Game Tetris in pascal
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Tetris.pas
File exe: Tetris.exe
File ubuntu: Tetris
need: Podklad.txt
Example: Tetrisl.pas
Program: Tetris.pas
File exe: Tetris.exe
File ubuntu: Tetris
need: Podklad.txt
Example: Tetrisl.pas
For a all well known game Tetris. It's full functional. It Common game Tetris. It's a full for play. It's effective in all functions do not hesitate to try it. In this case the main interest it's not all about the game but the algotithmus used in it. Though it has been programmed in text mode it's non the less nontheless not less interesting for it. I suppose someone is going to make the graphics part of it - do it if you like. Later it came to me that the programme can by made by reducing it to the necessary minimum, this was the fast that contributed to creating the Tetrisl.pas source, light version of Tetris.
{ TETRISL.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Hra tetris v textovom prevedeni. } { Odlahcena verzia TETRIS.PAS. } { Obsahuje len logiku ukladania a padania kociek. } { } { Datum:2.2.2005 } program tetris; uses crt,dos; const F_PODKLAD = 'podklad.txt'; LEFT = 29; WIDTH = 10; { sirka } HEIGHT = 24; { vyska } TO_LEV = 24; { kolko riadkov ma level } MAX_OS = 10; { pocet osob v rebricku } S_CUBE = '˛˛'; S_FOOT = 'ůů'; FOOT: array[0..1] of byte = ( DarkGray, Black); CUBE: array[1..7,1..4,1..4] of byte = (((0,0,0,0), { kocka } (0,1,1,0), (0,1,1,0), (0,0,0,0)), ((0,1,0,0), { dlhe I } (0,1,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,1,0,0)), ((0,1,0,0), { opacne T } (0,1,1,0), (0,1,0,0), (0,0,0,0)), ((0,0,0,0), { Z vpravo } (0,1,1,0), (1,1,0,0), (0,0,0,0)), ((0,0,0,0), { Z vlavo } (1,1,0,0), (0,1,1,0), (0,0,0,0)), ((0,0,1,0), { L vpravo } (0,0,1,0), (0,1,1,0), (0,0,0,0)), ((0,1,0,0), { L vlavo } (0,1,0,0), (0,1,1,0), (0,0,0,0))); type t_option = (Put, Clr, Sav); { moznosti Put - nakreslit kocku } { Clr - zmaze kocku } { Save - ulozit kocku do pola } { pre ukladania rebricka } t_top = record meno:string[10]; body:integer; end; var pole:array[1..WIDTH,1..HEIGHT] of byte; body:integer; { pocet bodov } tlev:integer; { pocitanie do dalsieho lavelu } level:byte; { v akom levely sa nachadza } typ:byte; { typ kocky, dalsi typ kocky } otoc:byte; { otocenie kocky } col:byte; { farba kocky } x,y:integer; ch:char; { zlucenie GotoXY a Write } procedure WriteXY(x,y:integer;s:string); begin GotoXY(LEFT+2*x,y); Write(s); end; { nastavi prazdne pole } procedure ClrPole; var x,y:integer; begin for x:=1 to WIDTH do for y:=1 to HEIGHT do Pole[x,y]:=0; end; { urci predchadzajuci prvok } function TPred(otoc:byte):byte; begin TPred:=otoc-1; if(otoc=1)then TPred:=4; end; { urci nasledujuci prvok } function TSucc(otoc:byte):byte; begin TSucc:=otoc+1; if(otoc=4)then TSucc:=1; end; { urci mensi prvok } function Min(a,b:integer):integer; begin if(a<b)then Min:=a else Min:=b; end; { zapne/vypne zobrazenie kurzora } procedure KurzorZap(ZapVyp:boolean); var Regs : Registers; begin with Regs do begin AH := $03; BH := $00; Intr($10,Regs); If not (Zapvyp) then CH := CH or $20 else CH := CH and $DF; AH := $01; Intr($10,Regs); end; end; { precita zo suboru podklad } procedure Podklad; var f:text; s:string; x,y:integer; begin {$I-} assign(f, F_PODKLAD); reset(f); TextColor(LightGray); while( not(eof(f))) do begin ReadLn(f,s); Write(s); if(not(eof(f)))then WriteLn; end; close(f); {$I+} { vynulujem pripadne chyby } x:=IOResult; { vykresli vodiace ciary } for y:=1 to HEIGHT do for x:=1 to WIDTH do begin TextColor(FOOT[x mod 2]); WriteXY(x,y,S_FOOT); end; end; { vykresli, zmaz, uloz kocku, alebo urci ci je mozne kocku polozit } procedure Kocka(xp,yp,typ,otoc,col:integer;option:t_option); var x,y: integer; bod: byte; begin { v cykle vygenerujeme jednotlive prvky kocky } for y:=1 to 4 do for x:=1 to 4 do begin case otoc of 1: bod := CUBE[typ,x,y]; 2: bod := CUBE[typ,5-y,x]; 3: bod := CUBE[typ,5-x,5-y]; 4: bod := CUBE[typ,y,5-x]; end; case option of clr: { zmaze kocku } if( bod=1 )then begin TextColor( FOOT[(x+xp) mod 2]); WriteXY(xp+x,yp+y,S_FOOT); end; put: { nakresli, zmaze kocku } if( bod=1 )then begin TextColor(col); WriteXY(xp+x,yp+y,S_CUBE); end; sav: { ulozi kocku do pola } if( bod=1 )then pole[x+xp,y+yp]:=col; end; { case } end; { for } { vypnem kurzor } KurzorZap(false); end; { zisti ci je mozne polozit kocku } function KockaOK(xp,yp,typ,otoc:integer):boolean; var x,y: integer; bod: byte; res: boolean; begin { zatial si mysli ze kocku je mozne polozit } res:=true; { v cykle vygenerujeme jednotlive prvky kocky } for y:=1 to 4 do for x:=1 to 4 do begin case otoc of 1: bod := CUBE[typ,x,y]; 2: bod := CUBE[typ,5-y,x]; 3: bod := CUBE[typ,5-x,5-y]; 4: bod := CUBE[typ,y,5-x]; end; if( bod=1 )then begin { hrube podmienky } if((x+xp) <1 )then res:=false; if((x+xp) >WIDTH )then res:=false; if((y+yp) >HEIGHT )then res:=false; if( otoc <1 )then res:=false; if( otoc >4 )then res:=false; { este ci je tam volne miesto } if( res )then if( pole[x+xp,y+yp]<>0 )then res:=false; end; { if } end; { for } { moja odpoved } kockaOK:=res; end; { zmaze zaplneny riadok } { a ostane posunie nadol } procedure ZmazRiadok(yr:integer); var x,y:integer; begin TextColor(Black); { efekt postupneho mazania } for x:=1 to WIDTH do begin WriteXY(x,yr,S_CUBE); Delay(20); end; { efekt padu riadkov } for y:=yr downto 2 do for x:=1 to WIDTH do begin pole[x,y]:=pole[x,y-1]; if( pole[x,y]=0 )then begin TextColor(FOOT[x mod 2]); WriteXY(x,y,S_FOOT); end else begin TextColor(pole[x,y]); WriteXY(x,y,S_CUBE); end end; end; { skontroluje ktore riadky ma zmazat } procedure Skontroluj(yr:integer); var x,y:integer; del:boolean; begin for y:=yr to Min(yr+4, HEIGHT) do begin del:=true; for x:=1 to WIDTH do if( pole[x,y]=0 )then del:=false; if( del )then begin ZmazRiadok(y); body:=body+level; tlev:=tlev+1; end; end; { ideme do dalsieho levelu } if( tlev>=TO_LEV )then begin tlev:=0; level:=level+1; end; end; { precita stlacenu klavesu } function GetKey(level:byte):char; var i:integer; ch:char; begin ch:=#0; for i:=1 to 200-level*5 do begin { ak stlacil precitam klaves } if( keypressed )then begin ch:=readkey; if( ch=#0 )then ch:=readkey; end; delay(1); end; GetKey:=ch; end; BEGIN ClrScr; Randomize; ClrPole; Podklad; body :=0; tlev :=0; level:=1; y :=1; ch:=#0; repeat { generuj kocku a next typ } if( y=1 )then begin x := (WIDTH div 2)-2; otoc := random(4)+1; typ := random(7)+1; col := random(15)+1; end; { nakresli } Kocka(x,y,typ,otoc,col,put); { bud rychlo pada alebo citam klaves } if( ch<>#32 )then ch:=GetKey(level); { zmaz staru } Kocka(x,y,typ,otoc,Black,clr); { podmienky otocit, vlavo, vpravo } if(ch='K') and KockaOK(x-1,y,typ,otoc) then x:=x-1; if(ch='M') and KockaOK(x+1,y,typ,otoc) then x:=x+1; if(ch='P') and KockaOK(x,y,typ,TPred(otoc)) then otoc:=TPred(otoc); if(ch='H') and KockaOK(x,y,typ,TSucc(otoc)) then otoc:=TSucc(otoc); { posuniem o riadok nizsie } if( KockaOK(x,y+1,typ,otoc))then y:=y+1 else { kocka spadla } begin Kocka(x,y,typ,otoc,col,put); Kocka(x,y,typ,otoc,col,sav); Skontroluj(y); ch:=#0; if(y=1) then ch:=#27; { niet kam polozit koncim } y :=1; end; until( ch=#27 ); KurzorZap(true); end.