Calculates the program for determining the distance of a storm, if time between a thunder and a lighting is preset

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Category: Homework in Pascal

Program: Burka.pas
File exe: Burka.exe
File ubuntu: Burka
flow: Burka.gif

Calculates the program for determining the distance of a storm, if time between a thunder and a lighting is preset. Mathematical reasoning can be found at the beginning of the program.
{ BURKA.PAS                 Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak }
{ Zostavte program pre urcenie vzdialenosti burky,                  }
{ ak doba medzi bleskom a hromom je dana                            }
{                                                                   }
{ Datum:04.02.2004                    }
{ Analyza riesenia
zvuk = v1 * t1
svetlo = v2 * t2
           vzdialenost s
t = t1 - t2   ->    t1 = t + t2
s = v1 * t1
s = v2 * t2
v2 * t2 = v1 * t1
v2 * t2 = v1 * (t + t2) 
v2 * t2 = v1 * t + v1 * t2
v2 * t2 - v1 * t2 = v1 * t
t2 * (v2-v1) = v1 * t
t2 = v1 * t / (v2-v1)
s = v2 * t2
s = (v2 * v1 * t)/(v2 - v1)
kedze v1 je neporovnatelne mensie ako v2 mozeme ho zanedbat
s = (v2 * v1 * t)/v2
s = v1 * t
program burka;
uses crt;
const v_svetla = 300000;
      v_zvuku = 340;
var doba:real;
     Write('Zadaj dobu medzi bleskom a hromom [s]:');
     ReadLn( doba );
     dlz := doba * v_zvuku;
     WriteLn('Vzdialenost burky je ', dlz:8:3,' m.');