Strings in Pascal

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Author: Ján Mojžiš
Program: Ab_slova.pas
File exe: Ab_slova.exe
need: Slova.txt

AB-slovo je slovo zlozene vylucne z pismen A a B, napriklad AA, ABB, BBB. Napiste program, kt. na uvod precita zo vstupu postupnost roznych AB-slov, oddelenych jednou medzerou. Potom bude v cykle zo vstupu prijmat AB-slovo, na ktore zareaguje jednym z nasledujucich sposobov:
a) ak prijal prazdne slovo, ukonci svoju cinnost,
b) ak prijal slovo, kt. nebolo v uvodnej postupnosti, vypise retazec nepoznam a pokracuje,
c) ak prijal slovo, kt. bolo v uvodnej postupnosti, vypise jeho poradie v tejto postupnosti a pokracuje.

pre uvodnu postupnost AAA, ABAB mame
AAA         nepoznam
ABAB       2
AAAA       1
Pouzitie binarneho stromu s 2 vetvami A a B slova su v subore

Author: Pheo

Program: Abecedny_zoznam.pas

Program abecedne usporiada zadaný zoznam slov.

ascii.pngProgram: Ascii.pas
File exe: Ascii.exe
File ubuntu: Ascii

It displays 0-255 ASCII table. In the times of DOS programming it was unquestionably a very much used program.
Program store text background and after close program, restore it.

Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Ascii2.pas
File exe: Ascii2.exe

View ASCII chars in table.

Program: Bez1znak.pas
need: Jedno.txt

From file reads all word without 1char. Result writes to file.

dascii.pngProgram: Dascii.pas
File exe: Dascii.exe
need: Dascii.dat

An excellent program which enables you to design completely newcharacters in ASCII set. Your work results can be stored in Dascii.dat file and returned to whenever you need. One of its most interesting functions is that which can read the character from RAM memory (give it a look, some stuff from the source code can be found useful even today).

diktat.pngProgram: Diktat.pas
File exe: Diktat.exe

Program, ktorý vás precvičí vo vybraných slovách s použitím IF.

Author: Furby
Program: Generato.pas
File exe: Generato.exe

This program generate password about size. Password maybe number, text, or number and text together.

Program: Hadaj.pas

Foretells a number. You can answer Yes/No only. It can guess the number you are thinking of. An interval is firmly defined. The program asks questions like "Is the number larger than ...?" or "Is the number smaller than ...?" on which you can answer Yes/No only.

Author: Matej Ďurica
Program: Horoskop.pas
File exe: Horoskop.exe

Program učí na základe zadaného dňa a mesiaca ktoré užívateľ zadá znamenie vo zverokruhu.

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