Tota hra co na koncu vof telke Kufor
Kategorija: KMP (Programy mladňakochZrobil: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Kufor.pas
Subor exe: Kufor.exe
Mušiš mac: Egavga.bgi
Tota hra co na koncu vof telke Kufor.
{ kufor.pas } { Zaverecne hadanie kociek v sutazi kufor. } { } { Author: Ľuboš Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 } program Kufor; uses Crt,Graph; const gd:integer=9; gm:integer=2; level=900; var a:array[1..3] of word; skore,x,y:word; skoreS:string; ch:char; procedure Kresli(b:integer); begin if a[b]=1 then circle(120+(b-1)*200,200,10); if a[b]=2 then begin circle(190+(b-1)*200,130,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,270,10); end; if a[b]=3 then begin circle(190+(b-1)*200,130,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,270,10); circle(120+(b-1)*200,200,10); end; if a[b]=4 then begin circle(190+(b-1)*200,130,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,270,10); circle(190+(b-1)*200,270,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,130,10); end; if a[b]=5 then begin circle(190+(b-1)*200,130,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,270,10); circle(190+(b-1)*200,270,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,130,10); circle(120+(b-1)*200,200,10); end; if a[b]=6 then begin circle(190+(b-1)*200,130,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,270,10); circle(190+(b-1)*200,270,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,130,10); circle(190+(b-1)*200,200,10); circle(50+(b-1)*200,200,10); end; end; begin Randomize; Skore:=7; InitGraph(gd,gm,''); SetTextStyle(3,HorizDir,0); OutTextXY(10,10,'Skore:'); OutTextXY(110,10,'7'); MoveTo(20,100); LineTo(620,100); LineTo(620,300); LineTo(20,300); LineTo(20,100); Line(220,100,220,300); Line(420,100,420,300); SetFillStyle(1,0); for x:=1 to 8 do begin repeat a[1]:=random(6)+1;a[2]:=random(6)+1;a[3]:=random(6)+1; SetColor(15); for y:=1 to 3 do Kresli(y); Sound(1000); Delay(100); NoSound; Delay(level); SetColor(0); for y:=1 to 3 do Kresli(y); until keypressed; ch:=ReadKey; if (a[1]=a[2]) or (a[2]=a[3]) or (a[1]=a[3]) then skore:=skore*2 else Skore:=skore div 2; Bar(110,10,210,60); Str(skore,skoreS); SetColor(15); OutTextXY(110,10,skoreS); end; readln; CloseGraph; end.