This program detect the extent and the capacity availablein the accessible discs
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Diskinfo.pas
File exe: Diskinfo.exe
File ubuntu: Diskinfo
Program: Diskinfo.pas
File exe: Diskinfo.exe
File ubuntu: Diskinfo
This program detect the extent and the capacity availablein the accessible discs. The result of the search is displayed, or stored in the file. Look at the ways it finds out whether the disc is hard or the network one, because this trick works even today. As far as the investigation about the capacity of disks is concerned, I must admit it needed more thorough elaboration.
{ DISKINFO.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Program vypise do suboru, ci na obrazovku (parameter /h) } { velkosti jednotlivych diskov, ktore su dostupne na PC } { spolu s ich charkteristikov : } { F - Floppy disk } { L - Hard disk, ci iny fyzicky paskvil na PC } { N - Net disk } { } { Datum:30.01.1998 } program zisti_disky; uses crt,dos; const open_vyluc=''; { subor obsahuje vymenovane subory } { ktore nema testovat } sub_res=''; { subor obsahuje velkosti jednotlivych diskov } var i:integer; dis:array[0..26] of boolean; poc_dis:byte; help:boolean; f:text; devka:string; function typ_disku(disk:byte):char; { Aky typ disku } { F - floppy } { L - hard disk, ci ine v PC } { N - netdisk, sietovy disk } var reg:registers; begin if not (disk in [1,2]) then begin { Ak to nie je disketa } Reg.Ah:=$44; Reg.Al:=$0F; Reg.Bl:=disk; Intr($21,Reg); { Zisti ci sa disk da citat } if Reg.Ah<>0 then dis[disk-1]:=false else begin Reg.Ah:=$44; Reg.Al:=$09; Reg.Bl:=disk; Intr($21,Reg); { Je to sietovy disk ? } if (Reg.DX and $1000)=$1000 then typ_disku:='N' else typ_disku:='L'; end; end else typ_disku:='F'; { Je to floppy disk ! velmi sa s tym nebabrem } end; procedure diskety; { Kolko ma disketovych mechanik } var Reg:registers; begin Intr($11,Reg); if (Reg.AX and $c0)=0 then dis[1]:=false; { Ma len jednu mechaniku takze nema B ... asi ! } if (Reg.AX and 1)=0 then dis[0]:=false; { Nema ziadnu mechaniku, takze nema A ... asi ! } end; procedure vylucit; { V subore open_vyluc vymenovane } var f:text; { disky, ktore nema testovat } ch:char; begin Assign(f,open_vyluc); {$I-} ReSet(f); {$I+} if IOResult=0 then begin repeat Read(f,ch); ch:=UpCase(ch); if (ch in ['A'..'Z']) then dis[ord(ch)-ord('A')]:=false; until (eof(f)); close(f); end; end; function sstr( cislo:longint; kolko:byte ):string; { sprav z cisla retazec. Joj Pascal } var pret:string; begin str(cislo:kolko,pret); sstr:=pret; end; procedure fWriteLn( tex:string ); { vypise na obrazovku, alebo do suboru } begin if help then WriteLn(tex) else WriteLn(f,tex); end; begin for i:=0 to ord('z')-ord('a')+1 do dis[i]:=true; poc_dis:=0;help:=false; diskety; { ake su diskety ??? } vylucit; { ake disky netestovat ? } if ParamCount>0 then begin devka:=ParamStr(1); if devka[2] in ['?','h','H'] then help:=true; end; { prejdi ci mozes testovat ! } for i:=1 to ord('z')-ord('a') do begin if dis[i] then if DiskSize(i+1)<0 then dis[i]:=false else inc(poc_dis); end; if not(help) then begin Assign(f,sub_res); {$I-} ReWrite(f); {$I+} if IOResult<>0 then halt(4); end; { Urob result svojej prace } fWriteLn(sstr(poc_dis,0)+' disks [ Size ] [ Free ]'); for i:=0 to ord('z')-ord('a') do begin if dis[i] then if DiskSize(i+1)>-1 then begin fWriteLn( chr(ord('A')+i) + ': ' + typ_disku(i+1) + sstr(DiskSize(i+1),14) +' '+ sstr(DiskFree(i+1),14) ) end else begin if i=0 then fWriteLn( chr(ord('A')+i) + ': ' + typ_disku(i+1) + sstr(1440000,14) +' '+ sstr(0,14) ) end; end; fWriteLn(''); fWriteLn('Software by TRSEK alias Zdeno Sekerak, Trnkov 18, Presov, 082 12'); fWriteLn('V subore '+open_vyluc+' mozno vymenovat disky ktore nema testovat.'); if not(help) then close(f); end.