Dithering glupy
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Kategorija: KMP (Programy mladňakoch
Zrobil: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Dither.pas
Subor exe: Dither.exe
Mušiš mac: Egavga.bgi
Zrobil: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Dither.pas
Subor exe: Dither.exe
Mušiš mac: Egavga.bgi
Dithering glupy.
{ dither.pas } { Dithering primitivny. } { } { Author: Ľuboš Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 http://www.trsek.com } {Zacinam s knihou Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery} {4=red, 2=green, 1=blue} program Dithering_primitivny; uses Graph; var gd,gm:integer; procedure Makaj; var cell:array[0..15,0..15] of byte; x,y,z,ranx,rany,osx,osy:integer; begin x:=0; while x<40 do begin y:=0; Inc(x); while y<30 do begin Inc(y); for osx:=0 to 15 do for osy:=0 to 15 do cell[osx,osy]:=0; for z:=1 to x+y do begin ranx:=random(8);rany:=random(8); while cell[ranx,rany]=1 do ranx:=random(8);rany:=random(8); cell[random(16),random(16)]:=1; end; for osx:=0 to 15 do for osy:=0 to 15 do PutPixel(16*x+osx,16*y+osy,cell[osx,osy]); end; end; end; BEGIN gd:=9;gm:=2; initgraph(gd,gm,''); cleardevice; Makaj; readln; CloseGraph; END.