This thesis contains program coding module for generation logics test by Boolean gap

Category: Programs in C, C++

File exe: Booldif.exe
need: Adresar.cColor.cDerivac.cError.cFunkcie.cHelp.cKey.cLine_edi.cMain.cMenu.cObsluha.cOkno.cPrac_ndf.cSlovnik.cSlov_fon.cStatist.cUtil.cVideo.cVystupy.cAdresar.hColor.hDefine.hError.hFunkcie.hGlob.hKey.hLine_edi.hMbooldif.hMenu.hOkno.hSlov_fon.hUtil.hVideo.h
Example: Example.zipBin_10_o.ndfBin_10_o.ndfBin_1and.ndfBin_2rad.ndfBin_3rad.ndfBin_4rad.ndfHard.ndfI_reg_lo.ndfReg_jk.ndfScitac_s.ndfScp_1rad.ndfScp_2rad.ndfScp_2r_1.ndfScp_3rad.ndfScp_4r_2.ndfScp_6r_3.ndfScp_8r_4.ndfSc_1r_pj.ndfSc_1r_sj.ndfSc_1_aoi.ndfSc_2r_4.ndfSc_3r_6.ndfSc_7400n.ndfSc_aon.ndfSimp3_a.ndfSimp3_b.ndfSimp4_a.ndfSimp4_b.ndfSimp4_c.ndfSimp6_a.ndfTest_vod.ndfZle.ndf

This thesis contains program coding module for generation logics test by Boolean gap. Compile vector of fault for existent circuit, forth about all boughs herself chauffeur. Results is absolute gauge. Program application enables four modes It is implemented in the C programming language for the operating system MS-DOS, or another compatible with it. The program is suitable for an interactive way to communicate with the user, allowing a comfortable working environment are similar to Turbo Vision.
*									     *
*                                Subor KEY.H                                 *
*									     *
#define F1 0x3b00
#define F2 0x3c00
#define F3 0x3d00
#define F4 0x3e00
#define F5 0x3f00
#define F6 0x4000
#define F7 0x4100
#define F8 0x4200
#define F9 0x4300
#define F10 0x4400
#define UP 0x4800
#define DOWN 0x5000
#define LEFT 0x4b00
#define RIGHT 0x4d00
#define PGUP 0x4900
#define PGDOWN 0x5100
#define HOME 0x4700
#define END 0x4f00
#define ESC 27
#define ENTER 13
#define DEL 0x5300
#define INS 0x5200
#define TAB 0x09
#define BKSPC 0x08
#define CTRLPGUP 0x8400
#define CTRLPGDOWN 0x7600
unsigned int  key(void);
void tlac_cas(void);