1st Infinity Calculator
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: 1inca.pas, Bignum.pas, Math.pas, Use_bn.pas
File exe: 1inca.exe
Program: 1inca.pas, Bignum.pas, Math.pas, Use_bn.pas
File exe: 1inca.exe
Program compute basic mathematics operation for infinity decimal places. Other mathematical operation (sin, cos, ..) make with Taylor series.
- For easy use look for use_bn.pas
- Program has maximal 250 decimal places. More decimal you set before compilation program
- Long time computing seeing convergetion of Taylor series
program cislo; uses crt,math; var a,b: infinity; znova: boolean; begin clrscr; randomize; { Sinus velkeho cisla } { a.init('9928497293881'); a.ScroolBarInit(2,20,70); a.Sin; writeln; writeln('='); a.writeln(BN_INFINITY, BN_INFINITY); } { Sucet dvoch cisel zadanych v programe } { a.init('1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'); b.init('999999999999999999999'); a.copy_real(0.00918237/1E+32); b.copy_int(-1234567890); } { Rozne matematicke operacie cisel zadanych z klavesnice } clrscr; write('Zadaj a = '); a.readln; write('Zadaj b = '); b.readln; write('Zadaj znamienko (+,-,*,/,!) = '); znova:=true; while(znova) do begin znova:=false; case (readkey) of '+': a.plus (b); '-': a.minus(b); '*': a.multiply(b); '/': a.divide(b); '!': a.factorial; else znova:=true; end; end; writeln; writeln('='); a.writeln(BN_INFINITY,BN_INFINITY); readln; end.