Simply emulator of game Sportka
Category: KMP (Club of young programmers)Author: Kii-Shi
Program: 20sportk.pas
File exe: 20sportk.exe
Simply emulator of game Sportka.
{ 20SPORTK.PAS } { } { Author: Kii-Shi } { Date : 25.03.2006 } program sportka; uses crt; label znova; var a,b:array [1..6] of integer; i,k,p,n:integer; ch:char; begin znova: clrscr; writeln('Zadaj 6 cisel od 1 do 50 ktore tipujes'); for i:=1 to 6 do readln(a[i]); clrscr; randomize; for i:=1 to 6 do b[i]:=1+random(50); repeat p:=5; for i:=1 to 5 do for k:=i+1 to 5 do if b[i]=b[k] then begin b[k]:=1+random(50); p:=0; end; until p=5;p:=1;n:=0; for i:=1 to 6 do if a[p]=b[i] then begin p:=p+1; n:=n+1; end else p:=p+1; writeln('hadal si tieto cisla: '); for i:=1 to 6 do write(a[i],';');writeln; writeln('pocitac vybral tieto: '); for i:=1 to 6 do write(b[i],';');writeln; writeln('uhadol si ',n,' cisel'); writeln; writeln('opakovat? ANO <enter>; NIE <ina klavesa>'); ch:=readkey; if ch=chr(13) then goto znova; end.