Program readln 2 big numbers, maximal 100 digits, and add their
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: KMP (Club of young programmers)
Author: Vird
Program: Scitanie.pas
File exe: Scitanie.exe
Author: Vird
Program: Scitanie.pas
File exe: Scitanie.exe
Program readln 2 big numbers, maximal 100 digits, and add their.
{ SCITANIE.PAS Copyright (c) Vird } { Program ktory nacita 2 velke cisla aj viac ako 100 miestne } { a scita ich. } { } { Author: Vird } { Datum: 20.01.2007 } program cisla; uses crt; type TVelCislo=record cc:string; dlzka:integer; {dlzka retazca} end; var c,vc:TVelCislo; pom:array[1..100]of integer; m,n,i,x,d,d1,d2,d3:integer; procedure nacit; begin write('Zadaj 1 cislo = '); readln(; c.dlzka:=length(; write('Zadaj 2 cislo = '); readln(; vc.dlzka:=length(; write('Vysledok je = '); end; procedure PripocitajVC(cislo:TVelCislo; var vcislo:TVelCislo); begin i:=0; {...............ZACIATOK USEKU...........} if cislo.dlzka>=vcislo.dlzka then {zaciatok ked cislo1>cislo2} begin n:=vcislo.dlzka; m:=cislo.dlzka; while i<=m do begin i:=i+1; val([(m-i)+1],d1,d3); if i<=n then val([(n-i)+1],d2,d3) else d2:=0; d:=d1+d2+x; if d>=10 then begin pom[i]:=d mod 10; x:=1; end else begin pom[i]:=d; x:=0; end; end; if x>0 then pom[m+1]:=x; if pom[m+1]>0 then write(pom[m+1]); end; for i:=m downto 1 do write(pom[i]); if cislo.dlzka<vcislo.dlzka then {zaciatok ked cislo1<cislo2} begin m:=vcislo.dlzka; n:=cislo.dlzka; while i<=m do begin i:=i+1; val([(m-i)+1],d1,d3); if i<=n then val([(n-i)+1],d2,d3) else d2:=0; d:=d1+d2+x; if d>=10 then begin pom[i]:=d mod 10; x:=1; end else begin pom[i]:=d; x:=0; end; end; if x>0 then pom[m+1]:=x; if pom[m+1]>0 then write(pom[i]); for i:=m downto 1 do write(pom[i]); {.....KONIEC USEKU........} end; end; begin writeln('Program na scitanie 2 n-miestnych cisel'); nacit; pripocitajvc(c,vc); readln; end.