Zastúpenie písmen (znakov) v danom reťazci
Category: Homework in PascalAuthor: Pheo
Program: Text_pocet.pas
File exe: Text_pocet.exe
Zastúpenie písmen (znakov) v danom reťazci.
{ TEXT_POCET.PAS Copyright (c) Pheo } { Zastúpenie písmen (znakov) v danom reazci. } { } { Datum:23.05.2000 } program text_pocet; uses crt; type index='a'..'z'; var a:array[ index ] of integer; s:char; f:integer; begin f:=f+1; if f=4 then f:=0; case f of 0:textcolor(green); 1:textcolor(red); 2:textcolor(yellow); 3:textcolor(blue); end; writeln('Zastupenie pismen (znakov) v danom retazci.'); writeln('Zadaj text'); for s:= 'a' to 'z' do a[s]:=0; while not eoln do begin read(s); if (s>='a')and(s<='z') then a[s]:=a[s]+1 end; for s:='a' to 'z' do write('pocet ':3,s,' je ',a[s],' ':4); writeln; readln; end.