You are the supreme counselor of the ruler of ancient Egypt Ramesse II
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: KMP (Club of young programmers)
Author: Masopust (Empty Head)
Program: Pyramida.pas, Endturnu.pas, Oknaunit.pas, Show_pcx.pas, Software.pas, Univgraf.pas
File exe: Pyramida.exe
need: Pyramida.pcx, Endturnu.tpu, Oknaunit.tpu, Software.tpu, Show_pcx.tpu, Univgraf.tpu
Author: Masopust (Empty Head)
Program: Pyramida.pas, Endturnu.pas, Oknaunit.pas, Show_pcx.pas, Software.pas, Univgraf.pas
File exe: Pyramida.exe
need: Pyramida.pcx, Endturnu.tpu, Oknaunit.tpu, Software.tpu, Show_pcx.tpu, Univgraf.tpu
You are the supreme counselor of the ruler of ancient Egypt Ramesse II. The ruler gave you the construction of his pyramid. You can choose one of the 8 provinces you will rule. You have 20 years to build the pyramid.
{ univgraf.pas Copyright (c) Petr Masopust } { Unit pre hru pyramida.pas } { Inicializacia grafickejj karty v potrebnom rezime. } { } { Datum:03.09.2018 } UNIT univgraf; Interface CONST getmaxx=319; getmaxy=199;getmaxcolors=256; Black=0; Blue=1; Green=2; Cyan=3; Red=4; Magenta=5; Brown=6; LightGray=7; DarkGray=8; LightBlue=9; LightGreen=10; LightCyan=11; LightRed=12; LightMagenta=13; Yellow=14; White=15; Blink=128; PROCEDURE InitGraph; inline($b8/$13/0/$cd/$10); PROCEDURE doneGraph; {Takhle kratke procedury je lepsi psat jako makro. Usetri se nekolik bajtu a nekolik taktu. Dneska uz me to netrapi, ale vzpominam si, jak jsem zamlada blaznil kvuli jednomu taktu. Makra se pisou cela uz v interface, takze:} inline($b8/3/0/$cd/$10{mov ax,3;int 10h}); PROCEDURE ClearScreen; procedure pozadi(c:byte); procedure poly(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4:word;c:byte); FUNCTION GetPixel(x,y:word):byte; PROCEDURE PutPixel(x,y:word;barva:byte); procedure perspektiva(zobrplocha,xp,yp,zp:integer;var x,y:word); procedure gwrite(s: string;cp,cz,x,y: byte); procedure swapint(var x,y: integer); procedure line(x1,y1,x2,y2:integer;c:byte); procedure ctverec(x,y,x1,y1:word;c:byte); Implementation procedure swapint(var x,y: integer); var dummy: integer; begin dummy:=x; x:=y; y:=dummy; end; procedure line(x1,y1,x2,y2:integer;c:byte); var p,dx,dy,ainc,binc,xinc,yinc,x,y: integer; begin if(abs(x2-x1) < abs(y1-y2)) then begin if (y1 >y2) then begin swapint(y1,y2); swapint(x1,x2); end; if (x2 > x1) then xinc:=1 else xinc:=-1; dy:=y2-y1; dx:=abs(x2-x1); p:=2*dx-dy; ainc:=2*(dx-dy); binc:=2*dx; x:=x1;y:=y1; putpixel(x,y,c); for y:=y1+1 to y2 do begin if (p>=0) then begin inc(x,xinc); inc(p,ainc); end else inc(p,binc); putpixel(x,y,c); end; end else begin if (x1>x2) then begin swapint(x1,x2); swapint(y1,y2); end; if (y2>y1) then yinc:=1 else yinc:=-1; dx:=x2-x1; dy:=abs(y2-y1); p:=2*dy-dx; ainc:=2*(dy-dx); binc:=2*dy; x:=x1;y:=y1; putpixel(x,y,c); for x:=x1+1 to x2 do begin if (p>=0) then begin inc(y,yinc); inc(p,ainc); end else inc(p,binc); putpixel(x,y,c); end; end; end; procedure ctverec(x,y,x1,y1:word;c:byte); begin line(x,y,x1,y,c); line(x1,y,x1,y1,c); line(x1,y1,x,y1,c); line(x,y1,x,y,c); end; procedure gwrite(s: string;cp,cz,x,y: byte); var j,c : byte; begin for j:=1 to length(s) do begin c:=ord(s[j]); asm mov ah,2 mov bh,0 mov dh,y mov dl,x int 10h mov ah,9 mov al,c mov bh,cp mov bl,cz mov cx,1 int 10h end; inc(x); end; end; procedure perspektiva(zobrplocha,xp,yp,zp:integer;var x,y:word); var pomer: integer; begin dec(xp,160);dec(yp,100); x:=xp*zobrplocha div zp; y:=yp*zobrplocha div zp; inc(x,160);inc(y,100); end; { PROCEDURE InitGraph;assembler; asm mov ax,13h int 10h end; PROCEDURE ClrScr;assembler; asm mov es,SegA000 xor di,di mov cx,16000 db 66h;xor ax,ax db 66h;rep stosw end; } procedure clearscreen; begin pozadi(black); end; procedure pozadi(c:byte); var i:word; begin for i:=0 to 64000 do mem[sega000:i]:=c; end; FUNCTION GetPixel(x,y:word):byte;assembler; asm mov es,SegA000 mov ax,320 mul y add ax,x xchg ax,bx mov al,[es:bx] end; procedure poly(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4:word;c:byte); begin line(x1,y1,x2,y2,c); line(x2,y2,x3,y3,c); line(x3,y3,x4,y4,c); line(x4,y4,x1,y1,c); end; PROCEDURE PutPixel(x,y:word;barva:byte);assembler; asm mov es,SegA000 mov ax,320 mul y add ax,x xchg ax,bx mov al,barva mov [es:bx],al end; END.