Game Videostop in pascal like TV show
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Videostop.pas
File exe: Videostop.exe
need: Anicka.bmp, Video.dat
Program: Videostop.pas
File exe: Videostop.exe
need: Anicka.bmp, Video.dat
The origin of this program can be traced to the game which used to be played in a well-known Czech televised competition called Videostop with Jan Rosák as its presenter. It's full of tricks. To name just a few of them All in all, it looks superb. All the essential stuff without which this game is unimaginable, like prizes, counting of the number of points and speed, can be read out of the video.dat file, if it exists. Otherwise, it is operated by the predefined values.
Parameters of run programs
/h - help
/u - without introduction
/s - without sound
/b20 - 20 choice
/d - make file with victory Video.dat
Parameters of run programs
/h - help
/u - without introduction
/s - without sound
/b20 - 20 choice
/d - make file with victory Video.dat
{ VIDEOSTO.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Na motiv klasickej pocitacovej hry zo zabavnej relacie VIDEOSTOP. } { V subore video.dat su vsetky potrebne nastavenia. } { } { Datum:08.11.1995 } program videostop(input,output); uses crt,dos,graph,trsek; type tfarby=0..16; rgbCol= record red:byte; green:byte; blue:byte; default:byte; end; const { *** Definicia farieb pre 10 grafickych kariet *** } far:array[1..10,0..15] of tfarby = ((0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,13,14,15), (0,1,2,3,2,2,6,7,8,11,14,1,0,0,0,0), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,13,14,15), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,13,14,15), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,13,14,15), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,13,14,15), (0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,9,10,11,15,13,0,1), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,13,14,15), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,13,14,15), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,13,14,15)); { *** Vypisovat nazov programu *** } nazov:array[1..9] of char = ('V','I','D','E','O','S','T','O','P'); { *** Vypisovat PREMIA ak uhadol 3 rovnake *** } prem:array[1..6] of char = ('P','R','E','M','I','A'); { *** Kde su umiestnene body kocky na obrazovke *** } bod:array[1..2,1..7] of integer = ((30,90,30,60,90,30,90),(35,35,65,65,65,95,95)); { *** Podla bodu, ktore vykreslovat ma kocke so & *** } hod:array[1..6,1..7] of byte= ((0,0,0,1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0,0,1,0),(0,1,0,1,0,1,0), (1,1,0,0,0,1,1),(1,1,0,1,0,1,1),(1,1,1,0,1,1,1)); { *** Kolko bodov maju jednotlive ceny *** } bceny:array[1..8] of integer= (0,50,100,500,1000,1500,2000,32000); { *** Ake ceny su *** } ceny:array[1..7] of string= ('Fen','Zehlicka','Radio','Friteza','Vysavac','Hi-Fi veza', 'Satelit'); { *** Ake karty obsuhujem *** } karty:array[1..10] of string= ('CGA','CGA','EGAVGA','EGAVGA','EGAVGA','IBM8514','HERC','ATT', 'EGAVGA','PC3270'); { *** Vyplne jednotlivych boxov *** } pattern:array[1..4] of fillpatterntype= (($ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff), ($36,$49,$55,$22,$22,$55,$49,$36), ($66,$99,$66,$99,$66,$99,$66,$99), ($7e,$bd,$db,$e7,$e7,$db,$bd,$7e)); { *** Aku hudbu hrat pri vyhrach, prehrach, premii *** } dlz_hud_p=8; { dlzka hudby pri premii } hudba_p:array[1..dlz_hud_p,1..2] of integer= ( (100,200),(200,100),(250,100),(100,200), (100,200),(200,100),(250,100),(100,200)); dlz_hud=3; { dlzka hudby obycajnej } hudba:array[1..3,1..dlz_hud,1..2] of integer= ( ( (600, 30),(200, 40),( 0, 0) ), { *** Obycajne tuk,tuk *** } ( (100,100),(200,100),(300,100) ), { *** Obycajne uhadnutie *** } ( (100,150),(200,150),(300,150) )); { *** Zle uhadol *** } dpause=300; { *** Default pause *** } velkobr=3722; { *** Velkost BMP suboru *** } var i,body,pocpo,pokus,pause:integer; black,blue,green,cyan,red,magenta,brown,lightgray,darkgray,lightblue, lightgreen,lightcyan,lightred,lightmagenta,yellow,white:integer; pok:array[1..28] of integer; por:array[1..3] of integer; gd,gm:integer; { *** Kvoli grafickej karty *** } error:integer; { *** Co gr chyba *** } kx,ky,px,py:real; par:string; ch:char; beep : Boolean; text_u_b : Boolean; mous : Boolean; { *** Ma mys A/N *** } put_mous : Boolean; { *** Stlacil mys A/N *** } old_put_mous : Byte; { *** Co bolo stlacene predtym *** } oldp,p:pointer; { *** Kvoli obrazku *** } cesta:string; procedure EGAVGA_dr; external; {$L EGAVGA.OBJ } procedure get_mys_but; var Reg:Registers; begin if mous then begin Reg.AX:=$0003; Reg.BX:=$0001; Intr($33,Reg); if (Reg.BX=1) and (old_put_mous=0) then put_mous:=true; old_put_mous:=Reg.BX; end; end; { *** Zinicializuje mys, ak existuje *** } function init_mys:Boolean; var Reg:Registers; begin Reg.AX:=0; Intr($33,Reg); if Reg.AX=0 then init_mys:=false else init_mys:=true; end; { *** Procedure tDelay ako nahrada *** } procedure tDelay(de:integer); var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to de do begin delay(1); get_mys_but; end; end; { *** A co takto aj readkey, aj keypressed pre mys *** } function tReadKey:char; var Reg:Registers; von:char; begin von:=#0; repeat if mous then begin Reg.AX:=$0003; Reg.BX:=$0001; Intr($33,Reg); if (Reg.BX=1) and (old_put_mous=0) then von:=#13; if (Reg.BX=2) and (old_put_mous=0) then von:=#27; old_put_mous:=Reg.BX; end; if KeyPressed then von:=readkey; until (von<>#0); tReadKey:=von; end; { *** Funkcia zistuje klaves, alebo stlacenie mysi *** } function tKeyPressed:Boolean; var Keyp:Boolean; { *** Stlacil klaves Ano/Nie *** } begin Keyp:=KeyPressed; if keyp then begin ch:=tReadkey; if (ch=#27) then { *** Esc = koniec *** } begin closegraph; window(1,1,80,25); koniec('VideoStop v.3.1','95'); halt(0); end; if (ch in [#62,#72,#80]) then begin if (ch=#62) then beep:=not(beep); { *** F4 Sound On/Off *** } if (ch=#72) then pause:=pause-20; if (ch=#80) then pause:=pause+20; if (pause<0) then pause:=10; Keyp:=false; end; end; tKeyPressed:=Keyp; if put_mous then begin tKeyPressed:=true; put_mous:=false; end; end; procedure tread(var b:byte); begin p:=Ptr(Seg(p^),Ofs(p^)+1); b:=byte(p^); end; function get_size:word; var Sub:SearchRec; begin FindFirst(paramstr(0),Archive or AnyFile or Hidden or ReadOnly,sub); get_size:=sub.size; end; { *** Vykresli Dakujem anicke *** } procedure dakujem( xd,yd:integer ); var frgb:file of byte; f:file; ch:byte; x,y,i:integer; NumRead:word; rgbcolor:array[0..255] of rgbCol; begin assign(f,paramstr(0)); reset(f,1); getmem(p,3722);oldp:=p; seek(f,word(get_size-velkobr+118)); BlockRead(f,p^,3604,NumRead); close(f); x:=0;y:=53; repeat tread(ch); inc(x); putpixel(x+xd,y+yd,ch div 16); inc(x); if (x>=132) then begin for i:=1 to 2 do tread(ch); x:=0;y:=y-1; end else putpixel(x+xd,y+yd,ch mod 16); until (y<1); freemem(oldp,3722); end; { *** Vykresli ramcek s okrajom cervenej farby *** } procedure Box( xl,yl,xp,yp,color,vzor : Integer); begin SetFillPattern(pattern[1],RED); Bar(xl-2,yl-2,xp+2,yp+2); SetFillPattern(pattern[vzor],color); Bar(xl,yl,xp,yp); end; { *** Hrat zvuky, alebo nie *** } procedure tsound(i:integer); begin if beep then sound(i); end; { *** Podklad hry videostop. Ak typ=0 cely, ak typ=1 iba text VIDEOSTOPu *** } procedure uvod( typ:integer ); var i:integer; begin SetBKColor(lightgray); { *** Celkovy podklad hry *** } SetFillStyle(8,yellow); if typ=0 then begin { *** Chce cely podklad *** } bar(0,0,640,480); SetTextStyle(0,0,2); { *** Okno software by TRSEK *** } Box(25,450,470,476,black,1); SetColor(blue); OutTextXY(55,456,'Software by TRSEK Corp.'); SetFillStyle(0,cyan); Box(20,20,260,140,black,1); { *** Okno score *** } Box(285,20,430,140,darkgray,1); { *** Okno pokusy *** } Box(13,158,437,312,red,4); { *** Okno kocky *** } Box(15,160,435,310,black,1); { *** V nom dalsie o 2 mensie okno *** } Box(25,170,145,300,magenta,4); { *** Kocka 1 *** } Box(165,170,285,300,magenta,4); { *** Kocka 2 *** } Box(305,170,425,300,magenta,4); { *** Kocka 3 *** } end; SetFillStyle(0,cyan); Box(25,335,470,435,white,1); { *** Okno vyhra *** } Box(495,20,600,405,green,3); { *** Okno Videostop/Premia *** } box(490,420,622,475,green,1); dakujem(491,421); SetColor(yellow); SetTextStyle(0,0,4); { *** Do posledneho okna text videostop *** } for i:=1 to 9 do OutTextXY(538,5+40*i,nazov[i]); SetColor(blue); for i:=1 to 9 do OutTextXY(540,3+40*i,nazov[i]); { *** Nadefinuj si pocet bodov *** } if (pocpo>0) and (pocpo<30) then body:=pocpo-1 else begin body:=round(random(5))+9; pocpo:=body+1; end; end; { *** Hraj hudbu 0- nedavaj nosound 1-davaj nosound za kazdym *** } procedure hraj_hudbu( tt,typ:Integer ); var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to dlz_hud do begin if (hudba[tt,i,2]<>0) then begin { *** Iba ak je nenulova dlzka *** } tsound(hudba[tt,i,1]); tDelay(hudba[tt,i,2]); end; if typ=0 then nosound; end; nosound; end; { *** Vystraja pri premii *** } procedure premia; var i,ii:integer; begin Box(495,20,600,405,red,3); for ii:=1 to 3 do begin SetTextStyle(0,0,4);SetColor(white); for i:=1 to 6 do OutTextXY(535,60*i-10,prem[i]); tDelay(100); SetTextStyle(0,0,4);SetColor(green); for i:=1 to 6 do OutTextXY(535,60*i-10,prem[i]); tDelay(100); for i:=1 to dlz_hud_p do begin if (hudba_p[i,2]<>0) then begin { *** Iba ak je nenulova dlzka *** } tsound(hudba_p[i,1]); tDelay(hudba_p[i,2]); end; end; nosound; tDelay(100); end; tDelay(500); uvod(1); { *** Znaovu zavolaj uvod *** } end; { *** Vykresli kocku na pozicii, hodnota cis *** } procedure kocka( poz,cis,tt:integer); var i:integer; begin por[poz]:=cis; Box(-115+poz*140,170,5+poz*140,300,white,1); get_mys_but; SetColor(magenta); SetTextStyle(0,0,3); get_mys_but; for i:=1 to 7 do if (hod[cis,i]=1) then begin OutTextXY((poz-1)*140+16+bod[1,i],156+bod[2,i],chr(3)); get_mys_but; end; if tt=0 then tDelay(pause); hraj_hudbu(1,1); end; { *** Spravne uhadol, vypise co vyhral *** } procedure vyhral(v:integer); begin Box(25,335,470,435,white,1); SetColor(darkgray); SetTextStyle(0,0,5); OutTextXY(50,365,ceny[v]); SetTextStyle(0,0,3); SetColor(red); end; { *** Nahodny vyber cisla *** } function cislo:integer; var s:string; begin pokus:=pokus+1; if (pokus>56) then pokus:=pokus-28; if (pokus=1) then randomize; if (pokus>28) then cislo:=pok[pokus-28] else begin pok[pokus]:=random(6)+1; cislo:=pok[pokus]; end; end; { *** Bodovanie podla toho ci uhadol, alebo nie *** } procedure bodovanie(body:integer); var s:string; i:integer; begin pocpo:=pocpo-1; { Zniz pocet pokusov } Box(285,20,430,140,lightred,1); SetTextStyle(0,0,7); SetColor(darkgray); str(pocpo/100:2:2,s); delete(s,1,2); OutTextXY(310,57,s); Box(20,20,260,140,black,1); str(body/10000:4:4,s); delete(s,1,2); OutTextXY(35,57,s); for i:=1 to 7 do if (body>bceny[i]) and (body<bceny[i+1]) then vyhral(i); end; function kontrola:integer; begin if (por[1]=por[2]) and (por[2]=por[3]) then begin kontrola:=body*3; premia; end else if (por[1]=por[2]) or (por[2]=por[3]) or (por[3]=por[1]) then begin kontrola:=body*2; hraj_hudbu(2,0); end else begin kontrola:=round(body/2-0.5); hraj_hudbu(3,1); end; end; { koniec hry } function zaver:boolean; begin SetTextStyle(0,0,2); OutTextXY(50,413,'Chces este raz [../N]'); ch:=tReadkey; if (ch='N') or (ch='n') or (ch=#27) then zaver:=true else zaver:=false; end; { *** Uvodna textova obrazovka *** } procedure text_uvod; var s:string; begin farba(0,15); clrscr; farba(blue,yellow); open_win(7,1,75,24,'VideoStop',1); textcolor(white); gotoxy(20,3); s:=' '; for i:=1 to 9 do s:=s+nazov[i]+' '; s:=s+' ver. 3.0'; write(s); textcolor(yellow); for i:=1 to 7 do begin gotoxy(20,i+4);write(ceny[i]); str(bceny[i]:4,s); gotoxy(45,i+4);write(s); end; textcolor(lightgray); gotoxy(4,13);write(' Zdravim Vas pri mojej verzii, ktora bola vypracovana'); gotoxy(4,14);write(' podla znamej sutaznej hry, a na vsetky doteraz zname'); gotoxy(4,15);write(' graficke karty. Prajem Vam prijemnu zabavu bez namaceni.'); gotoxy(4,17);write(' ovladanie: pokracuj (medzera, lave tlacitko mysi)'); gotoxy(4,18);write(' ---------- koniec (ESC, prave tlacitko mysi) zvuk (F4)'); gotoxy(4,19);write(' sipka hore,dole (rychlost hry)'); gotoxy(50,23);write('Software by TRSEK'); textcolor(yellow); gotoxy(4,21);write('Moja adresa: Zdeno Sekerak, Trnkov 18, Presov, 08212, Slovakia'); textcolor(green); s:=chr(3)+' '; for i:=1 to 9 do s:=s+nazov[i]; s:=s+' '+chr(3); repeat for i:=1 to 7 do begin s:=copy(s,2,length(s))+copy(s,1,1); gotoxy(4,i+4);write(s);kurzorzap(false); tsound(i*100);tDelay(20);nosound; end; for i:=1 to 7 do begin s:=copy(s,2,length(s))+copy(s,1,1); gotoxy(53,i+4);write(s);kurzorzap(false); tsound(i*300);tDelay(20);nosound; end; until tKeyPressed; end; { *** Nadefinuj farby podla grafiskych kariet *** } procedure defarby(t:integer); begin black :=far[t,0]; blue :=far[t,1]; green :=far[t,2]; cyan :=far[t,3]; red :=far[t,4]; magenta :=far[t,5]; brown :=far[t,6]; lightgray :=far[t,7]; darkgray :=far[t,8]; lightblue :=far[t,9]; lightgreen:=far[t,10]; lightcyan :=far[t,11]; lightred :=far[t,12]; lightmagenta:=far[t,13]; yellow :=far[t,14]; white :=far[t,15]; end; { *** Nadefinuj graficku kartu *** } procedure defkartu; {var error:integer;} begin error:=grOk; if RegisterBGIdriver(@egavga_dr) < 0 then error:=-1; gd:=detect; detectgraph(gd,gm); initgraph(gd,gm,''); if graphresult<>0 then error:=-1; if Error <> grOk then begin textcolor(white);textbackground(black); window(1,1,80,24); clrscr; writeln(' Chyba pri inicializacii grafickej karty.'); repeat until tKeyPressed; halt(0); end; kx:=getmaxx/640;ky:=getmaxy/480; px:=0;py:=0; defarby(gd); end; { *** Vrat cislo z retazca *** } function vali(s:string):integer; var v,err:integer; begin val(s,v,err); while ( (length(s)>0) and (err<>0) ) do begin delete(s,err,1); val(s,v,err); end; vali:=v+1; end; { *** Vyber dalsi z config bez komentara *** } function dalsi( var f:text ): string; var s:string; begin repeat readln(f,s); until not((s[1]=';') and not(eof(f)) ); dalsi:=s; end; { *** Vyber potrebne ceny z disku *** } procedure zdisku; var f:text; s:string; a:integer; begin pause:=dpause; assign(f,cesta+'video.dat'); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin for i:=1 to 7 do begin ceny[i]:=copy(dalsi(f),1,10); bceny[i]:=vali(dalsi(f)); if (i>1) then if bceny[i-1]>bceny[i] then bceny[i]:=bceny[i-1]+1; end; repeat s:=dalsi(f); if copy(s,1,4)='POK=' then pocpo:=vali(s); if copy(s,1,4)='DEL=' then pause:=vali(s); until (eof(f)); close(f); end; end; { *** Vytvorenie default suboru VIDEO.DAT *** } procedure default; var f:text; i:integer; begin writeln('Vytvaram default subor VIDEO.DAT'); Assign(f,cesta+'video.dat'); ReWrite(f); for i:=1 to 7 do begin writeln(f,ceny[i]); writeln(f,bceny[i]); end; writeln(f,'POK=12'); writeln(f,'DEL=',dpause); close(f); halt(0); end; { *** Help - ak zadal ako parameter programu /h *** } procedure help; begin writeln; writeln('Videostop ver 3.1'); writeln('-----------------'); writeln; writeln('Parametre:'); writeln(' /h - tento help'); writeln(' /u - bez uvodneho chaosu'); writeln(' /s - bez zvuku'); writeln(' /b20 - s poctom pokusov 20'); writeln(' /d - vytvorenie default suboru VIDEO.DAT'); writeln(' Software by TRSEK'); halt(0); end; { *** S akymi parametrami bol spustany *** } procedure get_param; var i:integer; par:string; begin text_u_b:=true; beep:=true; for i:=1 to ParamCount do begin par:=paramstr(i); if (par='/u') or (par='/U') then text_u_b:=false; if (UpCase(par[2])='B') then pocpo:=vali(par); if (par='/s') or (par='/S') then beep:=false; if (par='/h') or (par='/H') then help; if (par='/d') or (par='/D') then default; end; end; { *** Odkial spustil Videostop *** } procedure get_cesta; var i:integer; begin i:=length(cesta); while ((i>1) and (cesta[i]<>'\')) do dec(i); cesta:=copy(cesta,1,i); end; BEGIN cesta:=paramstr(0); get_cesta; mous:=init_mys; put_mous:=false; defarby(9); { Aby textovy uvod bolo vydiet } get_param; zdisku; { *** Bez uvodu *** } if text_u_b then text_uvod; defkartu; repeat uvod(0); { *** Kazdy uvod nadefinuje aj pocbo *** } vyhral(1); bodovanie(body); pokus:=0; ch:=tReadkey; if ch=#27 then begin closegraph; window(1,1,80,25); koniec('VideoStop v.3.1','95'); halt(0); end; kocka(1,cislo,1);kocka(2,cislo,1);kocka(3,cislo,1); repeat repeat clear_keyb; get_mys_but; kocka((pokus mod 3)+1,cislo,0); get_mys_but; until tKeyPressed; body:=kontrola; randomize; bodovanie(body); pokus:=0; until (ch=#27) or (body<1) or (pocpo<1); until zaver; closegraph; window(1,1,80,25); koniec('VideoStop v.3.1','95'); END.