This thesis contains program coding module for generation logics test by Boolean gap
Delphi & Pascal (èeská wiki)
Category: Programs in C, C++
Program: Prac_ndf.c,
File exe: Booldif.exe
need: Adresar.c, Color.c, Derivac.c, Error.c, Funkcie.c, Help.c, Key.c, Line_edi.c, Main.c, Menu.c, Obsluha.c, Okno.c, Prac_ndf.c, Slovnik.c, Slov_fon.c, Statist.c, Util.c, Video.c, Vystupy.c, Adresar.h, Color.h, Define.h, Error.h, Funkcie.h, Glob.h, Key.h, Line_edi.h, Mbooldif.h, Menu.h, Okno.h, Slov_fon.h, Util.h, Video.h
Example:, Bin_10_o.ndf, Bin_10_o.ndf, Bin_1and.ndf, Bin_2rad.ndf, Bin_3rad.ndf, Bin_4rad.ndf, Hard.ndf, I_reg_lo.ndf, Reg_jk.ndf, Scitac_s.ndf, Scp_1rad.ndf, Scp_2rad.ndf, Scp_2r_1.ndf, Scp_3rad.ndf, Scp_4r_2.ndf, Scp_6r_3.ndf, Scp_8r_4.ndf, Sc_1r_pj.ndf, Sc_1r_sj.ndf, Sc_1_aoi.ndf, Sc_2r_4.ndf, Sc_3r_6.ndf, Sc_7400n.ndf, Sc_aon.ndf, Simp3_a.ndf, Simp3_b.ndf, Simp4_a.ndf, Simp4_b.ndf, Simp4_c.ndf, Simp6_a.ndf, Test_vod.ndf, Zle.ndf
Program: Prac_ndf.c,
File exe: Booldif.exe
need: Adresar.c, Color.c, Derivac.c, Error.c, Funkcie.c, Help.c, Key.c, Line_edi.c, Main.c, Menu.c, Obsluha.c, Okno.c, Prac_ndf.c, Slovnik.c, Slov_fon.c, Statist.c, Util.c, Video.c, Vystupy.c, Adresar.h, Color.h, Define.h, Error.h, Funkcie.h, Glob.h, Key.h, Line_edi.h, Mbooldif.h, Menu.h, Okno.h, Slov_fon.h, Util.h, Video.h
Example:, Bin_10_o.ndf, Bin_10_o.ndf, Bin_1and.ndf, Bin_2rad.ndf, Bin_3rad.ndf, Bin_4rad.ndf, Hard.ndf, I_reg_lo.ndf, Reg_jk.ndf, Scitac_s.ndf, Scp_1rad.ndf, Scp_2rad.ndf, Scp_2r_1.ndf, Scp_3rad.ndf, Scp_4r_2.ndf, Scp_6r_3.ndf, Scp_8r_4.ndf, Sc_1r_pj.ndf, Sc_1r_sj.ndf, Sc_1_aoi.ndf, Sc_2r_4.ndf, Sc_3r_6.ndf, Sc_7400n.ndf, Sc_aon.ndf, Simp3_a.ndf, Simp3_b.ndf, Simp4_a.ndf, Simp4_b.ndf, Simp4_c.ndf, Simp6_a.ndf, Test_vod.ndf, Zle.ndf
This thesis contains program coding module for generation logics test by Boolean gap. Compile vector of fault for existent circuit, forth about all boughs herself chauffeur. Results is absolute gauge. Program application enables four modes It is implemented in the C programming language for the operating system MS-DOS, or another compatible with it. The program is suitable for an interactive way to communicate with the user, allowing a comfortable working environment are similar to Turbo Vision.
//************************************************************************// // STATIST.C // // Funkcie pre statisticke zobrazenie vypoctu // 11.11.1997 // //************************************************************************// #include <dos.h> #include "mbooldif.h" #include "glob.h" #include "error.h" #include "util.h" #include "video.h" #include "okno.h" #include "menu.h" //************************************************************************// // ZARAD_STAT zaradi statisticke informacie do struktury // // ako=0 pre udalostou 1=po udalosti 12.11.1997 // //************************************************************************// void zarad_stat( char text[], int ako ) { struct time t; long cas; gettime(&t); cas = t.ti_hund + 100.0 * ( t.ti_sec + 60.0 * ( t.ti_min + ( 60.0 * t.ti_hour ) ) ); if( ako == 0 ) { strcpy( s_stat[p_stat].s_text, text ); s_stat[ p_stat ].cas = cas; min_mem = 0; } else { s_stat[ p_stat ].cas = cas - s_stat[ p_stat ].cas + 1; s_stat[ p_stat ].pamet = 10*( min_mem +1 ); // pocas prace nastavuje min_mem funkcia pamet() min_mem = 0; if( p_stat < max_stat ) p_stat++; } } //************************************************************************// // STATISTIKA zobrazi udaje o priebehu vypoctu // // 11.11.1997 // //************************************************************************// int statistika( void ) { int zx,zy; int i; // devka FILE *tmp,*fopen(); // ulozi slovnik long c_cas=0; zx=_stlpcov/2-38; zy=_riadkov/2-10; if( view_okno(zx,zy,zx+76,zy+20,atributy[42],atributy[43],3," ›tatistick‚ £daje ")==FALSE) { chybove_okno( chyba[1] ); return(1); } // ideme zapisovat do suboru tmp=fopen( strspoj( temp,TmpSubor[7] ) ,"w+t" );// tmp subor STATIST.TMP if ( tmp == NULL ) { chybove_okno(chyba[17]); // disk chraneny proti zapisu, alebo tak neako return( FALSE ); } // zistime celkovy cas for( i=0; i < p_stat; i++ ) c_cas = c_cas + s_stat[i].cas; fprintf( tmp,"\n Doteraj¨¡ v˜po‡et mal nasledovn‚ n roky \n" ); fprintf( tmp," ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\n\n" ); // vypiseme for( i=0; i < p_stat; i++ ) fprintf( tmp," %23s = %4lu ms [%4.1f%c] %8lu b [%5.1f%c]\n", s_stat[i].s_text, (unsigned long)s_stat[i].cas, (float)( 100.0 * s_stat[i].cas/c_cas), 37, (unsigned long)s_stat[i].pamet, (float)( 100.0 * s_stat[i].pamet/volne_mem), 37 ); fprintf( tmp," ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\n" ); fprintf( tmp," Celkom ‡as = %4lu ms Pam„Ÿ : %4lu byte", c_cas, volne_mem ); fprintf( tmp,"\n\n Celkov˜ ‡as v˜po‡tu je bez zdr‘an¡ sa pri komunik cii s u‘¡vateŒom."); fprintf( tmp,"\n Celkov pam„Ÿ vyjadruje voŒn£ pam„Ÿ pre programov˜ k¢dom a z sobn¡k.\n"); fclose( tmp ); zapni_kurzor(); zobraz_tmp ( TmpSubor[7],0 ); vypni_kurzor(); zatvor_okno(); return(0); } /*---------------------------------END--------------------------------------*/