xprisera,yprisera:integer; procedure hlina; var a:integer; begin clrscr; textcolor(6);for a:=1 to 1920 do write('Û'); end; procedure kresli (x,y:integer;dig,dig2:string;ch:char); begin if ch='P' then begin gotoxy(x,y-1);write(' ');end; if ch='H' then begin gotoxy(x,y+2);write(' ');end; if ch='M' then begin gotoxy(x-1,y);write(' ');gotoxy(x-1,y+1);write(' ');end; if ch='K' then begin gotoxy(x+4,y);write(' ');gotoxy(x+4,y+1);write(' ');end; textcolor(10);gotoxy(x,y);write(dig);gotoxy(x,y+1);write(dig2); end; procedure demo; begin clrscr;textcolor(14);gotoxy(25,12); write('ÛßßßÜ Û ÜßßßÜ ÜßßßÜ Ûßßßß ÛßßßÜ');gotoxy(25,13); write('Û Û Û Û ÜÜ Û ÜÜ Ûßßß ÛÜÜÜß');gotoxy(25,14); write('ÛÜÜÜß Û ßÜÜÜß ßÜÜÜß ÛÜÜÜÜ Û ßÜ');gotoxy(36,20); textcolor(4);write('Super hra!'); gotoxy(57,25);textcolor(10);write('Software by Pavol Rusn k'); repeat until keypressed; end; procedure diggerk(ax,ay:integer); begin gotoxy(ax,ay);textcolor(6);write('ÛÛÛÛÛ');textcolor(9);write('\'); gotoxy(ax,ay+1);textcolor(6);write('ÛÛÛÛÛÛ');textcolor(8);write('>'); gotoxy(ax,ay+2);write('o o/'); end; procedure panak(px,py:integer); begin gotoxy(px+1,py);textcolor(6);write(chr(2)); gotoxy(px,py+1);textcolor(6);write('Ä');textcolor(4);write('O');textcolor(6);write('Ä'); gotoxy(px,py+2);textcolor(9);write('/ \'); end; procedure uvod; begin for o:=1 to 20 do begin panak(o,12);diggerk(20,12);delay(100);clrscr; end; for p:=21 to 74 do begin diggerk(p,12);delay(100);sound(20);clrscr; end; NOSOUND; for r:=-2 to 25 do begin textcolor(14); if (r>0) and (r<26) then Begin gotoxy(25,r);write('Û ÜÜÜ ÜÛÜ Û ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Û');enD; if (r+1>0) and (r+1<26) then Begin gotoxy(25,r+1);write('Û ÛÜÜÜÛ Û ÛÜÜÜ Û Û Û Û Û');enD; if (r+2>0) and (r+2<26) then Begin gotoxy(25,r+2);write('ÛÜÜÜ ßÜÜÜ Û ÜÜÜß ßÜÜÜÛ ßÜÜÜß Ü');enD; if (r+3>0) and (r+3<26) then Begin gotoxy(50,r+3);write('ÜÜÜß');enD; if r=12 then delay(5000) else delay(100); clrscr; end; end; Procedure Beep; begin sound(200); delay(150); nosound; end; procedure napoklad; begin xp:=round(random(77)+3); yp:=round(random(23)+2); gotoxy(xp,yp);textcolor(15);write('Û');beep;s:=s+1000; end; procedure score; begin gotoxy(1,25);textcolor(9);write('Sk¢re:',s); end; begin {hlavny} randomize;demo;uvod; clrscr;hlina;x:=1;y:=1;xp:=4;yp:=2;dig:='ÛÛ\ ';dig2:='o o/';s:=900;ch:=' '; repeat if (x+3=xp) and (y+1=yp) then napoklad; textcolor(10);kresli(x,y,dig,dig2,ch);score; ch:=ReadKey; if (ch='H') and (y>1) then begin y:=y-1;dig:='/\ ';dig2:='8ÛÛ ';end; if (ch='P') and (y<23) then begin y:=y+1;dig:=' ÛÛ8';dig2:=' \/';end; if (ch='M') and (x<77) then begin x:=x+1;dig:='ÛÛ\ ';dig2:='o o>';end; if (ch='K') and (x>1) then begin x:=x-1;dig:=' /ÛÛ';dig2:='<o o';end; textcolor(0);kresli(x,y,dig,dig2,ch);s:=s-10;{prisera;} until ch=#27; clrscr; end.