It solves the n formulas of n unknowns
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: KMP (Club of young programmers)
Author: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Rovnice.pas
File exe: Rovnice.exe
Author: Ľuboš Saloky
Program: Rovnice.pas
File exe: Rovnice.exe
It solves the n formulas of n unknowns.
{ rovnice.pas } { Vyriesi sustavu n rovnic o n neznamych. } { } { Author: Ľuboš Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 } program vyries_sustavu_n_rovnic_o_n_neznamych; uses Crt; var matica2:array[1..10,1..9]of real; pom1,pom2:real; x,y,z,pocet:integer; begin textbackground(0);ClrScr; writeln ('Zadaj pocet rovnic:'); read(pocet); window(1,10,pocet*6+7,pocet+12); textbackground(4);clrscr; for x:=1 to pocet do write(' x',x); writeln(' ='); for x:=1 to pocet do begin writeln(x,'.'); for y:=1 to pocet+1 do begin gotoxy(y*5-1,x+1); readln(pom1); matica2[y,x]:=pom1; end; end; for z:=1 to pocet do begin for x:=pocet downto z+1 do begin pom1:=matica2[z,z]; pom2:=matica2[z,x]; for y:=z to pocet+1 do matica2[y,x]:=matica2[y,z]*pom2-matica2[y,x]*pom1; end; end; window(pocet*6+9,11,pocet*6+19,11+pocet);textbackground(blue);clrscr; for x:=pocet downto 1 do begin pom1:=matica2[pocet+1,x]/matica2[x,x]; writeln('x',x,'=',pom1:5:3); for y:=1 to pocet do begin matica2[pocet+1,y]:=matica2[pocet+1,y]-pom1*matica2[x,y]; end; end; repeat until keypressed; end.