Mathematical problem
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: KMP (Club of young programmers)
Author: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Prasata.pas, Prasata2.pas, Prasata3.pas, Prasata5.pas
File exe: Prasata.exe, Prasata2.exe, Prasata3.exe, Prasata5.exe
Author: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Prasata.pas, Prasata2.pas, Prasata3.pas, Prasata5.pas
File exe: Prasata.exe, Prasata2.exe, Prasata3.exe, Prasata5.exe
Mathematical problem
{ prasata2.pas } { Matematicka uloha: Mame 2 miestnosti a 3 prasiatka v jednej } { z nich. Kazdu minutu prejde jedno prasiatko do druhej miestnosti. } { Za aky cas budu vsetky tri prasiatka v druhej miestnosti? } { } { Author: Ľuboš Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 } program Tri_prasiatka; uses Crt,Dos; const MaxIndex=420; pocetpokusov=65535; var minuty:array[1..MaxIndex] of longint; p:array[1..3] of byte; {prasiatka} x,pocet:longint; {pomocna premenna} y:byte; sucet:longint; priemer:real; ch:char; hod,min,sec,stot:word; time:real; procedure Rozpis; begin ClrScr; writeln('Rozpis: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 '); writeln('---------------------------------------------------------------------------'); for x:=3 to 23 do writeln(20*(x-3)); for y:= 0 to 20 do begin for x:=1 to 20 do begin if y*20+x<MaxIndex then begin gotoxy(7*x div 2+7,y+3); writeln(minuty[y*20+x]); end; Inc(x); end; end; end; BEGIN ClrScr; for x:=1 to MaxIndex do minuty[x]:=0; sucet:=0; Randomize; GetTime(hod,min,sec,stot); time:=hod*3600+min*60+sec+stot/100; for x:=1 to pocetpokusov do begin pocet:=0;p[1]:=0;p[2]:=0;p[3]:=0; repeat y:=random(3)+1; {aktualne prasiatko} p[y]:=p[y] xor 1; Inc(pocet); until p[1]+p[2]+p[3]=3; if pocet<MaxIndex then Inc(minuty[pocet]) else begin writeln('Fatal Error!!! Program terminated.'); Exit; end; end; for x:=1 to MaxIndex do sucet:=sucet+minuty[x]*x; priemer:=sucet/pocetpokusov; GetTime(hod,min,sec,stot); time:=hod*3600+min*60+sec+stot/100-time; writeln('Statisticke udaje:'); writeln('Pocet pokusov: ',pocetpokusov); writeln('Prasata pobehovali ',sucet,' minut'); writeln('Priemerny cas:',priemer:1:2,' minuty'); writeln('Cas vypoctu: ',time:0:2,' sekund.'); writeln('--------------------------------------------'); writeln('Chces rozpis poctu pokusov za jednotlive minuty? a/n'); readln(ch); if (ch='a') or (ch='A') then Rozpis; gotoxy(1,24); write('Koniec programu.'); readln; END.