Program calculate medium of burnup of car
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: KMP (Club of young programmers)
Author: Miroslav Lízal, Tomáš Okurek
Program: Auto.pas
File exe: Auto.exe
Author: Miroslav Lízal, Tomáš Okurek
Program: Auto.pas
File exe: Auto.exe
Program calculate medium of burnup of car.
{ AUTO.PAS Copyright (c) Miroslav Lízal } { Program vypocita priemernu spotrebu auta. } { } { Datum:10.11.2002 } program kolikzere; uses crt; var vymazat:integer; var km,l,kc:real; var konec:char; begin clrscr; vymazat:=0; repeat while vymazat<>50 do begin textbackground(blue); textcolor(blue); writeln(''); vymazat:=vymazat+1; end; clrscr; writeln(''); textcolor(white); writeln(' Program pro vypocet spotreby'); textcolor(yellow); writeln('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); write(' Zadejte pocet litru: '); readln(l); write(' Zadejte pocet km : '); readln(km); write(' Zadejte cenu PH : '); readln(kc); writeln('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); writeln(' Spotreba je :',l/km*100:2:3,' l/100km'); writeln(' Cena za km :',l/km*kc:2:3,'kc/km'); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); textcolor(lightblue); writeln(' Miroslav Lizal'); textcolor(white); write(' Chcete pocitet dal (a-ano n-ne): '); read(konec); until not(konec='a')or(konec='n'); end.