Program for receive and view teletext during SAA5281 with I2C
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: System
Program: Teletext.pas
File exe: Teletext.exe
need: I2c_com.pas, Kodovani.pas, Spec.pas, Txtvga.pas, Vgaprog.pas, Txtcz.vga
Program: Teletext.pas
File exe: Teletext.exe
need: I2c_com.pas, Kodovani.pas, Spec.pas, Txtvga.pas, Vgaprog.pas, Txtcz.vga
Program for receive and view teletext during SAA5281 with I2C.
{ SPEC.PAS } { } { Datum:14.12.2017 } unit spec; interface uses crt; procedure cursor(prepinac:byte); function extkey:byte; implementation procedure cursor(prepinac:byte); {1 - cursor on, 0 - cursor off} var zac,kon:byte; begin if prepinac=0 then begin zac:=$20; kon:=0 end else begin zac:=$1e; kon:=$1f; end; asm mov ah,01 mov ch,zac mov cl,kon int 10H end; end; function extkey:byte; {0 - nic, 1 - doleva, 2 - doprava, 3 - nahoru, 4 - dolu, 5 - PgUp, 6 - PgDn, 27 - escape} var r1,r2:byte; begin if keypressed then begin r1:=ord(readkey); if r1=0 then begin r2:=ord(readkey); case r2 of 75: extkey:=1; 77: extkey:=2; 72: extkey:=3; 80: extkey:=4; 73: extkey:=5; 81: extkey:=6; else extkey:=0; end; end else if r1=27 then extkey:=27 else extkey:=0; end else extkey:=0; end; begin end.