Program for displays pcx file in pascal
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Pcx.pas
File exe: Pcx.exe
Example: Presov.pcx
Program: Pcx.pas
File exe: Pcx.exe
Example: Presov.pcx
It displays PCX file of 16 colours. In spite of my attempt to make it as simple as possible and to give it a proper detailed description, I must admit it looks awful. However, you can make use of some required routines.
{ PCX.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Prehliadac PCX suborov. Buhuzial iba 16 farebnych. } { } { Datum:11.10.1996 } { chybove hodnoty vratene programom Show_PCX 0 - O.K. 1 - Nemoze otvorit subor 2 - Nemoze alokovat pamat 3 - spatny typ PCX suboru } program show_pcx; uses crt,dos,graph; { struktura uvodnej hlavicky standartneho PCX formatu } const BUFF=2048; { pre buffrov Ątanie } type PCXHeader = record creator : byte; { Inform cia o tom, e ide o sŁbor } { vo form te PCX 10(0A) pre ZSoft } version : byte; { oznauje Ąslo verzie PCX form tu (1 byte)} { Me nadobŁda hodnoty: } { 0 - verzia 2.5 } { 2 - verzia 2.8 s farebnou paletou } { 3 - verzia 2.8 bez palety } { 5 - verzia 3.0 s paletou 256*3 } enconding : byte; { oznauje pouitŁ met˘du k˘dovania (1 byte)} { 1 - "PCX Run-length" k˘dovanie } bits : byte; { uruje poet bitov potrebnch k uloeniu} { pixelu v jednej obrazovej rovine (1 byte) } { 1 - pre EGA, VGA, Hercules } { 2 - pre CGA, VGA s 256 farbami } xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax : integer; { rozmery av horn roh, prav doln } VRes,Hres : integer; { horizont lna resp. vertik lna rozlĄ¨itenos } palette : array[0..15,0..2] of byte; {inform cia o palete (48 (16 x 3) bytov) } VMode : byte; { rezervovan byte (1 byte) } planes : byte; { poet bitovch rovĄn obr zku } { 4 - pre EGA, VGA } { 1 - pre CGA, Hercules } BytesPerLine : integer; { poet bytov na riadok obr zku v jednej } { bitovej rovine } PaletteInfo : integer; { inform cia o tom, ako interpretova } { paletu farieb } { 1 - obr zok je farebn alebo monochromatick} { 2 - stupne ¨edej } dummy : array[0..57] of byte; { 58 vonch bytov (doplnenie do 128) } { Mono poui na prenos inform ciĄ } { vo vlastnej aplik cie. } end; textbuf=array[1..BUFF] of byte; var gm,gd,i:integer; value:byte; count:integer; err:byte; tmp:byte; VgaBase:pointer; fPCXdata:file; buffer:^textbuf; LokCount:Longint; PCX:PCXHeader; { funkcie na ovladanie registrov EGA/VGA karty } procedure SetVgaWritePlane(number:byte); begin Port[$3C4]:=2; Port[$3C5]:=1 shl number; end; procedure SetVgaReg(a:byte; b:byte); begin Port[$3CE]:=a; Port[$3CF]:=b; end; { nacitanie a dekodovanie obrazovych dat metodou Run-Lenght } function GetPCXByte:byte; var error:word; tmp:byte; begin if (count > 0) then begin dec(count); GetPCXByte:=value; exit; end; if (LokCount>BUFF) then begin BlockRead(fPCXdata,Buffer^,BUFF,error); LokCount:=1; end; tmp:=Buffer^[LokCount]; Inc(LokCount); if ((tmp and $C0) = $C0) then begin count := (tmp and $3F) -1; if (LokCount>BUFF) then begin BlockRead(fPCXdata,Buffer^,BUFF,error); LokCount:=1; end; value:=Buffer^[LokCount]; Inc(LokCount); end else begin count := 0; value := tmp; end; GetPCXByte:=value; end; function set_pcx(name:string):byte; var f:file of PCXHeader; { pre naĄtanie hlaviky } po:byte; begin VgaBase:=Ptr($A000,$0); Assign(f,name); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+} if (IOResult<>0) then begin set_pcx:=1; { nemoze otvorit subor } exit; end; read(f,PCX); close(f); { zmena palety } for i:=0 to 15 do begin po:=0; if (PCX.palette[i,0]>63) then if (PCX.palette[i,0]<128) then po:= po or 32 else if (PCX.palette[i,0]<192) then po:= po or 4 else po:= po or 36; if (PCX.palette[i,1]>63) then if (PCX.palette[i,1]<128) then po:= po or 16 else if (PCX.palette[i,1]<192) then po:= po or 2 else po:= po or 18; if (PCX.palette[i,2]>63) then if (PCX.palette[i,2]<128) then po:= po or 8 else if(PCX.palette[i,2]<192) then po:= po or 1 else po:= po or 9; setpalette(i,po); end; end; function show(name:string ; xova,yova : integer ) : byte; type BufPerLine=array[0..128] of byte; var p,b,i:integer; ptr_:pointer; { ukazuje do obrazovkovej pamte } CopyBytes:integer; { pocet bytov na riadok } MaxScanLines:integer; { pocet riadkov na obrazok } pl:array[0..3] of ^BufPerLine; { bufer pre jednotlive skanovacie riadky } begin xova:=round(xova/8); { priprava udajov } for i:=0 to PCX.planes-1 do begin if PCX.BytesPerLine > MaxAvail then begin show:=2; exit; end; GetMem(pl[i],PCX.BytesPerLine); end; for p:=0 to 3 do for i:=0 to 128 do pl[p]^[i]:=0; if BUFF > MaxAvail then begin show:=2; exit; end; GetMem(buffer,SizeOf(textbuf)); CopyBytes := Trunc(getmaxx / 8); if (CopyBytes > PCX.BytesPerLine) then CopyBytes := PCX.BytesPerLine; MaxScanLines := PCX.ymax - PCX.ymin; if (MaxScanLines > (getmaxy+1)) then MaxScanLines := getmaxy; SetVgaReg(5,0); SetVgaReg(1,0); LokCount:=BUFF+1; Assign(fPCXdata,name); reset(fPCXdata,1); seek(fPCXdata,128); { posun na zaciatok dat } { nacitavanie obrazku } for i:=yova to MaxScanLines-1+yova do begin for p:=0 to PCX.planes-1 do for b:=0 to PCX.BytesPerLine-1 do pl[p]^[b] := GetPCXByte; ptr_:=PTR(SEG(VgaBase^),i*80+xova); { vykreslenie obr zku, presuvom do obr. pamte } for p:=0 to PCX.planes-1 do begin SetVgaWritePlane(p); move(pl[p]^,ptr_^,CopyBytes); end; end; { Niekedy to padalo SetVgaWritePlane($F);} { uvolnenie naalokovanej pamate } for i:=PCX.planes-1 downto 0 do FreeMem(pl[i],PCX.BytesPerLine); close(fPCXdata); show:=0; end; begin Writeln('Prehliadac 16farebnych PCX Software by TrSek'); if(ParamCount<1) then begin WriteLn('Ako parameter zadaj meno PCX suboru.'); halt(1); end; detectgraph(gm,gd); initgraph(gm,gd,''); cleardevice; count:=0; set_pcx(paramstr(1)); err:=show(paramstr(1),20,20); repeat until keypressed; closegraph; end.