Je to program na prepísanie textu do morzeovky a jeho vypípanie
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: KMP (Club of young programmers)
Author: Ján Špaček
Program: Morzeovka2.pas
File exe: Morzeovka2.exe
Author: Ján Špaček
Program: Morzeovka2.pas
File exe: Morzeovka2.exe
Je to program na prepísanie textu do morzeovky a jeho vypípanie.
{ MORZEOVKA2.PAS Copyright (c) Jan Spacek } { Je to program na prepisanie textu do morzeovky a jeho vypipanie. } { } { Datum:14.11.2007 } program morzeovka; uses crt; const tab:array['A'..'Z'] of string[4] =('.-','-...','-.-.','-..','.','..-', '--.','....','..','.---','-.-','.-..','--','-.','---','.--.','--.-', '.-.','...','-','..-','...-','.--','-..-','-.--','--..'); var s{,a}: string; i: byte; {Pipanie} {begin writeln('Napis znak'); readln(a); for a:=1 to length(x) do if a='.' then begin sound(1000); delay(150); nosound; end; if a='-' then begin sound(1000); delay(500); nosound; end; end.} procedure ZVUK(s:string); var i:byte; begin write(s); for i:=1 to length(s) do begin if s[i]='-' then delay(300) else begin sound(1000); if s[i]='.' then delay(100) else delay(300); nosound; end; delay(150); end; end; Begin clrscr; writeln('PREVODNIK DO MORZEOVKY':50); writeln('Napiste text: '); readln(s); for i:=1 to length(s) do case s[i] of 'A'..'Z','a'..'z' : zvuk( TAB[ UpCase(s[i]) ] + chr(179)); ' ' : writeln; ' ':write(chr(179)); '.':write('stop'); end; readln; End.