Program vypočíta determinat matice 3x3
Kategória: KMP (Klub mladých programátorov)Autor: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: 3x3det.pas
Súbor exe: 3x3det.exe
Program vypočíta determinat matice 3x3.
{ 3x3DET.PAS } { Program vypočíta determinat matice 3x3. } { } { Author: Ľuboš Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 } program Determinant; uses Crt; var a:array[1..4,1..3]of integer; x,y,ds,d1,d2,d3:longint; BEGIN TextBackGround(0);ClrScr; for x:=1 to 3 do begin writeLn(x,'. * x + * y + * z ='); for y:=1 to 4 do begin GotoXY(10*y-6,x); readLn(a[y,x]); end; end; ds:=a[1,1]*a[2,2]*a[3,3] + a[2,1]*a[3,2]*a[1,3] + a[3,1]*a[1,2]*a[2,3] - a[3,1]*a[2,2]*a[1,3] - a[1,1]*a[3,2]*a[2,3] - a[2,1]*a[1,2]*a[3,3]; d1:=a[4,1]*a[2,2]*a[3,3] + a[2,1]*a[3,2]*a[4,3] + a[3,1]*a[4,2]*a[2,3] - a[3,1]*a[2,2]*a[4,3] - a[4,1]*a[3,2]*a[2,3] - a[2,1]*a[4,2]*a[3,3]; d2:=a[1,1]*a[4,2]*a[3,3] + a[4,1]*a[3,2]*a[1,3] + a[3,1]*a[1,2]*a[4,3] - a[3,1]*a[4,2]*a[1,3] - a[1,1]*a[3,2]*a[4,3] - a[4,1]*a[1,2]*a[3,3]; d3:=a[1,1]*a[2,2]*a[4,3] + a[2,1]*a[4,2]*a[1,3] + a[4,1]*a[1,2]*a[2,3] - a[4,1]*a[2,2]*a[1,3] - a[1,1]*a[4,2]*a[2,3] - a[2,1]*a[1,2]*a[4,3]; writeln('x= ',d1/ds:1:5); writeln('y= ',d2/ds:1:5); writeln('z= ',d3/ds:1:5); readln; END.