Pomocou ARJ zabalí a zahesluje adresár, pascal
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Kategória: Programy v Pascale
Program: Secure.pas
Súbor exe: Secure.exe
Program: Secure.pas
Súbor exe: Secure.exe
Spustí ARJ nad vybraným adresárom a všetko v ňom zbalí pod vopred definovaným heslom. Samozrejme vie aj obnoviť. Program mal na svoju dobu prijateľné užívateľské rozhranie.
{ SECURE.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Program pouziva arj.exe na ulozenie suboru a zakodovanie. } { Uzivatelsky prijemne prostredie. } { } { Datum:08.07.1993 http://www.trsek.com } {$M 8192,0,55360} program securite; uses crt,dos,trsek; const volba:array[1..3] of string= ('zakodovat','odkodovat','opustit..'); var s,z,pass:string; i,is:integer; procedure koniec; begin window(1,1,80,24); farba(0,15);clrscr; farba(1,14);write('SECURE Copyright (c). Software by TRSEK. All right reserved TRSEK.'); halt; end; function tread(x,y:integer;d:byte;s:string):string; var s1,s2,sz:string; st:char; x1,i,ins:integer; label tam; begin x1:=x;farba(15,0);ins:=1;kurzorZap(true); s:=copy(s,1,d); if length(s)<d then for i:=length(s) to d-1 do s:=s+' '; gotoxy(x,y);write(s);sz:=s; if (x>0) and (x<81) and (y>0) and (y<25) and(x+d<81) then begin gotoxy(x,y); repeat st:=readkey; if (st=#27) then begin s:='';sz:='';end; if (st=#27) or (st=#8) or (st=#0) or (st=#13) then begin if st=#0 then begin st:=readkey; if st=#75 then x1:=x1-1; if st=#77 then x1:=x1+1; if st=#71 then x1:=x; if st=#79 then begin i:=d+1;x1:=x+d; repeat i:=i-1; s1:=copy(s,i,1); if (s1=' ') then x1:=x+i-1; until (i=0) or (not(s1=' ')); end; end; if st=#27 then begin gotoxy(x,y);write(sz);kurzorZap(false);tread:=sz;koniec;end; if st=#8 then begin s1:=copy(s,1,x1-x-1); s2:=copy(s,x1-x+1,d-x1+x); s:=s1+s2+' '; x1:=x1-1; end; if st=#83 then begin s1:=copy(s,1,x1-x); s2:=copy(s,x1-x+2,d-x1+x); s:=s1+s2+' '; end; if st=#82 then begin if ins=2 then ins:=1 else ins:=2; end; end else begin s1:=copy(s,1,x1-x); s2:=copy(s,x1+ins-x,d-x1+x); s:=s1+copy(st,1,1)+s2; s:=copy(s,1,d); x1:=x1+1;if (x1>x+d) then x1:=x+d; end; if x1<x then x1:=x; if x1>x+d then x1:=x+d; s:=copy(s,1,d); gotoxy(x,y);writeln(s);gotoxy(x1,y); until st=#13; tread:=s;farba(0,15);kurzorZap(false); end; end; procedure prikaz(s:string); var Err:integer; begin SwapVectors; Exec(GetEnv('COMSPEC'), '/C '+s); SwapVectors; end; procedure DelFile(s:string); var Sub:SearchRec; begin FindFirst(s, Archive or AnyFile, Sub); if(DosError=0) then prikaz('del '+s+'.arj >NUL'); end; procedure koduj(s:string;i:integer); var e:integer; kl:char; maz:boolean; begin if i=1 then begin if(s[2]=':') then prikaz(copy(s,1,2)); DelFile(s+'.arj'); prikaz('arj a '+s+' -g'+pass+'>NUL'); open_win(22,18,62,22,'Varovanie',lightmagenta); gotoxy(4,1);write('Vymazat ',s,'.txt'); gotoxy(16,3);write(' ano nie '); farba(black,yellow);gotoxy(16,3);write(' ano '); maz:=true; repeat kl:=readkey; if kl=#75 then begin farba(black,yellow); gotoxy(16,3);write(' ano '); farba(lightmagenta,yellow); gotoxy(22,3);write(' nie '); maz:=true; end; if kl=#77 then begin farba(black,yellow); gotoxy(22,3);write(' nie '); farba(lightmagenta,yellow); gotoxy(16,3);write(' ano '); maz:=false; end; if kl=#27 then koniec; until (kl=#13); if maz then DelFile(s+'.txt'); end; if i=2 then begin prikaz(copy(s,1,2)); prikaz('arj e '+s+'.arj -g'+pass); end; end; BEGIN farba(black,yellow); clrscr; farba(blue,yellow); gotoxy(1,1);write('SECURE Copyright (c). Software by TRSEK. All right reserved TRSEK.'); open_win(8,8,72,15,'K˘dovanie suboru ver. 1.2',blue); gotoxy(7,2);write('Meno suboru pre (od)kodovanie: kniha'); gotoxy(21,3);write('Cesta k suborom: '); gotoxy(31,4);write('Heslo:'); gotoxy(4,6);write(' ESC - prerusenie programu ENTER - potvrdenie prikazu'); s:=tread(38,2,10,'kniha'); farba(blue,yellow); gotoxy(38,2);write(s,' '); z:=tread(38,3,20,''); farba(blue,yellow); gotoxy(38,3);write(z,' '); pass:=tread(38,4,12,''); while(pos(' ',pass) > 0) do delete(pass,pos(' ',pass),1); if(pass='') then pass:='trsek'; farba(blue,yellow); gotoxy(38,4);write(pass,' '); open_win(39,12,77,16,'kontrolna otazka',red); i:=1; repeat if copy(z,i,1)=' ' then delete(z,i,1) else i:=i+1; until (i>length(z)); if copy(z,length(z),1)='\' then s:=z+s else s:=z+'\'+s; i:=1; repeat if copy(s,i,1)=' ' then delete(s,i,1) else i:=i+1; until (i>length(s)); write(' subor ',s); for i:=1 to 3 do begin gotoxy(i*12-9,3);write(volba[i]);end; farba(black,yellow); gotoxy(3,3);write(volba[1]); i:=1;is:=1; repeat z:=readkey; if z=#75 then begin i:=i-1; if i<1 then i:=3; end; if z=#77 then begin i:=i+1; if i>3 then i:=1; end; if z=#27 then koniec; farba(red,yellow); gotoxy(is*12-9,3);write(volba[is]); farba(black,yellow); gotoxy(i*12-9,3);write(volba[i]); is:=i; until (z=#13); if i=3 then koniec; koduj(s,i); koniec; END.