Detecting the number of words in the text and similar nothings
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: KMP (Club of young programmers)
Author: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Pocetslo.pas
File exe: Pocetslo.exe
Author: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Pocetslo.pas
File exe: Pocetslo.exe
Detecting the number of words in the text and similar nothings.
{ pocetslo.pas } { Zistovanie poctu slov v texte a podobne prkotiny. } { } { Author: Ľuboš Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 } program Zistovanie_poctu_slov_v_texte_a_podobne_prkotiny; const Oddelovace:set of char=[#0..#32,',',';','.',':','(',')','[',']','-']; subor='readme.txt'; type TPolozka=record ofset,pocet:word; end; TPoleRetazcov=array[1..65000] of char;{v nom su slova oddelene medzerou} Buffer=array[1..32768] of char; var R:array[1..5000] of TPolozka; P:^TPoleRetazcov; B:^Buffer; konr,konp,czac,ckon,c1:word; {najblizsi volny prvok} f:file; slovo:string; BEGIN GetMem(p,SizeOf(TPoleRetazcov)); GetMem(b,SizeOf(Buffer)); Assign(f,subor); Reset(f,32768); konr:=1; konp:=1; czac:=1; ckon:=1; while not EOF(f) do begin BlockRead(f,b,1); slovo:=''; while (not (b^[ckon] in Oddelovace)) do Inc(ckon); for c1:=czac to ckon do slovo:=slovo+b^[c1]; end; FreeMem(b,SizeOf(Buffer)); FreeMem(p,SizeOf(TPoleRetazcov)); END.