Games in Pascal

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8smer.pngProgram: 8smer.pas
File exe: 8smer.exe
need: Rutiny.pasTrsek.pasTajnicka.dat

The program fills out grid of a crossword. The file tajnicka.dat works as an entry. It gives the description of the crossword's format, the number of letters for its successful ability to solve and, of course, the words which are supposed to be found. The editor of the crossword is not included.

auticko.pngAuthor: Aleš Kucik

Program: Auticko.pasAutoo.pas
File exe: Auticko.exeAutoo.exe
need: Rose.dat

Zde můžete krásně vydět, jak se hra postupně vyvýjela od textovky ke hře v grafickém módu VGA 320x200x256.
Nejprve textová verze této hry - autoo.pas
A zde je verze ve VGA grafice s poutavým intrem ;o) auticko.pas. K tomu si stáhněte fonty jinak to nespustíte rose.dat.

bludiste.pngAuthor: Aleš Kucik

Program: Bludiste.pas
File exe: Bludiste.exe

Je to jednoduchá textovka. Cílem je vymotat se z bludiště po sebrání dvou klíčů. Můžete si zahrát i dvojhru (mám ale dojem že dvojhra trochu zlobí).

gambler.pngAuthor: Martin Koleček
Program: Daytona.pasDefault.pasLoading.pasMain.pasMaingame.pasMisc.pasOvladani.pasRisk.pasRiskscr.pasRoll.pasRollproc.pasRolsetup.pasSaveload.pasScore.pasScreen.pasServis.pasSetbet.pasTestwin.pasWaitbtn.pasWinblink.pasWrivalce.pas
File exe:

Klasický výherní automat "Daytona Classic 750" samozřejmě s trochu odlišnou grafikou. POZOR:

flupak.pngAuthor: BX
Program: Flupak.pas
File exe: Flupak.exe

Hra je podobna staršej hre supaplex. Ší­pkami sa pohybuješ a žerieš lí­stky. Na začiatku, ale musíš napí­sať koľko lístkov chceš vygenerovať.

had.pngAuthor: Matej Ridzoň
Program: Hadr.pasPohyb.pas
File exe: Hadr.exe
flow: Had_prezentacia.pdf

A simple simulation of old game Snake. Controls are arrows. The program has inside a simple AI (In beginning it was tester of some aspects of game), which was not totaly completed. Program was compiled in fpc 2.2 - mode object pascal. Program was designed to show, how to use easy units graph, wincrt) and create complex program. I hope, you will like this game and find any inspiration in it.

hanojvez.pngProgram: Hanojvez.pas
File exe: Hanojvez.exe
File ubuntu: Hanojvez
Example: Hanojvez.txt

Game tower of Hanoi. The challenge is to move the rings from the left column to the right. It must not, however, put more into smaller ring. It is always possible to take only one ring.

kpn.pngProgram: Kpn.pas
File exe: Kpn.exe
need: Egavga.bgiScore.txt

Program simuluje hru kameň-papier-nožnice. Hráči zadávajú svoju vožbu písmenami k-kameň, p-papier, n-nožnice. Program vyhodnocuje ich úspešnos a ukladá si jednotlivé hry do súboru. Po skončení zobrazí graf úspešnosti jednotlivých hráčov.

loyd15.pngAuthor: Marián Vook
Program: Loyd15.pas
File exe: Loyd15.exe
need: Egavga.bgiTrip.chr

It is a graphic arrangement of Loyd15 game. Your assignment arange numbers. You move number only to free box.

milion.pngProgram: Milion.pas
File exe: Milion.exe
need: Egavga.bgiLevel.1Level.2Level.3Level.4Level.5Level.6Level.7Level.8Level.9Level.10

Program like popular game milionare. All question are defined in txt file Level.1 to Level.10. Level 1 is easy, 10 is hard. Examples are defined question about programming in slovak language.

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