Program direct reading diskette
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Diskread.pas
File exe: Diskread.exe
Program: Diskread.pas
File exe: Diskread.exe
Don't be frightened when the red control of the disk mechanism lightsup immediately after the program is running. This only means that the program reads the disk physically. What is the use of it? Since DOS 3.0, each disk includes a sector which the system does not use in order to maintain the compatibility. You must understand that the majority of the installation programs record the information to this sector, thus producing the floppy disk which can't be copied. You may use it either as a hacker program or as a part of your own installation disks.
{ DISKREAD.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Fyzicky cita disketu a nasledne zobrazuje jej obsah. } { Sipkami a klavesami PgUp, PgDn sa da zmenit stopa/sektor/hlava } { } { Datum:24.07.1997 } program fyzicke_citanie_disku; uses crt,dos; const poc=1; dlz=512; hex:array[0..15] of char= ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'); var reg:registers; x,y,i,za,st,hl:integer; ch:char; s:string; ako,auto:boolean; text:array[0..poc*dlz] of byte; procedure farba(f,g:integer); begin textbackground(f); textcolor(g); lowvideo; end; procedure hexa(p:integer); begin clrscr; writeln('stav operacie:',reg.ah,' pocet nacitanych sektorov:',,' sektor:',za,' stopa:',st,' hlava:',hl); for i:=1 to 8 do write('ÄÄÄÄ5ÄÄÄÄ0'); for x:=0 to 25 do for y:=0 to 20 do begin gotoxy(x+1,y+3); i:=x+y*26; if p=i then farba(white,black); if ord(text[i])>31 then write(chr(text[i])) else write('.'); gotoxy(29+x*2,y+3); if (i/2)=int(i/2) then farba(black,white) else farba(white,black); write(hex[text[i] div 16],hex[text[i] mod 16]); farba(black,white); if (x+y*26)=511 then begin gotoxy(x,y+3);write('°');end; end; for i:=1 to 8 do write('ÄÄÄÄ5ÄÄÄÄ0'); write('Zmena sektoru: ',+chr(26)+''+chr(27)+' Zmena stopy: '+chr(24)+''+chr(25)+' Zmena vypisu: F3 Ukoncit: ESC '); end; procedure norm(p:integer); begin clrscr; writeln('stav operacie:',reg.ah,' pocet nacitanych sektorov:',,' sektor:',za,' stopa:',st,' hlava:',hl); for i:=1 to 8 do write('ÄÄÄÄ5ÄÄÄÄ0'); for x:=0 to poc*dlz-1 do begin if p=x then farba(white,black); if ord(text[x])>31 then write(chr(text[x])) else write('.'); if p=x then farba(black,white); end; write('Ű'); writeln; for i:=1 to 8 do write('ÄÄÄÄ5ÄÄÄÄ0'); write('Zmena sektoru: ',+chr(26)+''+chr(27)+' stopy: '+chr(24)+''+chr(25)+ ' hlavy: F4 vypisu: F3 Ukoncit: ESC '); end; procedure citaj; begin for x:=0 to poc*dlz do text[x]:=176; reg.ah:=$0; reg.dl:=$0; intr($13,reg); reg.ah:=2;; {pocet sektorov 1}; {cislo pociatku sektorov 1}; {cislo stopy 0} reg.dh:=hl; {cislo hlavicky 0} reg.dl:=0; {cislo disku 0}; {adresa pameti} reg.bx:=ofs(text); intr($13,reg); end; function pos(s:string):integer; var i,ip:integer; z:string; begin for i:=0 to poc*dlz-length(s)+1 do if chr(text[i])=s[1] then begin z:=''; for ip:=0 to length(s)-1 do z:=z+chr(text[i+ip]); if z=s then begin pos:=i;exit;end; end; pos:=0; end; begin clrscr;za:=1;st:=0;ako:=true;hl:=0;auto:=false; repeat citaj; if auto then begin repeat za:=za+1; citaj; if ( and (za=1) then begin hl:=hl+1;st:=0;za:=0;;end; if then begin za:=0;st:=st+1;end; farba(black,white); gotoxy(1,4);write('Stopa:',za,' sektor:',st,' hlava:',hl,' '); i:=pos(s); if i>0 then begin if ako then norm(i) else hexa(i); repeat until (readkey in [#13,#27]); clrscr;end; until ((hl>=2) or keypressed); ch:=readkey;ch:=chr(65); auto:=false;end; if ako then norm(-1) else hexa(-1); repeat ch:=readkey; if ch=#13 then begin clrscr;gotoxy(1,3);write('Sektor:');read(za); clrscr;gotoxy(1,3);write('Stopa :');read(st); clrscr;gotoxy(1,3);write('Hlava :');read(hl); clrscr;end; if ch=#0 then begin ch:=readkey; if ch=#72 then za:=za-1; if ch=#80 then za:=za+1; if ch=#75 then st:=st-1; if ch=#77 then st:=st+1; if ch=#62 then hl:=hl+1; if ch=#65 then begin clrscr;gotoxy(1,3);write('Retazec:');readln(s); auto:=true;end; if ch=#61 then begin ako:=not(ako); if ako then norm(-1) else hexa(-1); end; if hl>1 then hl:=0; if za<1 then za:=1; if st<0 then st:=0; end; until (ch in [#13,#27,#72,#80,#75,#77,#62,#65]); until (ch in [#27]); end.