This thesis contains program coding module for generation logics test by Boolean gap
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Programs in C, C++
Program: Prac_ndf.c,
File exe: Booldif.exe
need: Adresar.c, Color.c, Derivac.c, Error.c, Funkcie.c, Help.c, Key.c, Line_edi.c, Main.c, Menu.c, Obsluha.c, Okno.c, Prac_ndf.c, Slovnik.c, Slov_fon.c, Statist.c, Util.c, Video.c, Vystupy.c, Adresar.h, Color.h, Define.h, Error.h, Funkcie.h, Glob.h, Key.h, Line_edi.h, Mbooldif.h, Menu.h, Okno.h, Slov_fon.h, Util.h, Video.h
Example:, Bin_10_o.ndf, Bin_10_o.ndf, Bin_1and.ndf, Bin_2rad.ndf, Bin_3rad.ndf, Bin_4rad.ndf, Hard.ndf, I_reg_lo.ndf, Reg_jk.ndf, Scitac_s.ndf, Scp_1rad.ndf, Scp_2rad.ndf, Scp_2r_1.ndf, Scp_3rad.ndf, Scp_4r_2.ndf, Scp_6r_3.ndf, Scp_8r_4.ndf, Sc_1r_pj.ndf, Sc_1r_sj.ndf, Sc_1_aoi.ndf, Sc_2r_4.ndf, Sc_3r_6.ndf, Sc_7400n.ndf, Sc_aon.ndf, Simp3_a.ndf, Simp3_b.ndf, Simp4_a.ndf, Simp4_b.ndf, Simp4_c.ndf, Simp6_a.ndf, Test_vod.ndf, Zle.ndf
Program: Prac_ndf.c,
File exe: Booldif.exe
need: Adresar.c, Color.c, Derivac.c, Error.c, Funkcie.c, Help.c, Key.c, Line_edi.c, Main.c, Menu.c, Obsluha.c, Okno.c, Prac_ndf.c, Slovnik.c, Slov_fon.c, Statist.c, Util.c, Video.c, Vystupy.c, Adresar.h, Color.h, Define.h, Error.h, Funkcie.h, Glob.h, Key.h, Line_edi.h, Mbooldif.h, Menu.h, Okno.h, Slov_fon.h, Util.h, Video.h
Example:, Bin_10_o.ndf, Bin_10_o.ndf, Bin_1and.ndf, Bin_2rad.ndf, Bin_3rad.ndf, Bin_4rad.ndf, Hard.ndf, I_reg_lo.ndf, Reg_jk.ndf, Scitac_s.ndf, Scp_1rad.ndf, Scp_2rad.ndf, Scp_2r_1.ndf, Scp_3rad.ndf, Scp_4r_2.ndf, Scp_6r_3.ndf, Scp_8r_4.ndf, Sc_1r_pj.ndf, Sc_1r_sj.ndf, Sc_1_aoi.ndf, Sc_2r_4.ndf, Sc_3r_6.ndf, Sc_7400n.ndf, Sc_aon.ndf, Simp3_a.ndf, Simp3_b.ndf, Simp4_a.ndf, Simp4_b.ndf, Simp4_c.ndf, Simp6_a.ndf, Test_vod.ndf, Zle.ndf
This thesis contains program coding module for generation logics test by Boolean gap. Compile vector of fault for existent circuit, forth about all boughs herself chauffeur. Results is absolute gauge. Program application enables four modes It is implemented in the C programming language for the operating system MS-DOS, or another compatible with it. The program is suitable for an interactive way to communicate with the user, allowing a comfortable working environment are similar to Turbo Vision.
/***************************************************************************** * * * Subor UTIL.C * * * *****************************************************************************/ #include <dos.h> #include <conio.h> #include "glob.h" #include "util.h" #include "menu.h" #include "key.h" #include "video.h" #include "okno.h" #include "mbooldif.h" #define len_seg 65535.0 // velkost segmentu //************************************************************************// // PIP // // 30.10.1997 // //************************************************************************// void pip(void) { sound(1000); delay(20); nosound(); } //************************************************************************// // TRC zvuk, ktory upozornuje // // 30.10.1997 // //************************************************************************// void trc(void) { register unsigned int i; for(i=30;i<4000;i+=100) { sound(i); delay(1); } nosound(); } //************************************************************************// // Prevod_na_velke // // 30.10.1997 // //************************************************************************// int prevod_na_velke( int k ) { if( k>='a' && k<='z') k-='a'-'A'; return k; } //************************************************************************// // INFO_OKNO // // 30.10.1997 // //************************************************************************// void info_okno(void) { vypln_okno(3,19,45,21,' ',0x1e); // zakladne info o programe ramcek(2,18,42,4,0x1f,3); tien(2,18,42,4,0x08); window(3,19,45,21); farba(BLUE,WHITE); gotoxy(4,2); cprintf("Generovanie testov Boolovskou"); gotoxy(4,3); cprintf("diferenciou verzia 2.53 (1997)"); vypln_okno(51,19,76,21,' ',0x1e); // ako je program nastaveny ramcek(50,18,26,4,0x1f,3); tien(50,18,26,4,0x08); window(51,19,76,21); gotoxy(4,2); cprintf(" Reim:"); gotoxy(4,3); cprintf("Vstup:"); switch(Rezim) { case AUTO: gotoxy(12,2);cprintf("Automatick"); break; case DEMO: gotoxy(12,2);cprintf("Demon¨tran"); break; case VYUK: gotoxy(12,2);cprintf("Vukov"); break; case PREV: gotoxy(12,2);cprintf("PreverovacĄ"); break; } switch(Vystup) { case OBR: gotoxy(12,3);cprintf("Obrazovka"); break; case SUB: gotoxy(12,3);cprintf("\"%s\"",TmpSubor[4]); break; case TLC: gotoxy(12,3);cprintf("Tlaiare¤"); break; } } //************************************************************************// // GET_TMP_ADR vycita tmp adresar // // 30.10.1997 // //************************************************************************// char *get_tmp_adr( void ) { unsigned char far *segment_; char pom_r[max_ret]; char temp[max_ret]; unsigned int i; union REGS reg; reg.h.ah=0x62; intdos(®,®); segment_=MK_FP (reg.x.bx,0); segment_ = MK_FP( segment_[0x2d]*256 + segment_[0x2c],0 ); strcpy( pom_r,"" ); strcpy( temp,"" ); for( i=0; i<len_seg; i++ ) { // hladam v segmente parafraf = PSP[0x2d]*256 + PSP[0x2c] strcat( pom_r," " ); pom_r[ strlen( pom_r )-1 ] = segment_[i] ; if (( segment_[i] == 0 ) || ( strlen(pom_r) > max_ret )) { // je koniec retazca strlwr( pom_r ); str_delete( pom_r,' ' ); if( strstr( pom_r,"temp=" ) != NULL ) { // ideme tmp adresar strcpy( temp,strtemp( pom_r,"=" ) ); strcat( temp,"\\" ); return( temp ); } strcpy( pom_r,"" ); } } return( temp ); } //************************************************************************// // STR_DELETE odstran medzery a male konvertuj na velke pismena // // 2.11.1997 // //************************************************************************// char *str_delete( char *z_str, char aky_str ) { char pom_r[max_ret]; int i=0; strcpy( pom_r,"" ); while ( strlen(z_str) > i ) { if ( z_str[i] != aky_str ) { strcat( pom_r," " ); pom_r[ strlen( pom_r )-1 ] = z_str[i] ; } i++; } strcpy( z_str, pom_r ); return( z_str ); } //************************************************************************// // STRSPOJ k retazcu pom_r pripoji char znak // // 30.10.1997 // //************************************************************************// char *strspoj( char s1[], char s2[] ) { strcpy( s12,s1 ); strcat( s12,s2 ); return ( s12 ); } //************************************************************************// // STRTEMP odstrani od_ret a ostane len path na TEMP // // 30.10.1997 // //************************************************************************// char *strtemp( char pom_r[], char od_ret[] ) { char temp_path[max_ret]; int i; strcpy( temp_path,"" ); for( i=strcspn( pom_r,od_ret )+1; i<=strlen( pom_r); i++ ) { strcat( temp_path," " ); temp_path[ strlen( temp_path )-1 ] = pom_r[i] ; } return( temp_path ); } //************************************************************************// // Ako pomocka pre spravu pamate vypisuje ako som na tom s volnou pamatou // // nieco nieje OK 10.11.1997 // //************************************************************************// void pamet( void ) { char pom[ 80 ]; sprintf( pom, "[%7lu b]",(unsigned long) coreleft() ); tlac_retazec(_stlpcov - 23 ,0,0x70, pom ); tlac_cas(); } /*----------------------------------END-------------------------------------*/